Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: epi 1:10,000 on May 22, 2011, 10:12:12 PM

Title: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: epi 1:10,000 on May 22, 2011, 10:12:12 PM
All Your Base Are Belong To Us!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: Xer on May 22, 2011, 10:51:27 PM
So, Skynet next?

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: jarly on May 22, 2011, 11:01:59 PM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: Convery on May 22, 2011, 11:12:33 PM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?
What else would you measure it in?

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: Quantumplation on May 22, 2011, 11:17:12 PM
What else would you measure it in?

... Hashes per second?  1 FLOP is Float Operation, and there are many float operations per hash, so it's kind of a misleading unit of measurement when talking about network performance.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: LMGTFY on May 22, 2011, 11:20:02 PM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?
I assume it's because bitcoinwatch ( shows TeraFLOP/s (as well as Gigahashs/s).

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: epi 1:10,000 on May 23, 2011, 12:17:27 AM
So, Skynet next?

The land of Oz is building Skynet

Bitcoin v. SkyNet v. Folding

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: smooth on May 23, 2011, 12:23:46 AM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?
I assume it's because bitcoinwatch ( shows TeraFLOP/s (as well as Gigahashs/s).
What does that even mean?  There is no floating point in hashing.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: 1bitc0inplz on May 23, 2011, 01:09:05 AM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?

because hashes/sec is meaning outside of Bitcoin. If we want to know how big the network is versus a super computer, what else would you measure it in?

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: xenon481 on May 23, 2011, 01:17:17 AM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?

because hashes/sec is meaning outside of Bitcoin. If we want to know how big the network is versus a super computer, what else would you measure it in?

Integer Operations and Floating Point Operations are not comparable.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: 1bitc0inplz on May 23, 2011, 01:20:08 AM
Integer Operations and Floating Point Operations are not comparable.

Of course... but then the whole hash/sec on Bitcoin Watch is an estimate anyway...

So, when you get down to it, all these numbers are meaningless.

However, knowing a rough ballpark of a FLOPs rate *is* interesting, because it does help you think in scale of the TOP 500.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: xenon481 on May 23, 2011, 01:26:55 AM
Integer Operations and Floating Point Operations are not comparable.

Of course... but then the whole hash/sec on Bitcoin Watch is an estimate anyway...

So, when you get down to it, all these numbers are meaningless.

However, knowing a rough ballpark of a FLOPs rate *is* interesting, because it does help you think in scale of the TOP 500.

But you can't actually assume any kind of estimate of how many FLOPs our network is. If I can do 2 Integer operations in one clock but only Floating Point operation per clock, you can't just say my 8 million integer operations per second are the equivalent of 8MFLOPS. Some hardware can even do 4 Integer operations in the same time it takes to do one single Floating Point operation.

Edit: For hashing, the proper network computational power unit is MIPS instead of FLOPS.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: ArtForz on May 23, 2011, 01:35:10 AM
I get about half that assuming vast majority of hashrate is ATI 5xxx GPUs.
3Thps = about 8300 5870s = about 22.5PFLOPS peak single precision, 4.5PFLOPS peak double precision.

Title: Re: The network just hit 40 PetaFLOPS!
Post by: LMGTFY on May 23, 2011, 08:18:02 PM
Why are you measuring hashes/s in FLOPS?
I assume it's because bitcoinwatch ( shows TeraFLOP/s (as well as Gigahashs/s).
What does that even mean?  There is no floating point in hashing.

It means exactly what I said: that bitcoinwatch displays TeraFLOP/s as well as Gigahashs/s. I have no idea why; you'd need to ask them.