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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: check_status on July 18, 2012, 12:22:46 AM

Title: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: check_status on July 18, 2012, 12:22:46 AM
Steam’d penguins? Is it a recipe for an exotic South Pole dish? Perhaps it’s one of those bizarre YouTube videos of penguins in a sauna cavorting with the Swedish Bikini team?

The truth is that this is the first post of the Valve Linux blog. This blog is where you can find the latest information from Valve about our Linux development efforts. Avoid the rumors and speculations that multiply on the Web. Instead, come to the source – a blog where people who are interested in Linux and open source game development can get the latest information on Valve’s efforts in this arena. In this initial post, we’ll introduce the team (and a bit of its history) and then give you a snapshot of what we’re currently doing.

The goal of the Steam client project is a fully-featured Steam client running on Ubuntu 12.04. We’ve made good progress this year and now have the Steam client running on Ubuntu with all major features available. We’re still giving attention and effort to minor features but it’s a good experience at the moment. In the near future, we will be setting up an internal beta focusing on the auto-update experience and compatibility testing.

Since the Steam client isn’t much without a game, we’re also porting Left4Dead 2 to Ubuntu. This tests the game-related features of the Steam client, in addition to L4D2 gameplay on Ubuntu. Over the last few months, excellent progress has been made on several fronts and it now runs natively on Ubuntu 12.04. We’re working hard to improve the performance and have made good progress (more on that in a future post). Our goal is to have L4D2 performing under Linux as well as it performs under Windows.

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: grantbdev on July 18, 2012, 01:18:54 AM
I'm excited :D

GNU/Linux is definitely to way to go as Windows 8 will bomb on the desktop. Gabe Newell knows that.

I'm not very optimistic that they will open their code (and I'm a little frustrated with their generic abuse of the term 'open source'), I think they have a big opportunity to improve hardware support. Hopefully they can push NVIDIA into free software drivers.

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: myrkul on July 18, 2012, 01:48:23 AM
I'm excited :D

Me too. ;D

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: lordcirth on July 20, 2012, 09:09:57 PM
I'm very excited, but ofc they'll never release the code, so I'll be forced to cave on non-FOSS on least one install. Not to mention we'll probably need to use a Debian-based distro at first. Maybe a Debian install with Steam and all the non-FOSS contained in there?

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: illpoet on July 21, 2012, 12:57:16 AM
that would be very very cool.  steams current hate for wine is what keeps me out of ubuntu a good bit of the time.  I wish i were a little more savvy and could make the games run better.  I think windows 8 will bomb also, because from everything i've read its geared towards touchscreens and makes mousing difficult.  As much as i think tablets/touchscreens are cool i think its being overforced on us.  Since we (ie gamers/computer geeks) ultimately decide which way computer tech goes (not unlike how porn addicts decide what dvd/vcr format is used) i think we'll start pushing things more towards linux.   i could be dreaming tho.

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: jago25_98 on July 22, 2012, 05:56:49 PM
I think if I was going for this I'd prefer to reboot into a dedicated environment. Installing Steam as root would give them carte-blanche to my system otherwise.

Title: Re: Steam Client for Linux: Valve Linux
Post by: swissmate on July 22, 2012, 09:36:53 PM
wow that's some good stuff, if steam gets on linux and also a couple games, I think tons of people would change to linux including myself.