Bitcoin Forum

Local => Nederlands (Dutch) => Topic started by: BTCurious on July 18, 2012, 02:10:18 PM

Title: Ƀ
Post by: BTCurious on July 18, 2012, 02:10:18 PM
Ik sprak net met Matthew van Bitcoin magazine. Ze gaan in de Barnes & Noble editie van Bitcoin Magazine (#3) een artikel over het Bitcoin symbool doen. Ze stellen voor om vanaf nu het nieuwe symbool, Ƀ, te gebruiken, die al in unicode zit en niet wordt gebruikt voor enige currency. Zie voor meer argumentatie.

Als je meedoet als bedrijf of individu, laat het me dan ff weten, dan geef ik dat door aan Matthew en voegt hij je toe aan deze lijst hier als supporter:

Edit: Hier een custom keyboard layout:
US-international layout (wat de meeste mensen hebben), maar dan met Ƀ onder AltGr+B (of Ctrl+Alt+B).

Als er behoefte is aan andere layouts moet je het maar even zeggen.

Quote from: Matthew & Mqrius
[02:41:59 PM] Matthew N. Wright: We'll be releasing a new article in the Barnes and Noble first issue about the Bitcoin symbol and how it cannot work the way it is (it is incompatible with -anything- in the world right now), and showing everyone how to use the new recommended symbol (originally recommended by ). The symbol is Ƀ (U+0243)

This is an excerpt from the site: "Ƀ (U+0243) is a unicode character used as a "capitalized alternate symbol for the voiced bilabial fricative in Americanist phonetic notation". It is included in a lot of typefaces such as Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, Helvetica, Deja vu, Linux Biolinum, Linux Libertine, FreeSerif, Geneva, Gentium Plus, Microsoft sans serif, and many more..."

If I can get confirmation from you that you will adopt this standard symbol, I would like to list your name in the "supporters" column of
[02:43:03 PM] Mqrius: Yeah, sure, I'll add it to my keyboard layout :)
[02:43:23 PM] Mqrius: What are these adoption tiers?
[02:45:10 PM] Matthew N. Wright: 1st means they're leading the pack
[02:45:15 PM] Matthew N. Wright: 2nd means they're going right after that
[02:45:17 PM] Matthew N. Wright: and 3rd means unsure
[02:45:39 PM] Mqrius: I'll take 1st :)
[02:46:02 PM] Mqrius: 's about time there was some decision about the logo
[02:46:35 PM] Mqrius: I don't like the colors much though :x
[02:46:44 PM] Matthew N. Wright: Nah, the colors are not required
[02:46:45 PM] Mqrius: They look depressing
[02:46:46 PM | Edited 02:46:49 PM] Matthew N. Wright: What's your email again?
[02:46:50 PM] Mqrius:
[02:48:15 PM] Mqrius: can/shall I spread this to people that may want to be on the list?
[02:48:24 PM] Matthew N. Wright: Yes!
[02:48:26 PM] Matthew N. Wright: Anyone!
[02:48:28 PM] Matthew N. Wright: Any businesses too!

Edit over de tiers:
1st = Front line
2nd = Ready to go when front line does
3rd = Need to see the effects of front line to decide
4th = Will do anything the "community" does

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on August 05, 2012, 12:25:02 AM
Just use ALT + 579!


Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: wachtwoord on August 05, 2012, 12:30:49 AM
I don't like it, use the other one (like a Dollar but with a B, the second submission on If it has to be unicode just use the Thai Baht one. So many currencies use $ it's ridiculous, so who cares a bunch of Thai are already using it ;)

To paraphrase another user: Your proposal looks like someone with a stick up his butt.

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: irritant on August 05, 2012, 12:33:33 AM
฿ ?

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on August 05, 2012, 12:36:05 AM
I don't like it

Thanks for sharing! Look for the article explaining it better in the next issue of Bitcoin Magazine and on the website.

Here are just a few public supporters for the change:

Business Supporters		Site				Adoption Tier
Bitcoin Magazine 1st
SafeBit 1st
WalletBit 1st
ResponsePay 1st
Slush's Pool 1st
Cheaper in Bitcoins 1st
Starcraft Bitcoin Open 1st
BitStamp 1st
Pos-A-Doll 1st
DCAO 1st
AnonymousAds 1st
Bitcurex 1st
Crowncloud VPS 1st
Private Internet Access™ 1st
Apollo Digital Goods 1st
BitVOIP 1st
StuffExists 1st
Bitcoin Advertising 1st
h33t Torrents 1st
Bit-Pay 2nd
Coinabul 2nd
Blockchain 2nd
Bitonic 2nd
Cacascius Coins 3rd
Strike Sapphire 3rd
CryptoXChange 3rd

Personal Advocates Contact
Matthew N. Wright
Eli Sklar
Mihai Alisie
Vladimir Marchenko
Vitalik Buterin
Marek Palatinus
Willem van Rooyen
Marius van Voorden
Brian Santos
Burt Wagner
Pim Muilwijk
Stefan Thomas ~
Andrew Lee
Daniel Smith
David Schwartz
Jan Moller
Jonathan Ryan Owens
Erik Voorhees
Richard Vialoux
Colin Dean @colindean
Jean-Francois Arseneau

Application Site Adoption Tier
BitcoinSpinner 1st

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: wachtwoord on August 05, 2012, 12:39:27 AM
The fact that those guys like it doesn't make me like it more :P

But please write about it, in the end the majority of the users will decide anyway. (I am used to typing EUR already anyway as I have no Euro-sign on my keyboard, currently I am doing the same for BTC).

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on August 05, 2012, 12:41:16 AM
The fact that those guys like it doesn't make me like it more :P

But please write about it, in the end the majority of the users will decide anyway. (I am used to typing EUR already anyway as I have no Euro-sign on my keyboard, currently I am doing the same for BTC).

Yea, I will still use BTC and it is impossible to erase BTC from the history of Bitcoin (lol) but I believe we should start making things easier for the community and newcomers, and I figure what better place to start than the very symbol we use?

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: irritant on August 05, 2012, 12:43:45 AM
wachtwoord: Erik Voorhees is also pro change , that guy in your signature   :P

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: wachtwoord on August 05, 2012, 12:46:08 AM
Isn't that called an "argumentum ad auctoritatem" ? ;)

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: irritant on August 05, 2012, 12:56:47 AM
i dont know

ß, ฿, Ƀ, Б, Ъ, Ѣ 

i dont really care,  i like the Ѣ because they stopped using it in 1918

as long as it works i'm happy

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on August 05, 2012, 01:02:05 AM
i dont know

ß, ฿, Ƀ, Б, Ъ, Ѣ  

i dont really care,  i like the Ѣ because they stopped using it in 1918

as long as it works i'm happy

Hehe. I'm gonna use Ѣ for bitcents from now on ^_^

Ƀ0.1000000 = Ѣ1000000

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: wasta on August 05, 2012, 01:33:33 PM
The fact that those guys like it doesn't make me like it more :P

But please write about it, in the end the majority of the users will decide anyway. (I am used to typing EUR already anyway as I have no Euro-sign on my keyboard, currently I am doing the same for BTC).

Hi wachtwoord, so what do you get if you press on ctrl , alt , 5 , simultaneously.

Please share your findings in your answer, I would like to see what you get....

Met vriendelijke groet  , Wasta

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: wachtwoord on August 05, 2012, 04:00:06 PM
When I type that nothing comes up.

Title: Re: Ƀ
Post by: elena.m on August 06, 2012, 04:22:47 AM
I am used to typing EUR already anyway as I have no Euro-sign on my keyboard, currently I am doing the same for BTC.

If you're using Linux, you may be interested in the compose key (