Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Phenophthalyn on January 31, 2015, 01:48:40 AM

Title: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Phenophthalyn on January 31, 2015, 01:48:40 AM
So I found a great and unique idea for making a text-based game with Bitcoins as its currency.

I need devs (PHP / JS probably since it's going to be a multiplayer text-based game)
We can chat somewhere or maybe through email? PM me.

We can share 50:50 profit or I can pay you through some means.
I have a VPS setup so we can test whatever we have on it.

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: cloverme on January 31, 2015, 03:52:40 AM
I'm in the middle of developing a semi-text based bitcoin game now, it will be going live in a few months. I've been contemplating making it into something that could be modified/rebranded if someone wanted to run a server themselves.  :)

[Universe stats: 340984 sectors | Planets: 54213 | Ships: 8453 | Bases: 3031 | Galactic Economy: 34.00832413]
[Sector 241919 | Planets: 1 | Ships: 1 | Bases: 0]

(S)can ships      (1)Dock at Base      (6)Ship Functions
(A)ttack ships      (2)Land on Planet   (7)Game Options
(L)eave sector      (3)Attack Base      (8)Debug-Info-Dev
(E)ngage cloak      (4)Attack Planet
(C)ommunicator      (5)Build Base

   Scanning ship(s) completed with the following results:
   Ship 1/1
   Registry: Hand of Satoshi
   Shields: Yes
   Fighters: 34

Are you sure?(y/n) y
3 rounds of attacks
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 4 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 9 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 11 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 6 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 7 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 2 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 1 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 2 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 1 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 9 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 12 fighters
The Hand of Satoshi attacks you.
4 rounds of attacks
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 3 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 20 shields
*** Hand of Satoshi is adrift! ***
(C)apture, (D)estroy, (S)alvage?
The Hand of Satoshi is unregistered and sold for scrap.
Ship Value: 0.00002838 (Cargo: 0.00000838, Battle Class Hull: 0.00001000, Fighters: 0, Engine: 0.00001000)
0.00002838 has been added to your balance.

[Balance: 0.22983093 | Ships Owned:1 (f:48) | Bases Owned: 3 | Battles Won/Lost: 542/234 | Turns Remaining: 1200]

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Phenophthalyn on January 31, 2015, 09:22:04 AM
If you want to know the idea, send me a PM.
I'm looking for Developers

We're thinking of using HYPER as the main currency

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: cloverme on February 01, 2015, 02:12:19 AM
I'm more of a developer, so if you're specifically looking for php/js, I really wouldn't be able to help much.

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Small on February 01, 2015, 07:00:30 AM
I'm interested in helping out, but I don't know PHP and JS :(

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: melwinder on February 01, 2015, 07:10:22 AM
I would love to be a tester if you guys needed. I don't know much about coding, however I have tested (alpha/beta) a lot of programs, applications and games.
If not, still sounds like a good and interesting concept!

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Phenophthalyn on February 01, 2015, 09:45:55 AM
We can just start with something bare-bones and simple and work our way up from there
and sure, we'd love testers. We'll keep you in mind :)

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Kprawn on February 02, 2015, 07:52:10 AM
Well MANY moons ago, I played the most addictive text based game, I have ever played. {{Batmud}}

It had the ultimate MUD experience and a FULL economy with it's own currency and trade system. If they accepted a REAL currency, I would have left my job, to play this game 24/7. *No joke

It was just crazy how immersive this game was and how time and real life dissapear within that virtual text based world.

If you want a award WINNING text based game, you should investigate the possibility to create something like that.  ;D ;D

See --->   {Was text based, when I played it}


Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: avw1982 on February 02, 2015, 07:55:15 AM
I'm in the middle of developing a semi-text based bitcoin game now, it will be going live in a few months. I've been contemplating making it into something that could be modified/rebranded if someone wanted to run a server themselves.  :)

[Universe stats: 340984 sectors | Planets: 54213 | Ships: 8453 | Bases: 3031 | Galactic Economy: 34.00832413]
[Sector 241919 | Planets: 1 | Ships: 1 | Bases: 0]

(S)can ships      (1)Dock at Base      (6)Ship Functions
(A)ttack ships      (2)Land on Planet   (7)Game Options
(L)eave sector      (3)Attack Base      (8)Debug-Info-Dev
(E)ngage cloak      (4)Attack Planet
(C)ommunicator      (5)Build Base

   Scanning ship(s) completed with the following results:
   Ship 1/1
   Registry: Hand of Satoshi
   Shields: Yes
   Fighters: 34

Are you sure?(y/n) y
3 rounds of attacks
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 4 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 9 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 11 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 6 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 7 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 2 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 1 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 2 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 1 fighters
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 9 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 12 fighters
The Hand of Satoshi attacks you.
4 rounds of attacks
   Hand of Satoshi attacks: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 3 fighters
   You attack Hand of Satoshi: You lost 3 fighters / Hand of Satoshi lost 20 shields
*** Hand of Satoshi is adrift! ***
(C)apture, (D)estroy, (S)alvage?
The Hand of Satoshi is unregistered and sold for scrap.
Ship Value: 0.00002838 (Cargo: 0.00000838, Battle Class Hull: 0.00001000, Fighters: 0, Engine: 0.00001000)
0.00002838 has been added to your balance.

[Balance: 0.22983093 | Ships Owned:1 (f:48) | Bases Owned: 3 | Battles Won/Lost: 542/234 | Turns Remaining: 1200]

Wow great. Reminds me of a game which I liked the most.

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Kprawn on February 03, 2015, 05:48:36 AM
Why the space theme?

The latest trend in gaming is "Zombies" and "Vapires"  ;D ......Killing aliens should be the next best thing then.  ;)

You have a lot of work, to set the scene and background.... some people think a text based game is less work, but it's acctually a lot more involved than that.

Good luck with your project.

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: cbeast on February 03, 2015, 06:35:28 AM
Have you looked at yet?

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Bitdonator on February 03, 2015, 10:55:54 AM
If you guys need graphic designer for your game projects,
you can contact this guy: (

He already make game artworks for many games (you can see some preview in portfolio ),
and accept BTC as payment option

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: Small on February 03, 2015, 11:40:19 AM
We've decided that HYPER seems to be a good alt currency to use with the game,
and we've started going along with some developers :)

We'll also be keeping in mind some logo makers and other contacts too!

Title: Re: Idea for a text-based game with Bitcoin - Need Devs
Post by: cloverme on February 03, 2015, 03:19:45 PM
Why the space theme?

The latest trend in gaming is "Zombies" and "Vapires"  ;D ......Killing aliens should be the next best thing then.  ;)

You have a lot of work, to set the scene and background.... some people think a text based game is less work, but it's acctually a lot more involved than that.

Good luck with your project.

Thanks, it actually has zombies and aliens in it as well. There's a backstory for people interested in a campaign style of gameplay, but there's also a quick-play part of the game that's very similar to a dice-based game for those that simply want a fast paced game without the deep dive. I'll have a public alpha version running soon for testing. :D