Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Delek on January 20, 2015, 01:14:15 PM

Title: [C parser] How to check if this transaction data is ok?
Post by: Delek on January 20, 2015, 01:14:15 PM
Hi there guys!, I'm writing another Blockchain parser in C.
Atm I have completely read all blocks (~130mb each one) and the program is outputting information that seems to be ok, however, how could I check out if this information is ACTUALLY ok?; take a look at this output for example:

Quote from: Soft
Prev Block Hash: 000000000000000065709a9a4aaeea6108f0c288af277b0cc1826c7e8ea908cc

 - Transaction 0
 - - - Prev tx: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 from output 4294967295  Script: 03cf3104e4b883e5bda9e7a59ee4bb99e9b1bc52b76272ffb1ede86953c87d93a8b664fa598eaab 1888d4db0128ec70ccafb020400000000000000b851516500000000000003cf4d696e6564206279 20757365722077616e673636383836393037
 - - - Output 0 Satoshis 1161932642346598400 Script: 76a914c825a1ecf2a6830c4401620c3a16f1995057c2ab88ac

 - Transaction 1
 - - - Prev tx: 18106b50b5be65e644cb8044d712cb98e76a836da26350e4debc72aca770d05c from output 1  Script: 483045022024d6501f26e5200f930ac120104e2452810277f588a1700e15763565b76d7a7e02210 0b383c56575a1d5ac5703ec1be7e308713c16dd33885be78766ff566c86d6212801210275811580 2e2a9b7ed08a47bb966824cf299e54a31035c8ac8e0dec3a12ec3cd1
 - - - Output 0 Satoshis 14178876884254720 Script: 76a914eaa191f519cb90557f99bed963cd8943a7e99a4b88ac
 - - - Output 1 Satoshis 57027523489300480 Script: 76a914b20252ea508b5c8790ea0e42c0002503dfb0b62488ac

 - Transaction 2
 - - - Prev tx: fad405bccd41fea34cf39077c51a3f9e89f42f1d4398965c6d90c0750756f03d from output 0  Script: 493046022100e0b1b6b9126aed4956654e59daf97deb2af39a9482d63016d4820b47d47e3cda022 100f816e85d022d9ff5e9c510100e1bc6ff18f1605d81e20077007e5c5ded1bf0830121030c0485 70c5d26bc93a40640710eba7908c6e8b28cbf11ee94941c812e4bb41aa
 - - - Output 0 Satoshis 2089140485833621504 Script: 76a914d20f9801da48203aa5c00d11250fcbe9c038713588ac
 - - - Output 1 Satoshis 4858284486304989184 Script: 76a914205591d19cb7894f43fb5330ea49b1d5da3e651188ac

 - Transaction 3
 - - - Prev tx: 49709ac2faeee2c85831d3c95f2baeefc1a622bafd177ff1f7a6d17a73aabf49 from output 0  Script: 493046022100cfdc199ee8337fbe3d14bc4bb399711d1f1914ab7f52a63ff8e1f432c99fbd4e022 100a2d57560ade3cdb639efd973003d58e978360434a88464ed5e4a01f65d856433012103a16825 ea6db2112140c3473d7dc82c6733bb46f1b6af04871aa5b00c8b4b3944
 - - - Output 0 Satoshis 3766029635272310784 Script: 76a914601a270adc1e663ed4caa50fdcac319e5a886d1488ac
 - - - Output 1 Satoshis 8011388100515201024 Script: 76a9143045e0ad4f3d8496fb7d8651909cd5ec40f3479c88ac

End of block...

As this being a chain, everything references to the previous thing, so, how could I check that THIS block is ok?, where is the hash of the current block?, I need to mine it?, if I mine it I will not find the same hash that is in the main blockchain; so WTF?, I'm missing something isn'it?

Thanks a lot.

Title: Re: How to check if this transaction data is ok?
Post by: amaclin on January 20, 2015, 04:09:03 PM

but if you are parsing existing blocks you can skip almost all checks
bitcoin core client did them already
you should only skip non-mainchain blocks from blk***.dat files

Title: Re: How to check if this transaction data is ok?
Post by: Delek on January 20, 2015, 04:31:57 PM

but if you are parsing existing blocks you can skip almost all checks
bitcoin core client did them already
you should only skip non-mainchain blocks from blk***.dat files
Sorry if I didn't express myself properly; what I'm trying to figure out is if the data posted corresponds 100% to a certain block. I thought that it would be as easy as writing the block hash @
Prev Block Hash: 000000000000000065709a9a4aaeea6108f0c288af277b0cc1826c7e8ea908cc

But obviously, this will not give to me the current block information, only the PREVIOUS block information. How can I know the Hash of the block that I'm analyzing?

Title: Re: How to check if this transaction data is ok?
Post by: amaclin on January 20, 2015, 04:47:57 PM
But obviously, this will not give to me the current block information, only the PREVIOUS block information. How can I know the Hash of the block that I'm analyzing?
blockhash is not stored in block
because it can be calculated
SHA256 ( SHA256 ( blockheader ) )

Title: Re: [C parser] How to check if this transaction data is ok?
Post by: Delek on January 20, 2015, 04:55:30 PM
OH shit, you're right. Thanks a lot!