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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: General_A on January 04, 2015, 08:11:04 PM

Title: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: General_A on January 04, 2015, 08:11:04 PM
I know its hard to get rich, but what ways do you know that work to increase cash flow?

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: (oYo) on January 04, 2015, 09:14:38 PM
That depends on what you consider legitimate. If you just mean legal, then I'd have to go with owning a bank as being one of the top contenders. Being a creditor would come in just under that.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: Possum577 on January 04, 2015, 09:22:53 PM

But specifically, start thinking about what you can do with your time that will make you money. If you start thinking about time as your most valuable resources (and that this hour can never ben gotten back) you'll start to focus your effort and time on activities that will get you to your goal, which in this case is making money.

Good luck to you.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: PolarPoint on January 04, 2015, 09:28:11 PM
The most legitimate way to earn money is to get a job, save up and invest in some stocks. If you are adventurous, start a business and start reading books on running a business.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: Parazyd on January 04, 2015, 09:29:39 PM
Run a casino.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: KingOfSports on January 04, 2015, 09:42:29 PM
Not gambling, I'll tell you that one from experience.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: (oYo) on January 04, 2015, 09:44:20 PM

But specifically, start thinking about what you can do with your time that will make you money. If you start thinking about time as your most valuable resources (and that this hour can never ben gotten back) you'll start to focus your effort and time on activities that will get you to your goal, which in this case is making money.

Good luck to you.

Working for wages is one of the worst ways to make money. Unfortunately, (unless they already have tons of money) this is what most people do.

The most legitimate way to earn money is to get a job, save up and invest in some stocks. If you are adventurous, start a business and start reading books on running a business.

Having people work for you is better than working for someone else, but it takes business sense, ambition and a fair bit of luck to succeed at running a business. It also helps if you're a ruthless (dishonest) bastard. If you are decent and honest you may as well put the "Going out of business" sign up right off the bat. I know this from experience.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: picolo on January 04, 2015, 10:02:36 PM
I know its hard to get rich, but what ways do you know that work to increase cash flow?

Building a business, paying off debts that have high interest rates, get a second job, apply for tax cuts, ask your children to get a small job to pay for their entertainment expenses.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: panju1 on January 04, 2015, 10:28:00 PM
Get a job you like.  :)

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: sickhouse on January 04, 2015, 10:49:42 PM
Working is the easiest way, not the best. The best is propably selling weapons to both sides of a war or similar to this (eating your cake and having it too;) ).

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: kenbytes on January 05, 2015, 12:38:38 AM
create your own business ;)

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: picolo on January 05, 2015, 10:22:47 PM
create your own business ;)

Yes and decrease your expenses, especially the wasteful ones.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: criptix on January 05, 2015, 11:42:55 PM
be a banker and print your own money.  ;)

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: b!z on January 05, 2015, 11:50:23 PM
be a banker and print your own money.  ;)

If only life was that easy.

If it were that simple to make money, then every banker in the world would simply just print his or her own money. There would be no need left for them to work. It would cause massive inflation if they printed money non stop 24/7.

It is still fun to imagine though.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: Parazyd on January 06, 2015, 12:33:21 AM
be a banker and print your own money.  ;)

If only life was that easy.

If it were that simple to make money, then every banker in the world would simply just print his or her own money. There would be no need left for them to work. It would cause massive inflation if they printed money non stop 24/7.

It is still fun to imagine though.

Satoshi managed it ;)

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: Lauda on January 06, 2015, 01:00:05 AM
be a banker and print your own money.  ;)

If only life was that easy.

If it were that simple to make money, then every banker in the world would simply just print his or her own money. There would be no need left for them to work. It would cause massive inflation if they printed money non stop 24/7.

It is still fun to imagine though.

Satoshi managed it ;)
Then the best career advice of 2015 is: become Satoshi v2.  :D

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: (oYo) on January 06, 2015, 04:20:34 AM
be a banker and print your own money.  ;)

If only life was that easy.

If it were that simple to make money, then every banker in the world would simply just print his or her own money. There would be no need left for them to work. It would cause massive inflation if they printed money non stop 24/7.

It is still fun to imagine though.

Are you kidding? That is what they do. Sure it's not as direct as print >> pocket, but it's not that far off. If you own a business you don't pocket the money your business takes in straight away. It goes through the books first. Owning a bank is no different in this respect.

<edit> In less than 2 mins. the following video shows how fractional reserve banking works.
Fractional Reserve 101 - Foster Gamble (

As explained in the following article, banks can lend out up to 50 times more than what they have in reserve.
The banking system as a whole does create 10 times as much  and up to 50 times as much when they are allowed to lend out 98 cents on the dollar.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: twister on January 06, 2015, 07:50:25 AM
Just find a work for wages and if you save enough money you can start your own business. This is what I am doing, I have a plan for a business but don't have funds for it right now but soon I will and then I'll start.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: HeroCat on January 06, 2015, 08:44:40 AM
In Forex market you can make money, if you know how to do that  ;D

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: ndnh on January 06, 2015, 10:12:55 AM
I know its hard to get rich, but what ways do you know that work to increase cash flow?

Make a currency and get everyone to use it. :P TMed idea by ndnhc

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: GGGGG on January 06, 2015, 10:23:05 AM
I know its hard to get rich, but what ways do you know that work to increase cash flow?

Make a currency and get everyone to use it. :P TMed idea by ndnhc

Or, if you're a bit late to the game, you can stamp & gox coins from the currency someone has already created before you.  ;D

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: picolo on January 06, 2015, 10:43:19 AM
Just find a work for wages and if you save enough money you can start your own business. This is what I am doing, I have a plan for a business but don't have funds for it right now but soon I will and then I'll start.

It is better to start with money you saved than money you borrow.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: NeuroticFish on January 06, 2015, 12:06:53 PM
The most legitimate way to get money is to work or sell something you own and others want.

Unfortunately this will most likely NOT make you rich.

For getting rich you need a great idea and/or some good/big amount of money to start with.
Then you can do anything, from trading to owning a casino or a chain of gas stations.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: llanillo on January 06, 2015, 03:18:42 PM
You can earn money with Paidverts but you need to invest if you need more information about it Pm me

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: picolo on January 06, 2015, 05:27:52 PM
You can earn money with Paidverts but you need to invest if you need more information about it Pm me

He will not even earn change from Paidverts. He could loan money to people and profit from the interest rate he will charge.

Title: Re: Whats the best legitmate way you know of making money?
Post by: Daniel91 on January 06, 2015, 08:20:03 PM
Yes, PTC sites like Paidverts can be good ways to earn money online, but only if you can invest some money or have a lot referrals.
Otherwise, you can find a job as freelancer if you have good skills in programming, design etc.
or you can do paid administrative work online for companies like Lionbridge.