Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: Grike_SixEcho on May 23, 2011, 07:52:09 PM

Title: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: Grike_SixEcho on May 23, 2011, 07:52:09 PM
Just a discussion about how you mine, using GPU or CPU only, or both.

Currently, my MSI Radeon 5770 Hawk (900MHZ, 1300MHZ, fans at 60%, stable at 55C) mines at ~154Mhash/s

My AMD Athlon II 630 (3.1GHZ, fans at 75% (stock cooler), stable at 50C) mines at ~10Mhash/s

Yet when I do both at the same time, my GPU drops off by ~40Mhash/s and my CPU drops off by ~5Mhash/s, resulting in a net loss on both ends totaling ~45Mhash/s

I have a pretty bad motherboard, and my Radeon IS plugged into a PCIe x16 1.0 slot right now.  Perhaps a new motherboard with better hypertransport would be better?  Anyone have experience here?  I just started bitcoinin' and at 21 hours and counting I haven't made anything yet.

Oh, and I'm a pretty cool guy.  ;) 1uYyy3C3sM3damJpSerSty9SZgqUtSsnx  ;)

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: error on May 23, 2011, 07:55:01 PM
Don't bother CPU mining at all. You will never get anything.

You might also not want to GPU mine either, unless you already had the hardware laying around.

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: Grike_SixEcho on May 23, 2011, 07:57:45 PM
You might also not want to GPU mine either

This is because my GPU isn't very modern, yes?
Should I join a mining pool?

I get free electricity here, and I've considered sticking my PC in the minifridge and OCing like you-ain't-neva.

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: SchizophrenicX on May 23, 2011, 08:04:54 PM
Don't bother CPU mining at all. You will never get anything.

You might also not want to GPU mine either, unless you already had the hardware laying around.

An interesting reply, I can understand (from Hardware comparison chart) that CPU mining is phased out at this point of Bitcoin history but there have been a lot of speculation about GPU mining getting less and less profitable in the days to come. Can you shed some light on this error?

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: fortyniner on May 23, 2011, 09:56:35 PM
Grike, go into your Bitcoin Settings, Options, and limit coin generation to 1 processor (core).  I have one box that will trip the overheat beeping after a short while of CPU+GPU mining unless I limit the CPU.

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: Clipse on May 23, 2011, 09:59:44 PM
Just a discussion about how you mine, using GPU or CPU only, or both.

Currently, my MSI Radeon 5770 Hawk (900MHZ, 1300MHZ, fans at 60%, stable at 55C) mines at ~154Mhash/s

My AMD Athlon II 630 (3.1GHZ, fans at 75% (stock cooler), stable at 50C) mines at ~10Mhash/s

Yet when I do both at the same time, my GPU drops off by ~40Mhash/s and my CPU drops off by ~5Mhash/s, resulting in a net loss on both ends totaling ~45Mhash/s

I have a pretty bad motherboard, and my Radeon IS plugged into a PCIe x16 1.0 slot right now.  Perhaps a new motherboard with better hypertransport would be better?  Anyone have experience here?  I just started bitcoinin' and at 21 hours and counting I haven't made anything yet.

Oh, and I'm a pretty cool guy.  ;) 1uYyy3C3sM3damJpSerSty9SZgqUtSsnx  ;)

For some reason when cpu mining with all cpu threads + gpu mining, your gpu will automaticly lower to 40%~ usage, only way around this is to limit cpu miner to 1 thread less than maximum available ie. 4core/4thread cpu , set your cpuminer to threads 3 etc.

If you then run gpu miner along with cpu miner, you will get full 3 threads mining on cpu and 100% utilisation on gpu.

Unlike others here, I think its totally worth it to also mine with cpus(specially when you get free power) for the extra mhash/s as long as everything runs stable and doesnt overheat.

GPU MINER: search forum for guiminer, it includes the pclbm gpu miner with a nice gui to control.
CPU MINER: included in above guiminer, inside guiminer setup rpcminer-4way for cpumining and in the cpuminer tab add the flag -t 3 (to leave one thread free so gpu wont throttle)

Follow this advice and you will get cpu+gpu mining nicely.

As the saying goes around here, if you liked my answer, dont be shy to donate to my charity link :)

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: xenon481 on May 23, 2011, 10:01:14 PM
Grike, go into your Bitcoin Settings, Options, and limit coin generation to 1 processor (core).  I have one box that will trip the overheat beeping after a short while of CPU+GPU mining unless I limit the CPU.

NO! You shouldn't even be using the generation option in the Bitcoin client at all!

That miner is far far outdated. And if you really really really want to CPU mine against all better judgement, then you should be using one of the dedicated CPU miners.

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: m4rkiz on May 23, 2011, 10:23:33 PM
there is no point of cpu mining as it uses as much energy as your card and is 15 times slower

try to optimize your miner as people in wiki claims that they have 223 Mh/s @ 1050 Mhz

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: Grike_SixEcho on May 24, 2011, 06:56:49 AM
I use pclbm miner, works for me.  Any other miners suggested?

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: m4rkiz on May 24, 2011, 07:02:26 AM
I use pclbm miner, works for me.  Any other miners suggested?

I use pickup truck, works for me. Any other cars sugested? scroll to point 4 in first post

Title: Re: GPU, CPU, or GPU+CPU
Post by: Grike_SixEcho on May 24, 2011, 07:25:27 AM
I'm aware of the options available, I simply wanted someone to give me their take on some of them.

I also drive a compact.