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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BitMos on January 05, 2015, 03:58:27 PM

Title: Is Mr Andrew Windsor a criminal?
Post by: BitMos on January 05, 2015, 03:58:27 PM
First - the BBC has lost all credibility in my eyes. First they cover, hide, support and provided mr saville... now we can see that the systemic problem at this public organization are still recurring. Again there is no presumption that the girl may say the truth. No direct, nothing she is a slut in for the money...

step 1. time to sell off the BBC to the market. there is no more space for such an infamous organization in the UK. we, market participants, will be able to clean this house fast, swiftly, and of course brutally, as we always do when the situation requires it.

but as we see, it may be a losing battle, why because like most of them are psychological subjects of the queen, I am not sure it's worth it...

but let's have some quotes, and what ever the truth, we (the horses riders), take her testimony with very serious consideration... so yes mr Dershowitz and A. Windsor, we are going to get to the bottom of the story.

but (3 ain't never enough), I can't believe that a man can be friend with the sex trafficker that was exposed in the us, without knowing what was going on... maybe we finally got the top of this uk scandal... it was from the house itself... nice...

Now and however, you subjects members of mi5,6 and electronically inferiors of the gchq, understand, on this issue, we click, click, click, and silent click... we will now the truth, stand on our path... and you will learn... and it will not be about playing guitar like a trash bag...

So yes

Alan Dershowitz "My goal is to bring charges against the client and require her to speak in court"

I was thinking everyone to a Polygraph under the supervision of the Imperial American Forces... let's see... but you know it's just a part of the signal... we know already.

Now about the victim, I hope she understand that what ever (lie or not) we are with her... and when I said that, I didn't came alone... In America we hate rapist, In China we kill them (big worry for me this story, I don't want that primitiveness in China, and that's why we extract), In Russia (we ghost), and finally in Isreal we do the job. Why? because if her story isn't true, ring of sex slaves exists. We are going to find them, save the girls, and (kill) put to justice and extract all of those implicated, including boat, plan, car drivers, valets, everyone that should have spoken will become an enemy of the 4. it will be very unfair, like detaining a girl against her will and using her as sex slave. but dear sinners you will not suffer (it impact the organ quality).

So dear cunt :

"the cunt declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong".

Understand that you never gave back what you stole from China. We can't ever forget. WE ARE FEED UP, your constant attack are very dangerous, for your house, we will try our best to spare the children, including the unborn, we have no beef against any of them. However they must be smart, and chose carefully, their side, because on this issue there is no way back.

Or you put the family first, like the cunt do, meaning that the truth and justice are just tools to seize and consolidate and keep power, or you chose the side of the righteous. So in short we fucking don't care of who you are, in our World it has 0 meaning...

thank you to cnn for their fairer coverage on this issue.

I remove the bbc for my tv receiver, and I will not be back, unless it's privatized and clear.

as final note, I hope that contrary to ISIS you will present yourself before the American Justice System. Your court are void before ours. The decontamination process of England, is getting in it's hardest phase... it's like what happened to the Vatican... only they started to act... this time it's just different, why? because it ain't an infiltration, but may be a popper in the family (you see presumption of innocence, meanwhile taking care of the allegations)... let's see if the king shit is just a façade for luxury... what I strongly believe. And without the PR machine of the BCC it will get tougher.

The United Chimeras (on this issue, at least;), U and you write Russia).

Title: Re: Is Mr Andrew Windsor a criminal?
Post by: BitMos on February 20, 2015, 12:38:37 PM
Any updates?  ;)