Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: funtotry on January 29, 2015, 07:55:47 PM

Title: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: funtotry on January 29, 2015, 07:55:47 PM
Just wanted to see the average political leaning of the bitcoin community, its a currency against banks and that sort of thing so I would assume there would be some political leaning in this forum especially.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: funtotry on January 29, 2015, 07:59:28 PM
I am personally conservative and therefore right wing. I believe smaller governments are better, and most of what the regular conservative believes in, but I have slightly different views on gay marriage and abortion.
I am for gay marriage being allowed (but not enforcing every church to provide it)
I am also for abortion to be provided but the abortion must be performed within the first month or so, maybe a certain deadline to have it performed, and if it is reported as a rape, the fees for it would be waved, otherwise the government shouldn't be responsible for paying for abortions.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Wilikon on January 29, 2015, 08:01:54 PM
Just wanted to see the average political leaning of the bitcoin community, its a currency against banks and that sort of thing so I would assume there would be some political leaning in this forum especially.

Wow! That poll is extremely short sighted. It is as if Wilikon would have made a "Male or Female and why?'" poll :-)

The world is not just black or white.  ;)

I guess "none of the above for me"

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: (oYo) on January 29, 2015, 08:07:22 PM
Being somewhat of an anarchist, I don't have any wings.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: saddampbuh on January 29, 2015, 08:20:06 PM
against capitalism against homosexualism against miscegenation against zionist wars usually against abortion but for it in the third world as population control god knows if any of that fits into left of right

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: freedomno1 on January 29, 2015, 08:25:51 PM
Left wing libertarian cypherpunk with a leaning towards the extroprians so you tell me

I like having freedom of choice and political freedom with economic choices that are not always tied to fiat like Bitcoin.
A strong believer in the use of cryptography as a route to social and political change
I believe that online access to information should remain unrestricted and uncontrolled, aka I am for the internet wild west over a regulated system.
That their is an evolving framework of values and standards for continuously improving the human condition and that we can involve ourselves in them.

I dislike too much capitalism and do believe that social structures are important in healthcare, water resources, and that there should be some minimum standard of living provided as the economic burden of poverty is worse than prevention through initiatives like Housing first, and that many mental and social issues could be dealt with using preventative healthcare instead of prisons like in the USA.

To relate to funtotry on some key issues

I prefer traditional marriage can tolerate gay marriage but not the prosecution by gay rights groups on people for sticking up to their beliefs the Mozilla case, the Baker in Illinois and that they be treated as a lifestyle choice not as a race issue using that basis to advocate for special rights. AKA I can bully you guys because your bigots line of logic and silence opposition but you can't touch us because were minorities and we will remove you from power where ever we can.

I am neutral on abortion as it is a choice, I think the pro-rights grotesque images is going to far with that but at the same time do believe that after a certain point adoption may be better.
Rape babies is complicated, I would say blame the act but not the victim for their choice in that matter.

Not sure what other key issues there are probably a few so depends is my answer.

Edit In:
I guess Isidewith helped a bit there with the top two issues

Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, or danger to the mother or child's health
No, allow civil unions for same-sex couples but don't call it marriage I guess or Yes, but allow churches the right to refuse gay marriage ceremonies

Heh Green party.
Green Party.74 , Democrats .73 , Libertarians .6 Constitution .5 Conservative .46 Socialist .41 GOP .34
Social Conservative/Rep, Domestic Democrat, Green Healthcare and Foreign Policy, Republican Education, Libertarian Immigration, Environmental Democrat, and Libertarian/Green Economy.
1 Con  1 Rep 1 Lib 2 Dem 2 Green

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: funtotry on January 29, 2015, 08:30:20 PM
against capitalism against homosexualism against miscegenation against zionist wars usually against abortion but for it in the third world as population control god knows if any of that fits into left of right
Wow thats a lot on both sides. Take into consideration all of your beliefs and decide how much right or left, or if your in the dead center.
A website to help with this would be

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Lethn on January 29, 2015, 08:40:02 PM
A lot of people here can't be pigeonholed into the mainstream political compass, I'm actually pretty centrist, I really like free market capitalism and I won't budge at all on rights to expression and speech, so I definitely don't fit into the labour/conservative or democrat/republican politics. I do tend to consider myself an Anarcho-voluntrist but If I were to pick a government it would be one founded on direct democracy, I think the current democratic systems are a joke, what pisses me off about the whole left/right bullshit is that whenever you disagree with someone they automatically assume you must be with 'their' enemy. It doesn't enter into the heads of a lot of people that there are more than two viewpoints about a particular political, social or economic issue.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Lay-z on January 29, 2015, 08:42:52 PM
Fuselage, cause it's more comfy :)

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Wilikon on January 29, 2015, 08:46:57 PM
against capitalism against homosexualism against miscegenation against zionist wars usually against abortion but for it in the third world as population control god knows if any of that fits into left of right
Wow thats a lot on both sides. Take into consideration all of your beliefs and decide how much right or left, or if your in the dead center.
A website to help with this would be

That is what I was saying. Bitcoin attracts people from both sides because they felt their side betrayed them. Or they cannot fit in the mold created by their side. The last poll was overwhelmingly on the right wing side, just because the left wing side ideology is mostly based on some kind of centralized power of smart never elected people who decide for the masses.

Also every human goes from extreme right to extreme left every hour of the day, everyday. You could be for abortion until your wife tells you she does not want a boy...

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on January 30, 2015, 09:11:19 PM
I'm a delegate in my county and state's republican party but I'm very much a libertarian yet an ancap at heart. Outside of being in the bitcoin world, I try to do my part in making the republican party more libertarianish as opposed to it staying a clone of what someone thinks is George Bush.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: pattu1 on January 31, 2015, 06:02:37 AM
I guess it would be tough for somebody who is into Bitcoin to be left leaning.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: maurya78 on January 31, 2015, 08:13:38 AM
Center Right politically, liberal social values. would prob be a moderate republican in the US context

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: TrailingComet on January 31, 2015, 08:17:20 AM
I definitely skew right, borderline libertarian

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Bizmark13 on February 01, 2015, 12:43:10 AM
Libertarians were overrepresented among Bitcoiners especially in its early days and I suspect this is still true today. Libertarians tend to be right wing on economic issues and left wing on social issues so a poll with only "left wing" and "right wing" as the options might not accurately reflect the actual political leanings of the community.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Lethn on February 01, 2015, 01:03:50 AM
Libertarians were overrepresented among Bitcoiners especially in its early days and I suspect this is still true today. Libertarians tend to be right wing on economic issues and left wing on social issues so a poll with only "left wing" and "right wing" as the options might not accurately reflect the actual political leanings of the community.

Exactly, in mainstream politics if we were defined accurately many of us including Anarchists would be defined as centrists but instead we're just written off as fringe crazies who want chaos and disorder because we don't subscribe to the views of the major parties. I don't think any Anarchist can truly be against the free market and so on because the alternative would be an extremely centralised system which in turn would inevitably lead to a state, no matter what the Anarcho-communists out there would have you believe, I do find myself agreeing with the Anarcho-syndicalist ideas a bit though.

Point is, if you actually believe in helping people and fixing the problems we have left or right isn't going to be the answer you have to look at it from a scientific and mathematical perspective and that requires free thought, something which niether side of the extremes generally possess because they're either too brainwashed or too stubborn to look at different solutions.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: BitCoinNutJob on February 01, 2015, 11:57:25 AM
Just wanted to see the average political leaning of the bitcoin community, its a currency against banks and that sort of thing so I would assume there would be some political leaning in this forum especially.

heart is with left wing my head is with right wing.  some kind of anarcho communist society that actually works would always be the best.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: unamis76 on February 01, 2015, 12:13:44 PM
I don't support any wing. I was raised with the idea that all politicians final goal is to steal people's money, so I really don't support any party. When asked this question I usually say that my party is the pirate party ;D

If people respected each other and knew how to behave, we could perfectly well live in anarchy. Unfortunately, that's not the case :)

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: coinz19 on February 01, 2015, 07:20:35 PM
I believe in less government period, whether it be conservative or right wing. Sometimes less is more.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: neurotypical on February 01, 2015, 08:05:16 PM
All wings suck unless you have a lot of money. So... Bitcoin-wing.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: funtotry on February 01, 2015, 08:06:21 PM
Thanks for the input, lots of people said that they didn't want to side with one because with most issues they could be with both sides.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: manselr on February 02, 2015, 03:09:56 PM
Left wings have positive stuff and so do right wing views, even tho both sides are always delusional about themselves.

Title: Re: Right wing or left wing and why?
Post by: Possum577 on February 02, 2015, 07:43:36 PM

To declare yourself as one party or another takes away the inherent right to choose or vote each year. Why take that choice away from yourself?

Change your poll to add a third option. It's the independents that decide elections...not those that already declare they'll always vote right or always vote left.