Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: zimmah on February 09, 2015, 08:51:17 AM

Title: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: zimmah on February 09, 2015, 08:51:17 AM
I have had this idea for a while now, but I'm not likely able to do this on my own due to time constraint mostly.

If anyone would want to use this idea for profit I would be glad to be included in it (it's only fair) but if you don't than I won't blame you.

the idea I had, is that Bitcoin can be used for a "free market" online. Meaning that someone could create a website where people can offer goods for Bitcoin. Not like a webshop, a bit like eBay.

People from all over the world could offer products to other people from all over the world, and get paid in Bitcoin. It would be easy and secure. But it doesn't stop there.

It would be really nice if people can also express their creativity. Handmade products are fairly popular nowadays. And watching people over the Internet (twitch and YouTube for example) are also pretty popular. So why not combine them? Let the sellers allow to have their own "channel" combined with their personal shop. Where people can see them craft their stuff. (In case they are selling handmade stuff and if they want to show their progress). Depending on the wishes of the seller, sellers could either produce items and sell them, or take requests (prepaid) or a combination of both).

Items/activities could include but not limited to loomed accessories, stitch work, woodcarving, glasswork, small sculptures, sewing, knitting. Even 3d printed objects or 3d models to be printed (just the digital models).

This is a truly unique concept as far as I know. And Bitcoin makes it quite easy to implement.

Buyers/viewers could have fun buying unique handcrafted objects or viewing people making them. Maybe just viewing for fun, or viewing to learn the skills or viewing how their item they ordered is made for them. If the sellers wish they could even have a realtime chat on their channel like twitch.

Sellers/casters could make profit from viewers (ads) as well as sales from the objects they sell.

The website profits from ads and potentially also a bit from sales (small percentage in overhead from all sales)

I think many people would be interested in a service like this. Don't forget that in cold countries during winter (northern Russia, Scandinavia, Canada) many people sit at home fiddling their thumbs so they could be interested in selling whatever they make or just socialize with viewers while handcrafting to pass time. And what about all those grannies that are bored out of their skull? And on top of that there are many emerging markets like Africa that are now connecting to the Internet (usually only by phone mind you, so mobile compatibility is very important) could benefit from this. Because they are likely much poorer than we are so they could make a relative large profit by selling their products directly to the customer in relatively rich countries without being ripped off by intermediate companies who take home 90% of the profit or corrupt money-transfer services that take a lot of profit. So smart people from 3rd world countries who are good at crafting something could make some honest money for themselves.

A website like this could prove to be very profitable, help out a lot of people, all while making good use of the Bitcoin technology and giving a massive boost to its utility.

Title: Re: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: sgk on February 09, 2015, 09:04:58 AM
You mean, something like DarkMarket?

Title: Re: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: zimmah on February 09, 2015, 09:11:40 AM
Well, probably a little less illegal.

I mean trying to evade import/export taxes as much as possible is one thing, but selling drugs and other things is a different story altogether.

The goal is mostly to offer a platform for handcrafted products to be sold and bought, as well as a social aspect combined with it.

The utility Bitcoin brings is mostly for the hassle it would prevent because there's so many differnt countries with different currencies. With Bitcoin you can nearly instantly pay the seller and keep a small cut for yourself and eventually keep something aside for taxes in case you need to pay any. That's why the site would be Bitcoin-only. No fiat at all.

If the site gets big, that alone would create a large market for Bitcoin. Not like many other websites where you can pay with Bitcoin as an option, and those bitcoins will be converted to fiat immediately (which hurts Bitcoin in the short term).

People will actually have to buy Bitcoin if they haven't already, to buy a product from another user, who will likely use the Bitcoin to buy something else from someone else, or uses it somewhere else in his neighborhood or keeps it to safe up money. Only a certain percentage would be sold, and the bigger the Bitcoin economy gets the less people will sell their Bitcoin.

If this website would catch on, Bitcoin could see a significant increase in utility and value, which would probably be reflected in the price.

However, the IMPLEMENTATION of the website (dark market) is a good one to copy. Their methods seem very solid. So it could serve as a good example how to handle things.

Title: Re: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: michaeladair on February 12, 2015, 01:50:47 PM
How do people know that they will get what they buy? People could easily scam...

Title: Re: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: Jakesy on February 12, 2015, 02:46:41 PM
You mean ?

Title: Re: A project that could give Bitcoin more utility
Post by: juraj1301 on February 12, 2015, 03:50:11 PM
yea...i agree with try to reach moderators or admins and share your idea with you
