Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Bit_Happy on February 13, 2015, 08:07:57 PM

Title: [Fresh FUD] What is the worst thing the Bitcoin Foundation could actually do?
Post by: Bit_Happy on February 13, 2015, 08:07:57 PM
Fact #1: The Bitcoin Foundation pays a salary to Bitcoins lead developer(s)
Fact #2: The BF has a soiled history including several prominent criminals in high places, and many rumors of top dogs profiting from valuable inside information.

Question: What is the worst thing the Bitcoin Foundation could actually do?
(For example)
Adding "tracking software", anti-privacy, and/or "income tax compliance"/reporting functions directly into core Bitcoin code.

(Here's one you haven't heard before)
How about every valid/usable BTC address is required to be "linked" to an RFID chip signal planted inside a human being.  :o

Welcome to the Brave New Bitcoin World! If you do not like this type of FUD, then how soon can we have a popular "kinder, gentler" free trade association to replace the current tyranny?

Title: Re: [Fresh FUD] What is the worst thing the Bitcoin Foundation could actually do?
Post by: OROBTC on February 13, 2015, 08:18:43 PM

Fresh FUD, LOL...  


My answer to the worst the B.F. could do?  Weaken security of the system.  

"You didn't build that!"
"You didn't report that!"
"You didn't wear that chip!"

Title: Re: [Fresh FUD] What is the worst thing the Bitcoin Foundation could actually do?
Post by: readysalted89 on February 13, 2015, 08:29:52 PM
Fact #1: The Bitcoin Foundation pays a salary to Bitcoins lead developer(s)


Where does the money come from to pay Bitcoins lead developer(s)? Any alternative to the bitcoin foundation would have to find money to pay him/them. I admit we need a better alternative to the bitcoin foundation because any organization that included Mark Karples is terrible, but an alternative needs financing.

Title: Re: [Fresh FUD] What is the worst thing the Bitcoin Foundation could actually do?
Post by: MarihuanaStocks on February 13, 2015, 08:33:29 PM
The could make bitcoin inflationary and animate law-makers to have bitcoin be that currency, that you are forced to use by law. Similary to what Fiat is today. That would be the worst nightmare i could possibly imagine...