Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:16:14 AM

Title: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:16:14 AM
hey there guys, i installed the python miner using this bash script:
sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl subversion
svn checkout
cd python-jsonrpc/
sudo python install
cd ..
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate

however, when attempting to run, via
Code: -d1 --port=8332 --user=c***** --pass=***##*
i get this error
Code: command not found

how to fix?
Many thanks! and ill be sure to donate some bit coin to the one who fixes my problem! (as soon as i mine it of course)
if one is more inclined to help, will donate my first 6 hours of earnings to them. (gtx 570 ;) )

furthermore, with the lack of replies to this thread im starting to wonder weather i have made a stupid mistake!

Much obliged, gentlemen!

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: CydeWeys on May 21, 2011, 12:24:37 AM
.... you did change directories to the location where you extracted poclbm to before attempting to run that, right?

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: allinvain on May 21, 2011, 12:25:14 AM
Try: python ./ -d1 --port=8332 --user=c***** --pass=***##*

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:26:39 AM
.... you did change directories to the location where you extracted poclbm to before attempting to run that, right?

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: CydeWeys on May 21, 2011, 12:28:30 AM
... it sounds like your issue is general command-line knowledge, which is definitely a prerequisite to doing something like GPU mining against the OpenCL API.

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:32:44 AM
... it sounds like your issue is general command-line knowledge, which is definitely a prerequisite to doing something like GPU mining against the OpenCL API.
lmao, how do i fix this?

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 12:36:39 AM
generally by reading and learning

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:39:32 AM
generally by reading and learning

much obliged, mewantsbitcoins, care to write and inform, generally screwed the install over already, how can i fix this? or can i?
thanks, ;D

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: CydeWeys on May 21, 2011, 12:40:38 AM
Well you might start here:

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:44:13 AM
Well you might start here:

seems fairly a lengthy and drawn out process, would much rather somebody kindly give me the correct commands to fix the problem, in return for bitcoins i then make.

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 12:47:17 AM
Ok, let's try.
I haven't tried this miner before and generally it's a pain in the ass to get everything installed on linux, so let's just try simple commands and see - maybe if you installed it via apt-get it also installed all dependencies and we get lucky. Otherwise I recommend you try LinuxCoin

Now, go into the directory you installed your miner and type

python -d1 --port=8332 --user=c***** --pass=***##*

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:51:09 AM
Ok, let's try.
I haven't tried this miner before and generally it's a pain in the ass to get everything installed on linux, so let's just try simple commands and see - maybe if you installed it via apt-get it also installed all dependencies and we get lucky. Otherwise I recommend you try LinuxCoin

Now, go into the directory you installed your miner and type

python -d1 --port=8332 --user=c***** --pass=***##*

this has returned the same error code, 'python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory'
ill switch to booting linux coin from a usb stick then.

thanks for the help. :)

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 12:52:38 AM
Well, linux distribution at the moment is not the problem. The problem is that you try running that command, but you are not in the miner directory

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 12:56:45 AM
Well, linux distribution at the moment is not the problem. The problem is that you try running that command, but you are not in the miner directory

i realise this, however how can i get to the correct directory, after not specifying one?  ???

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 01:01:45 AM
Ok, I see that we won't get far this way. I recommend you download that LinuxCoin distro and then if you have problems starting your miner, come back here or feel free to pm me and we'll sort it out  ;)

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 01:05:33 AM
Ok, I see that we won't get far this way. I recommend you download that LinuxCoin distro and then if you have problems starting your miner, come back here or feel free to pm me and we'll sort it out  ;)
haha, okay, thanks mewantsbitcoins, although in reality all you offered up was a bit of common sence and logik, will still honour my agreement.
much abliged.

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: SomeoneWeird on May 21, 2011, 01:26:31 AM
Ok, I see that we won't get far this way. I recommend you download that LinuxCoin distro and then if you have problems starting your miner, come back here or feel free to pm me and we'll sort it out  ;)
haha, okay, thanks mewantsbitcoins, although in reality all you offered up was a bit of common sence and logik, will still honour my agreement.
much abliged.


chmod +x
./ <args>

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 01:28:18 AM
how adding execute permissions to nonexistent file is going to help?

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 01:33:40 AM
Ok, I see that we won't get far this way. I recommend you download that LinuxCoin distro and then if you have problems starting your miner, come back here or feel free to pm me and we'll sort it out  ;)
haha, okay, thanks mewantsbitcoins, although in reality all you offered up was a bit of common sence and logik, will still honour my agreement.
much abliged.


chmod +x
./ <args>

callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~$ chmod +x
chmod: cannot access `': No such file or directory
callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~$ ./ <args>
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~$ python -d1 --port=8332 --user=**** pass=****
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 01:36:42 AM
cal.97 if you really determined to try and make this work try

sudo updatedb

then you should see the path where your resides. or just post the output and we'll see where it's at

edit: are you downloading LinuxCoin?

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 01:44:36 AM
cal.97 if you really determined to try and make this work try

sudo updatedb

then you should see the path where your resides. or just post the output and we'll see where it's at

edit: are you downloading LinuxCoin?
yes i am downloading linuxcoin :)
also i will try this, thanks.

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: allinvain on May 21, 2011, 02:00:29 AM
yeah you're not even in the right directory I bet...

try typing "ls" and then "pwd"  to see where you are

once you find the folder where you have the phoenix miner type "cd <insert folder name>" and press enter.

then try that whole python command..

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 02:02:23 AM
cal.97 if you really determined to try and make this work try

sudo updatedb

then you should see the path where your resides. or just post the output and we'll see where it's at

edit: are you downloading LinuxCoin?
currently installing linuxcoin on a usb stick, or attempting, and those commands return nothing :/

callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~$ sudo updatedb
[sudo] password for callam:


callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~$ locate

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 02:03:27 AM
that means your script did not install the miner for whatever reason. let me know how it goes with linuxcoin

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 02:09:15 AM
yeah you're not even in the right directory I bet...

try typing "ls" and then "pwd"  to see where you are

once you find the folder where you have the phoenix miner type "cd <insert folder name>" and press enter.

then try that whole python command..

taking iwantbitcoins advice ran the script again, and using your commands managed to locate bitminere0.something or other..

callam@wejwdfijsfhjnfhndlvjnvanldsndvnsvn:~/bitcoin-0.3.19$ python -d1 --port=8332 --user=**** pass=****
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    from BitcoinMiner import *
  File "/home/callam/bitcoin-0.3.19/", line 8, in <module>
    from sha256 import *
ImportError: No module named sha256

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 21, 2011, 02:10:58 AM
I think that error is related to sdk not being present. In short - get linuxcoin running  ;)

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: cal.97 on May 21, 2011, 10:49:42 AM
yeah you're not even in the right directory I bet...

try typing "ls" and then "pwd"  to see where you are

once you find the folder where you have the phoenix miner type "cd <insert folder name>" and press enter.

then try that whole python command..

Ding! correct answer! miner working fine after relocating my sha.256 file or something and followed your instructions!
thank you!
Much obliged my friend!

Title: Re: having serious issues Bitcoin mining, please help!
Post by: allinvain on May 22, 2011, 06:09:19 AM
yeah you're not even in the right directory I bet...

try typing "ls" and then "pwd"  to see where you are

once you find the folder where you have the phoenix miner type "cd <insert folder name>" and press enter.

then try that whole python command..

Ding! correct answer! miner working fine after relocating my sha.256 file or something and followed your instructions!
thank you!
Much obliged my friend!

You're welcome. And welcome to the mining get diggin' :P