Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 09:35:03 AM

Title: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 09:35:03 AM
Bitcoin is, without a doubt, a touchy subject with many people. They've heard all the bad press:  Silk Road; Drugs; Crime; Funding Terrorism; Exchange Collapses; and this has likely drowned out any positive press Bitcoin has received (which is in all honesty, mainstream media speaking, none). People involved in the crypto-community have digressed that in some ways they now feel a bit ostracized from social circles and family units due to their involvement in this emerging field.

Bitcoin and Cryptos for many has changed their body clock. They feel the need to handle their crypto related work late at night when all is quiet and others are asleep.

Bitcoin has for a lucky few brought them vast riches. For others moderate gains.  And others have been wiped out. Whether it be due to losses in trading Alt-Coins and all the scams and scandals that took place last year; gambling losses on dice-sites, or simply bad timing with entry/exit points; it can't be argued that Crypto's have in fact ruined peoples finances.

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly... what has been your experience. Not simply financially. How has your life changed on all levels. Spiritually; your sense of well being. Your self-esteem, and your relationships with family, and friends as well as co-workers. And yes, last but not least, financially.

Are you better of now than you were Pre-Bitcoin? Or do you wish you had never gotten involved?  Perhaps simply taken another road and pursued other endeavors?

What is YOUR Bitcoin Story?


DISCLOSURE: I have chosen to keep this topic moderated. While I typically do not feel moderated topics promote the open type of community, freedom of speech, and anti-censorship so many of this board's members believe in; I feel this could be a touchy subject. And simply want to make sure we stay on topic, respectful, and most importantly honest.  i hope you will chose to share your story.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 09:44:48 AM
Please feel free to post comments in addition to answering the above poll. Open discussion is welcome.



Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Kazimir on February 15, 2015, 10:02:51 AM
My finance is stronger, my relationships with loved ones, family and friends, are the same.

So, Bitcoin has changed my life for the better, but not on the areas that matter most (health, family, love, friends, fulfillment, spiritual growth).

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: neoneros on February 15, 2015, 10:13:42 AM
My life has changed the past year, but not due to Bitcoin, though it made me realise that change can come from action and actions are taken, bitcoin might just help, it changed my life in a sense that I have a new 'hobby' as my wife sees it :)

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: chaolang on February 15, 2015, 10:16:19 AM
Pretty neutral, just something I like to spend my time on. (Looking at bitcoin related things)

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: pawel7777 on February 15, 2015, 10:22:13 AM

Good idea for a poll.

But the voting options are not comprehensive.

"My life is relatively the same. My relationships are just as they were, and I have neither profited nor lost money."

What if the first part is correct, but I have profited/lost money?

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 10:27:23 AM

Good idea for a poll.

But the voting options are not comprehensive.

"My life is relatively the same. My relationships are just as they were, and I have neither profited nor lost money."

What if the first part is correct, but I have profited/lost money?

Added a response option per your request. If you feel I'm missing anything else feel free to let me know. I tried to cover the "big scenarios" - obviously the outcomes of any individual could be endless.


Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: pawel7777 on February 15, 2015, 10:38:23 AM

Added a response option per your request. If you feel I'm missing anything else feel free to let me know. I tried to cover the "big scenarios" - obviously the outcomes of any individual could be endless.


Thanks. Yeah, it's pretty hard to cover every possible answer.

I already voted:

"My journey has simply been a learning experience. I remained grounded, and can't say much has changed"

although, if I could, I'd change it to:

"My life is relatively the same, I have made small amounts of profit, and my relationships have remained as they were."

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 10:46:36 AM

Added a response option per your request. If you feel I'm missing anything else feel free to let me know. I tried to cover the "big scenarios" - obviously the outcomes of any individual could be endless.


Thanks. Yeah, it's pretty hard to cover every possible answer.

I already voted:

"My journey has simply been a learning experience. I remained grounded, and can't say much has changed"

although, if I could, I'd change it to:

"My life is relatively the same, I have made small amounts of profit, and my relationships have remained as they were."

I hear you, i just don't want too many options - it may become confusing to answer. People can of course post in the thread their personal views. I think it will be interesting to see how this poll takes shape as it (hopefully) will receive 100s of votes so a general consensus can be seen.



Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Honeybooboo on February 15, 2015, 10:50:04 AM
My life since joining bitcoin has remained neutral really. Haven't made any money but haven't lost any either. Maybe that will change in the future, at least I'm hoping so.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on February 15, 2015, 11:11:43 AM
Good topic, personally I've had no changes and I have profited by accident but have never sold any of my Bitcoins so I'm not sure that's the correct word to use.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: pawel7777 on February 15, 2015, 11:29:47 AM

...I think it will be interesting to see how this poll takes shape as it (hopefully) will receive 100s of votes so a general consensus can be seen.

If you mean this poll to go long-term, maybe it would be a good idea to allow people to change their votes?

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: ikydesu on February 15, 2015, 01:05:05 PM
I have a something another precious in my life, bitcoin make my day :D
i can get something like IT knowledge which i don't know before.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: tayfun73 on February 15, 2015, 01:16:03 PM
My journey with Bitcoin has been interesting. I bought my first coin for around the $1000 mark, and bought several in the $500-700 range also. I stored two-thirds of my coins safely and then decided to try my hand at some trading. My timing was off however and my coins were stuck in gox. So in order to try and recoup some of my losses, i decided to have a go at mining and purchased some scrypt asic miners from someone who had a very good reputation in crypto circles (litecoin). Unfortunately this gentleman has now decided to not honour his side of the bargain and has disappeared with the funds. So yes, lessons were learnt but at the end of the day it was money that i could afford to lose.

I just find it unfortunate that the crypto world attracts these types of people and yes you will say there are scammers everywhere in life, however on face value there appears to be a higher percentage in crypto circles. At least if my bank account gets hacked and money stolen i can rest easy that i will be reimbursed. This is a problem that needs to be looked at if Bitcoin has any chance of being successful.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: Stratobitz on February 15, 2015, 01:22:42 PM
My journey with Bitcoin has been interesting. I bought my first coin for around the $1000 mark, and bought several in the $500-700 range also. I stored two-thirds of my coins safely and then decided to try my hand at some trading. My timing was off however and my coins were stuck in gox. So in order to try and recoup some of my losses, i decided to have a go at mining and purchased some scrypt asic miners from someone who had a very good reputation in crypto circles (litecoin). Unfortunately this gentleman has now decided to not honour his side of the bargain and has disappeared with the funds. So yes, lessons were learnt but at the end of the day it was money that i could afford to lose.

I just find it unfortunate that the crypto world attracts these types of people and yes you will say there are scammers everywhere in life, however on face value there appears to be a higher percentage in crypto circles. At least if my bank account gets hacked and money stolen i can rest easy that i will be reimbursed. This is a problem that needs to be looked at if Bitcoin has any chance of being successful.

I would agree. Well Virtual Currencies really are the wild west still. It's a lawless town so to speak and a lot of men carry guns. But there are honest people out there, and a lot of good people.

And yes a lot of very very dishonest people. I feel, and I am sure I'm not alone here; that it is sad to say that those who hold the largest sums of Bitcoin tend to be the ones who are the least honest and trustworthy. The exchanges that simply vanish. The Ninja Coins, the Gambling sites that claim to be "fair". These people operate under no rules, laws, or oversight.

But I find a lot of the people on this forum are great. I make deals and trades and sell things. I've sent BTC first and gotten my goods, and I've had people pay me first and I send the goods as promised. As anywhere, you have to be careful.


Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on February 15, 2015, 01:44:19 PM
if you use bter, to the worse  :P

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: cryptocoiner on February 15, 2015, 03:00:34 PM

"My journey has simply been a learning experience. I remained grounded, and can't say much has changed."

That's a good one. But I hope bitcoin will play it's role in this world.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: CryptoGelus on February 20, 2015, 03:49:25 PM
Bitcoin has Ruined My Life. Relationships with family and friends are very different, perhaps broken. And the financial toll has been devastating.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: koelen3 on February 20, 2015, 06:55:43 PM
Bitcoin didn't actually effect any of my relationships with anyone , they are different case
I look at bitcoin as more of a fun and techy stuff
i don't cash them , i love trading them and keeping them
And YES! I believe that bitcoin one day will be future currency and that day i will say it has helped my financially too

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: cellard on February 20, 2015, 07:16:43 PM
For better. Im up 500 USD.

Title: Re: POLL: "YOUR Bitcoin Story"... Has Bitcoin Changed Your Life for Better or Worse?
Post by: CryptoGelus on April 20, 2017, 07:15:14 PM
Bitcoin can go to hell!