Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Reynaldo on January 03, 2015, 05:41:55 PM

Title: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Reynaldo on January 03, 2015, 05:41:55 PM
As a node i mean just installing bitcoind on a raspberry pi and letting it run 24/7

Are there any implications that i have to be aware of? I have not found anything about the security related to the nodes, information is appreciated.

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: shorena on January 03, 2015, 06:18:31 PM
As a node i mean just installing bitcoind on a raspberry pi and letting it run 24/7

You will need >32GB for the blockchain data.

Are there any implications that i have to be aware of? I have not found anything about the security related to the nodes, information is appreciated.

Dont use it as a wallet and you are fine.

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Reynaldo on January 03, 2015, 06:28:21 PM
One more question, I've set it up and i have the space, 5tb will do.. is there any way to limit the bitcoind download/upload speeds?

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: dserrano5 on January 03, 2015, 06:53:10 PM
Are there any implications that i have to be aware of? I have not found anything about the security related to the nodes, information is appreciated.

Somehow I feel compelled to say: don't run it as root :P. Just in case!

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Reynaldo on January 03, 2015, 07:38:32 PM
Are there any implications that i have to be aware of? I have not found anything about the security related to the nodes, information is appreciated.

Somehow I feel compelled to say: don't run it as root :P. Just in case!

Haha obviously.. thanks :)
Does anyone know how to limit upload/download speed? should i just get a program that does it per process?

Title: This message was too old and has been purged
Post by: Evil-Knievel on January 03, 2015, 08:05:36 PM
This message was too old and has been purged

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Reynaldo on January 03, 2015, 08:13:39 PM
Are there any implications that i have to be aware of? I have not found anything about the security related to the nodes, information is appreciated.

Somehow I feel compelled to say: don't run it as root :P. Just in case!

Haha obviously.. thanks :)
Does anyone know how to limit upload/download speed? should i just get a program that does it per process?

1. Install "wondershaper"
sudo apt-get -y install wondershaper

2. Setup Up and Downloadlimits like this:
sudo wondershaper eth0 512 512

Thanks i've found dummynet and nethogs for monitoring.. its awesome, I'll also try wondershaper.

edit: seems like dummynet is far more complex too and its better used to simulate network traffic, wondershaper will do in conjuction with nethogs.

For references if anyone need

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Kipsy89 on January 03, 2015, 09:02:14 PM
Is a RaspberryPi capable of running a full node, actually? I though you needed a ton of memory to run a node effectively! How much memory do they have? I don't believe running a crappy node helps the network much, but rather cripples it even if the intent is good!

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Buziss on January 03, 2015, 09:53:02 PM
Is a RaspberryPi capable of running a full node, actually? I though you needed a ton of memory to run a node effectively! How much memory do they have? I don't believe running a crappy node helps the network much, but rather cripples it even if the intent is good!

The memory usage for Bitcoin Core doesn't necessarily be that much.
The heavy I/O load could be a problem for your SD card though.

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Reynaldo on January 04, 2015, 04:55:57 AM
Is a RaspberryPi capable of running a full node, actually? I though you needed a ton of memory to run a node effectively! How much memory do they have? I don't believe running a crappy node helps the network much, but rather cripples it even if the intent is good!

The memory usage for Bitcoin Core doesn't necessarily be that much.
The heavy I/O load could be a problem for your SD card though.

its not a problem since its running on an external HDD :)

Is a RaspberryPi capable of running a full node, actually? I though you needed a ton of memory to run a node effectively! How much memory do they have? I don't believe running a crappy node helps the network much, but rather cripples it even if the intent is good!

I've been monitoring it (downloading the database right now), and it does not go above 200 MB and I'm only allowing 10 connections till it finishes downloading the whole blockchain

I also use USBS for swap, my configuration file for fstab looks like this:


 # /etc/fstab: static file system information
 # <file system> <dir>   <type>  <options>   <dump>  <pass>
 /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot           vfat    defaults        0       0
 UUID=2f0e9dfa-7cf1-4a07-948c-19db56842bb4 /home f2fs discard,noatime,defaults 0
 UUID=13c7b5c8-f502-4e64-aa87-9e54c3729742 /tmp f2fs discard,noatime,defaults 0 0
 UUID=4fbfc14c-57c1-4449-9975-e5b90e14ac1e none swap defaults 0 0
 UUID=a0a96118-8332-4d64-a5ff-32c579548ec7 /var f2fs discard,noatime,defaults 0 0
 #HDD 4tb
 UUID=94d9f5b1-317b-4be3-83b3-d770bf820720 /home/XXX/Media ext4 discard,noatime,defaults 0 0

and df -h output:

 Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       1.7G  1.5G   54M  97% /
devtmpfs        214M     0  214M   0% /dev
tmpfs           218M     0  218M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           218M  420K  217M   1% /run
tmpfs           218M     0  218M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1   90M   25M   66M  28% /boot
/dev/mmcblk0p3   13G  760M   13G   6% /home
/dev/sdb1       3.6T  172G  3.3T   5% /home/one/Media
/dev/sda2       3.4G  1.5G  2.0G  43% /var
/dev/sda3       3.4G  261M  3.1G   8% /tmp
tmpfs            44M     0   44M   0% /run/user/1000

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: sifter on January 05, 2015, 03:02:05 PM
What are the benefits to yourself of running a node?

Title: Re: How secure is it to set up a bitcoin node?
Post by: Amph on January 05, 2015, 03:04:29 PM
don't create config with rpc calls, and you are fine, mine is running almost 16 hours a day