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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: noddy2000 on February 15, 2015, 11:20:35 AM

Title: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: noddy2000 on February 15, 2015, 11:20:35 AM
Zombies watching make believe zombies while not realising they are the zombies! The walking dead are right outside your door!

P.S - I'd recommend listening to the speech that comes after too and think about what's just happened to Russ Albrecht!!! And think about how most of you go crying to x,y & z to do your dirty work for you, And how quick you are to label people x,y,z and removing the responsibility of the actions from one's self!!!

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: thejaytiesto on February 15, 2015, 04:07:58 PM
Still better than living in North Korea.

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: pedrog on February 15, 2015, 07:07:33 PM
Still better than Somalia.

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: noddy2000 on February 15, 2015, 11:51:08 PM
And why are them places so fucked up.... Oh yes, THe USA! Go figure!

I actually know someone who does 'security' on boats and ships by samollia. Lets just say he's had to use a gun to kill people that are trying to get by the only way they know how to! Aslo, his father is a premiership referee that as covered his back more than once with drugs and kept it out of the papers. Could make a fair few bob releasing that information to the papers etc etc but im not that type of person. The guys a wanker but still, Not my way of thinking and i have principles and morals not to be a CUNT!

2 wrongs don't make a right!

Think im crazy as much as you want, I've just got life experience in something most of you would just crumble in. Luckily, i've always got out safely and its been a hard learning curve. Most people dont leave their houses, Nevermind County/Country lol. so sad. About 80% americans dont leave their own country and wonder why they don't see how they have become the worlds terrorists! Rest of the world gets it!

But dont think USA is alone, UK, Holland, Germany, France, Vatican, israel (STOLEN LAND OF PALISTEIN which they are now commiting genocide too(that was given to the rothchilds in WW2 for getting amerrica to join in (which america was always in support of the nazi's with Nazi HQ been in the USA!) the war, Think Pearl Harbour!) and many more are all apart of the bullshit storm. It's so boring and obvious yet most people don't have a clue! Cognitive disadence, Confirmation bias all in play in this social engineering. It's you who mock and cant think for yourselves that i feel the most sorry for. Sad excuses of human beings total void of whats important and real.

Global takeover is nearing its final stages and people are still too stupid to see it lol

Short vid showing the death of america. This ones only 4 minutes, But explains the death of america and why! 1913! Im sure your attention spans can manage 4 minutes! Well, I say that....

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: cellard on February 16, 2015, 12:10:09 AM
Still better than Somalia.
Still better than 99% of earth.

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: maku on February 16, 2015, 12:36:49 AM
Still better than Somalia.
At least if you are living in Somalia your life is not boring....

Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: pedrog on February 16, 2015, 12:52:39 AM
Still better than Somalia.
At least if you are living in Somalia your life is not boring....


Title: Re: This song describes 99% of so called 'developed countries'!!!
Post by: noddy2000 on February 16, 2015, 01:46:57 AM
Still better than Somalia.
At least if you are living in Somalia your life is not boring....

Because of the people you fund through tax! Mafia! Do you think its sane funded mafia to do your dirty work!

Obviously so! Sad! Enjoy your false security. Its coming to a sharp end very soon!