Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: pitbully2000 on February 04, 2015, 12:21:18 AM

Title: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: pitbully2000 on February 04, 2015, 12:21:18 AM
I know it's all relative...
I guess I'm a "bulltard"? or just a "hodler"?
But I hung onto coins I purchased for half of the current price and since then I got caught up in mining etc. Wondering what the general consensus is as far as how many I'm going to need to retire on (if it does indeed climb to that level of purchasing power)
 I don't trade or anything like that and I'm acquiring more VERY slowly via my small farm (I have 1 small asic and a few multi gpu miners...I mine for alts and exchange them for BTC). I guess I'm asking for speculation on when does one have ENOUGH coin to either be loaded..or broke, come 2020. I've always figured I have enough now, but when I see prices this low I can't help but fight the "panic buy" feelings
 I'm holding until then for better or worse..I figure I spent the equivalent of a weekend in Vegas on my stash so "to the moon" or not...I'm not going to lose my shirt either way
 I'm already expecting the "yer fucked" or "yer gonna be rich" speculators so fire away...can't hurt my feelings HA! But I would truly appreciate any wisdom thrown my way.
 Oh yeah...I already know "no one can predict the future" that's why I'm asking for speculation on the SPECULATION board ;)
 Thanks a bunch

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Morecoin Freeman on February 04, 2015, 12:26:08 AM
Something like 1000 bitcoins?

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: stonerider on February 04, 2015, 02:35:47 AM
More like, 10,000 coins. One thousand coins is not a LOT of btc, in my humble opinion. Five thousand to ten thousand, now we're talking.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: gentlemand on February 04, 2015, 02:50:28 AM
If BTC really did become a globally used system 10,000 coins would make you galactically, ludicrously rich. There'd never be more than 2100 people on the planet who could have the same amount, obviously a lot less when lost and Satoshi coins are taken into account.

By 2020 we'll have a much clearer idea of where it's all headed. If it does look like it'll hold a decent fraction of world value then 50-100 would make for a very, very sweet life. Owning a whole coin would be beyond the reach of all but a relative few.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zimmah on February 04, 2015, 03:47:42 AM
depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.

100+ will most likely make you extremely rich.

If bitcoin doesnt take off, well then it doesnt really matter a lot does it?

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on February 04, 2015, 04:05:50 AM
I would concur that 10 coins is plenty to retire on in ten years if you think that bitcoin will have succeeded in some way down the line, maybe even 5. I like to error on the side of having 25 or more, just in case.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: N12 on February 04, 2015, 04:15:00 AM
depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.
21000000/7000000000=0.003, no?

So 3 mBTC each.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: CoinCidental on February 04, 2015, 04:20:25 AM
i had the opportunity to buy coins in the $2-6 usd range in 2012
i bought 5k  btc as that was as much as i was willing to risk 3 years ago
if i knew everything that has transpired since  i would have bought MOAR but what can you do ......:)

even back then as soon as i saw it  i knew it was modern equilavent to the invention of the lightbulb or the telephone  but there was no stores accepting it back then  except alpaca socks and and a few obscure retailers selling things i would never buy anyway

its growing at monstrous proportions although this isnt currently reflected in the coin price i believe it soon will be

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: serje on February 04, 2015, 04:22:52 AM
I hope my 0.03132922 BTC will be a LOT!!!!
If we get to 5.000.000$ a coin :)

It only depends on the price :)

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: CoinCidental on February 04, 2015, 04:25:58 AM
depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.
21000000/7000000000=0.003, no?

So 3 mBTC each.

since it will take 140 years to mine all 21 mil btc
and a lot of wallets and coins will be lost forever (like satoshis million etc )
and population might  double in this amount of time
theres not a hope that everyone could have 0.003 of a btc

also no hope of fair and equal distribution ,there is always going to be people like winklevoss with billions of dollars worth and people with hardly any or even none

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: ianferns on February 04, 2015, 04:37:25 AM
A lot of BTC is just like a Lot of Money. That would answer the question itself.,

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Biodom on February 04, 2015, 04:58:12 AM
Interesting conversation.
Several points:
1. it does not matter how high bitcoin will go. YOU would not be able to resist selling basically all of it at 10X appreciation to the price you bought it.
It is impossible for 99% of investors to resist selling at ten-bagger, so maybe there will be few people like this, but just a few individuals.

2. in all these predictions, i could never understood what you all think the current financial elite would do:
a. do you think that they will stay idly by and let a "new" elite get rich?
b. if not, will they try to change the team-i don't think so, they are quite satisfied with the status quo.
c. will they try to prevent this new future from happening-I am afraid so-just look at UK making lots of moves against bitcoin.

3. we might not like to be super rich with bitcoins for multiple reasons-safety is one, for example.

depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.
21000000/7000000000=0.003, no?

So 3 mBTC each.

since it will take 140 years to mine all 21 mil btc

yes, but ~94% of all bitcoins will be already issued (mined) by 2024, a mere nine years from now.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: pooya87 on February 04, 2015, 05:20:38 AM
it all comes down to price and acceptance
if it not accepted by masses then it doesnt really matter how much you own since it has no value
but if the price goes up as everybody wishes, then i think even 10 BTC is going to make you rich

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: GÜNther.Danish on February 04, 2015, 05:24:30 AM
I'm pretty sure that you just miss a little luck, don't dump them until the sun comes out again

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: CoinCidental on February 04, 2015, 05:36:40 AM
Interesting conversation.
Several points:
1. it does not matter how high bitcoin will go. YOU would not be able to resist selling basically all of it at 10X appreciation to the price you bought it.
It is impossible for 99% of investors to resist selling at ten-bagger, so maybe there will be few people like this, but just a few individuals.

2. in all these predictions, i could never understood what you all think the current financial elite would do:
a. do you think that they will stay idly by and let a "new" elite get rich?
b. if not, will they try to change the team-i don't think so, they are quite satisfied with the status quo.
c. will they try to prevent this new future from happening-I am afraid so-just look at UK making lots of moves against bitcoin.

3. we might not like to be super rich with bitcoins for multiple reasons-safety is one, for example.

depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.
21000000/7000000000=0.003, no?

So 3 mBTC each.

since it will take 140 years to mine all 21 mil btc

yes, but ~94% of all bitcoins will be already issued (mined) by 2024, a mere nine years from now.

thats a positive imo
nobody here wants to wait 140 years until btc is in wide circulation
but hopefully the decreasing rewards + increasing  transaction fees will incentivise the miners to keep mining if the current calculations are still profitable in 9+ years from now

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zimmah on February 04, 2015, 05:46:35 AM
Interesting conversation.
Several points:
1. it does not matter how high bitcoin will go. YOU would not be able to resist selling basically all of it at 10X appreciation to the price you bought it.
It is impossible for 99% of investors to resist selling at ten-bagger, so maybe there will be few people like this, but just a few individuals.

2. in all these predictions, i could never understood what you all think the current financial elite would do:
a. do you think that they will stay idly by and let a "new" elite get rich?
b. if not, will they try to change the team-i don't think so, they are quite satisfied with the status quo.
c. will they try to prevent this new future from happening-I am afraid so-just look at UK making lots of moves against bitcoin.

3. we might not like to be super rich with bitcoins for multiple reasons-safety is one, for example.

depends on if it takes of or not.

If we assume 1% of the world wants bitcoins at some point in the future (and we divide it evenly among those people) that would mean each person would only have 0.295 bitcoin.

So by that logic, even having 1 bitcoin would be plenty.

At any rate, 10 bitcoin should probably be more than enough to retire on if you are not planning to retire for the next 10 years or so.
21000000/7000000000=0.003, no?

So 3 mBTC each.

since it will take 140 years to mine all 21 mil btc

yes, but ~94% of all bitcoins will be already issued (mined) by 2024, a mere nine years from now.

thats a positive imo
nobody here wants to wait 140 years until btc is in wide circulation
but hopefully the decreasing rewards + increasing  transaction fees will incentivise the miners to keep mining if the current calculations are still profitable in 9+ years from now

did everyone just miss the 1% part?

or did we suddenly colonize 100 other planets and we actually have a population of 700 billion now?

ye, if 100% of human population actually uses bitcoin than it will indeed be 3 mBTC each, and in that case, you'd be incredably rich with just 1 bitcoin.

However, the question remains will this ever happen or not?

sure i hope so, as it would most likely be a better world for everyone, and especially for all of us. But I guess at least 1% is pretty realistic.

Either way, you will not need thousands of bitcoin.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Patel on February 04, 2015, 06:09:31 AM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: grendel25 on February 04, 2015, 06:49:55 AM
Technically, any whole number more than 1 bitcoin is a "lot" of bitcoin.  Of course the question is completely relative and irrelevant or relevant depending on who's answering and who's listening.  I'd be happy with any continuous stream of income be it bitcoin or anything liquidatable

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: b!z on February 04, 2015, 06:56:06 AM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

/thread. There's no point arguing on something with no clear definition.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: tss on February 04, 2015, 07:02:15 AM
sometimes this forum confuses the hell out of me.  
i'm all positives on btc and blockchain tech.  

that said, when you think buying something today for $200 and then in 10-20 years you'll all just be rich, all i can say is WOW.  

maybe i missed something but, this feeling of "our technology entitles us to all be rich one day" is out of line with reality.

this entitlement feeling makes me think maybe btc is actually WAAAAY overvalued and we're all due for a rude awakening.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zetaray on February 04, 2015, 07:54:35 AM
1000btc is not a lot for retirement at current bitcoin price, 10000btc is about right. Don't rely on bitcoin for something as important as retirement. Price can go down as well as up.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: insidertradingeverywhere on February 04, 2015, 08:19:31 AM
simple answer: 'a lot' is when you can move the market

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zimmah on February 04, 2015, 08:47:33 AM
if you are planning on buying thousands of bitcoin to retire on, you would be better of using the money to buy gold with, that's a much safer investment.

it's an insane amount of money.

it's like buying several thousand tons of gold. It's quite a large fraction of the total amount of bitcoin in circulation.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Harmonica on February 04, 2015, 09:03:44 AM
if you are planning on buying thousands of bitcoin to retire on, you would be better of using the money to buy gold with, that's a much safer investment.

it's an insane amount of money.

it's like buying several thousand tons of gold. It's quite a large fraction of the total amount of bitcoin in circulation.

Gold may historically be a safe investment in times of financial uncertainty.  However it is only a means of maintaining wealth, a store of it and not actually a vehicle.  Plus other than its unique composition and limited uses (compared to other metals) it could be worth very little in the future.  Precious metals have very little meaning or value to the younger generations, which I personally feel will have an impact it in the not so distant future.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: racsas on February 04, 2015, 10:02:07 AM
for me, 1 btc is a lot  ;D , but I have seen a bc acct with over 10k btc in there  :o

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zimmah on February 04, 2015, 10:38:14 AM
if you are planning on buying thousands of bitcoin to retire on, you would be better of using the money to buy gold with, that's a much safer investment.

it's an insane amount of money.

it's like buying several thousand tons of gold. It's quite a large fraction of the total amount of bitcoin in circulation.

Gold may historically be a safe investment in times of financial uncertainty.  However it is only a means of maintaining wealth, a store of it and not actually a vehicle.  Plus other than its unique composition and limited uses (compared to other metals) it could be worth very little in the future.  Precious metals have very little meaning or value to the younger generations, which I personally feel will have an impact it in the not so distant future.

if you rely on it for retirement you should not invest it in volatile assets.

that's gambling with your future.

for me, 1 btc is a lot  ;D , but I have seen a bc acct with over 10k btc in there  :o

could be an exchange or something

although the winklevoss claim to have 1% of all bitcoins which would be several hundreds of thousands. Which is a ridiculous amount.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: CoinCidental on February 04, 2015, 10:44:41 AM
if you are planning on buying thousands of bitcoin to retire on, you would be better of using the money to buy gold with, that's a much safer investment.

it's an insane amount of money.

it's like buying several thousand tons of gold. It's quite a large fraction of the total amount of bitcoin in circulation.

i think your counting it wrong
in 2013  just 1  TON  of gold was 48.2 million dollars

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: olloman on February 04, 2015, 11:02:51 AM
as many say, Bitcoin will probably be all or nothing. In the case we get the "all" result, even a single bitcoin will make you fairly wealthy. Have you ever wondered why one satoshi is exactly 1/100.000.000 of a bitcoin? Satoshi Nakamoto was no fool, since a bitcoin is divisible 100.000.000 times that means that 100 satoshis would be very well suited to one day be the basic unity, with satoshis being the cents, hence one bitcoin would be 1.000.000 of those units. But this is just wild speculation and my very far fetched opinion :)

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Q7 on February 04, 2015, 12:19:49 PM
Depends on how you look at it but for me, a decent amount should be at least having 100 coins minimum. And to tell you the truth, I'm still far away from that target.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: twister on February 04, 2015, 01:12:29 PM
To each his own, for me having 10 bitcoin would be a lot but it might be nothing for someone holding that much already.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: poncho32 on February 04, 2015, 01:38:14 PM
To each his own, for me having 10 bitcoin would be a lot but it might be nothing for something holding that much already.

To me a lot is what it takes to move the market, which is a couple of thousand bitcoins currently.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: goxed on February 04, 2015, 02:06:31 PM
an integer multiple of 100BTC IMO

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Paashaas on February 04, 2015, 03:02:02 PM
Few years ago 10.000 coins was not much, remember the pizza guy?

At this time you can start youre own pizza house with that amounth.

If you dont got a fat fiat wallet and you can only affort 1 Bitcoin...that 1 coin can be a life changer within 10 years.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: erre on February 04, 2015, 03:04:11 PM
1 bitcoin is a lot when compared to the total amounts of bitcoins that will ever exist... but its value could drop to nothing, in this scenario even 21 millions btc would not rappresent " a lot"  of fiat

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: SmoothCurves on February 04, 2015, 05:54:27 PM
Within 10 years having more than 0.5 BTC will be "a lot"

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: redsn0w on February 04, 2015, 06:04:56 PM
I think also 0.10 btc will be a lot ( if we think of the value in dollars or euros). Maybe not this year , but most probably in the 2028 (after the various block reward halving, the reward will be ~1.56250000 bitcoin per block).


Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: wormbog on February 04, 2015, 07:28:49 PM
Rather than asking, "How much bitcoin will I need to retire?"

Tell yourself: "I won't sell my bitcoin until I have enough to retire."

Then start using it, promoting it, and building your personal stash.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: zimmah on February 05, 2015, 01:02:27 AM
It's shocking how many people think you really need thousands of Bitcoin to matter.

Context guys, context.

Bitcoins are limited. Thousands of bitcoins is a shitload.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: noma on February 05, 2015, 05:53:06 PM
To each his own, for me having 10 bitcoin would be a lot but it might be nothing for someone holding that much already.
I think the same. To each his own is the right answer to the question. It all depends how much is more money to you, and accordingly more bitcoin to you,.

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: NeuroticFish on February 05, 2015, 06:20:52 PM
When you talk about "a lot", current price should not mean too much, so it's all about how many BTC the more than average Joe has and it's about how many bitcoin will ever exist.
I think that should be somewhere around 100 BTC. And a lot of people don't feel that this amount is a lot, so I will have to explain.

If what I know is correct, there will ever exist less than 21 mil bitcoin. That's not much. That will have to go to ... at least 1 million people. An average of 21 bitcoin. Wow.

Now, 10% of people will own more than 90% of the wealth. That's normal.
In numbers 100,000 people will own 19 mil BTC. An average of 190 BTC for the richlist (!!).

Now, is 100 BTC a lot?  :)

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Amph on February 05, 2015, 06:36:21 PM
now 1000 at least, before it was even 100

Title: Re: How much is a LOT of BTC?
Post by: Joe200 on February 05, 2015, 09:12:07 PM
Got your answer right here: