Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: nx2059 on May 23, 2011, 03:18:13 AM

Title: This would be a nice addition to the US Constitution
Post by: nx2059 on May 23, 2011, 03:18:13 AM
Congress shall make no law that attempts to ban, circumvent, or interfere with any type of computer anonymity network, or
form of peer to peer cryptocurrency.

Not that it would get passed.. But I think Ron Paul would bring it to the floor and it would get people talking  ;D

Title: Re: This would be a nice addition to the US Constitution
Post by: FooDSt4mP on May 23, 2011, 03:23:40 AM
Congress shall make no law that attempts to ban, circumvent, or interfere with any type of computer anonymity network, or
form of peer to peer cryptocurrency.

Not that it would get passed.. But I think Ron Paul would bring it to the floor and it would get people talking  ;D

Do we want the politicians talking about bitcoin before it has critical mass?

Title: Re: This would be a nice addition to the US Constitution
Post by: Xenland on May 23, 2011, 03:25:50 AM
That law would be soo vague that any drug,rape,violent anonymous network would be allowed by law just because its anonymous. I leave you with this youtube reference as an odd way to prove my point:

Title: Re: This would be a nice addition to the US Constitution
Post by: Basiley on May 23, 2011, 03:28:09 AM
its already there, just thwarted/throttled a bit by case law exploitation and "political correctness'-related trolling/violation and i hope sooner or later, it return to working state.
both this as form of speech freedom [and as manifistation of two other basic human rights in Constitution] is fundamental.
trick is just in getting it working back.
lawyers investments, maybe ? lobbysts ?

Title: Re: This would be a nice addition to the US Constitution
Post by: ledskof on May 23, 2011, 04:56:44 AM
Congress shall make no law that allows government access to private communication originating from or intended for non-convicted  US citizens.
Congress shall make no law that hinders the trade or sale of private currency or precious metals whether or not exchange is based in US tender.
Congress shall make no law that allows taxations on sale or trade of private currency.

Would it be a terrible idea to stop all taxation on sale and trade of precious metal?  Is there a way to word that so that it only applies to like silver/gold/platinum/rhodium type of value investments, and not just showing up at a jewelry shop and buying a ring? lol