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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: freedomno1 on February 17, 2015, 09:14:03 PM

Title: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: freedomno1 on February 17, 2015, 09:14:03 PM

Barack Obama destroyed Libya.

What he did to Libya is as bad as what Bush did to Iraq and Afghanistan. He doesn't deserve a historical pass.

When Obama took office in 2009, Libya was under the clutches of longtime dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. But things were looking up.

Bush and Gaddafi had cut a deal to lift Western trade sanctions in exchange for Libya acknowledging and paying restitution for its role in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. In a rare triumph for Bush, Libya also agreed to give up its nuclear weapons research program. Libyan and Western analysts anticipated that Gaddafi's dictatorship would be forced to accept liberal reforms, perhaps even free elections and rival political parties, in order to attract Western investment.

Libya in 2009 was prosperous. As citizens of a major oil- and natural gas-exporting nation, Libyans enjoyed high salaries, low living expenses, generous social benefits, not to mention law and order. It seems like a mirage today.

Looking back, many Libyans miss their former tyrant. "Muammar Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa," notes Garikai Chengu of the Du Bois Institute for African Research at Harvard University. "However, by the time he was assassinated, Libya was unquestionably Africa's most prosperous nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy in Africa and less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands."

As a dictator, Gaddafi was guilty of horrendous human rights abuses. But life was better then than now. Women enjoyed more rights in Libya than in any other Arab country, particularly after the United States overthrew Saddam Hussein in Iraq. By regional standards, Libya was a relatively sweet place to live.


Before invading Iraq, then Secretary of State Colin Powell warned Bush about his "Pottery Barn rule": If you break it, you own it.

Obama has broken the hell out of Libya. 

The New York Times now describes Libya as "veer[ing] toward complete chaos."

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: pedrog on February 17, 2015, 09:17:09 PM
The USA has destroyed many countries, another one to the list...

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: saddampbuh on February 17, 2015, 09:24:56 PM
muammar gaddafi was a very great man but his mistake was in destroying libya's chemical weapons and dismantling its nuclear program leaving it vulnerable to zionist attack. wish he'd listened to the koreans when they warned him to prioritise strengthening the military after the iraq invasion.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: Aggressor66 on February 17, 2015, 09:59:24 PM
This is what you get when you have a “Commander In Chief” who “shoots first and aims later.”

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: (oYo) on February 18, 2015, 01:05:41 AM
The following article is a real eye opener, as even most skeptics believe the fall of Gadhafi had to do with oil. It was really about central banking and the global monetary system.

Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system.

According to more than a few observers, Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the real cause. The regime, sitting on massive amounts of gold, estimated at close to 150 tons, was also pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit.

And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary system by extension, according to analysts. French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call Libya a “threat” to the financial security of the world. The “Insiders” were apparently panicking over Gadhafi’s plan.

"Any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks,” noted financial analyst Anthony Wile, editor of the free market-oriented Daily Bell, in an interview with RT. “So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward [for] removing him from power."

“The central banking Ponzi scheme requires an ever-increasing base of demand and the immediate silencing of those who would threaten its existence,”

“Had Gadhafi sparked a gold-driven monetary revolution, he would have done well for his own people, and for the world at large,”

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BADecker on February 18, 2015, 05:44:12 PM
If we don't like what government is doing, let's push Bitcoin in every way we know how. why? Because it is the taxes that give presidents the support to do what they are doing. Bitcoin can take them down by eliminating their ability to tax.

Granted, Bitcoin itself won't eliminate the taxes. But it will wake enough people up to the possibilities of freedom that they well tear down governments just to be free.


Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 06:49:08 PM
and those American united states... that was his primary mission. it's almost Mission Accomplished. GG barry&team, you killed the dream. so this is the legacy of the dude, a very good supporter of the ctrl+p... in their attempt to take over the world through their NWO (un based, same law for all (aka they keep the ctrl+p and you continue to reproduce to produce fresh meat for DSK teams (IMF and co). welcome to the 21 century, an American century...

waiting the 22, a Chinese One... it will be soo cool to met civilization once again!

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BADecker on February 18, 2015, 06:51:39 PM
and those American united states... that was his primary mission. it's almost Mission Accomplished. GG barry&team, you killed the dream. so this is the legacy of the dude, a very good supporter of the ctrl+p... in their attempt to take over the world through their NWO (un based, same law for all (aka they keep the ctrl+p and you continue to reproduce to produce fresh meat for DSK teams (IMF and co). welcome to the 21 century, an American century...

waiting the 22, a Chinese One... it will be soo cool to met civilization once again!

The key in America, Canada and the U.K. -

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: bigkahuna on February 18, 2015, 07:27:47 PM
It is clear that this did not solve anything except create chaos. Perhaps that was the point?

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 08:08:03 PM
It is clear that this did not solve anything except create chaos. Perhaps that was the point?

bravo, so that the ctrl+p team can still exploits your daughters to their sexual needs, while you fight the chaos they created :D. perfect plan, only when the psy ops come back hommeeee... and see what was done, not their child, but the ones of the neighbors... that's when it get though. In ROME it was called the moment they crossed the Rubicon... if they didn't like what they saw... game over, which cruxification for the lucky ones, or the chance to fight almost naked against a lion (beast or men of wars). any ways.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: WEB slicer on February 18, 2015, 08:36:41 PM
The USA has destroyed many countries
including itself

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: RodeoX on February 18, 2015, 08:45:00 PM
Jesus, if this was ancient history I could understand how you could be so wrong. Libya went through a civil war in 2011 as part of the "Arab spring". A grassroots movement in the Arab world.

Am I the only person here who went to school?

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 08:46:57 PM
Jesus, if this was ancient history I could understand how you could be so wrong. Libya went through a civil war in 2011 as part of the "Arab spring". A grassroots movement in the Arab world.

Am I the only person here who went to school?

that was then copted by the cia operatives who wanted to reinstore the same slavery that under the king of Africa, but this time for their own benefits... we all saw how it ended when USSF cried for help, but no one came... they were busy evaluating if the threat was serious... LoL. and you believed to have a chance against the Russians? LoL... the black-pink hubris :D.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: SamPatt on February 18, 2015, 09:37:23 PM
One man isn't responsible for this. Destruction on this scale needs much more than one man. Everyone down the line is equally responsible as the one giving the order.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: Chef Ramsay on February 18, 2015, 09:57:43 PM
While I'm sure Obama had knowledge of what was going on, I believe that Hillary Clinton was the overseer of the plan to oust Gaddafi in order to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the country and make it a safe haven for radical Islamic groups to operate out of. Furthermore, she made sure no security detail was made present to help the Ambassador and his staff even though the cables coming out of this country were of critical importance to keep up on more than pretty much any other country at the time. There was a gun running operation going on from there to probably Turkey which then were sent to help out the so-called rebels in Syria as they were looking to take down Assad at the time but it became obvious that these rebels where al qaeda operatives or the newly named ISIS. Many republicans (and even moreso the average public person) were sick of what was going on as it became clear that should we get involved then the US would be the air force for al qaeda while trying to take out Assad who's an ally of Russia. It's a murky situation but now we see what's going on in Libya and it's a launch pad for ISIS to go up into Italy and into the rest of Europe. In essence, this new ISIS was born and bred in Syria and parts of Iraq and this started all the hostage taking and the pillaging of Christian communities throughout the region and let to the recent spurts of mass killings which made for tv showcasing of all this to get the public sentiments in America to shift back towards interventionism. It all boiled back to taking out Gaddafi, who like Assad and Hussein back in Iraq and Egyption Prez Mubarak, that kept radical Islam squashed in their respective areas while also protecting the Christian communities in these areas. Clinton is to blame for all of this as she was the architect to destabilize the region and making it a breeding ground for radical Islam. Funny how ISIS became such a threat ever since Libya was shaken down and the arms made their way to radicalists hands making them a such a threat and menace that they now are. Keep in mind, the US sent $500 million in arms to help these rebels in Syria over and above what was shipped out of Libya and that is why these guys have so much powerful small arms and such. It's the same thing over and over: create a major problem where it was merely a nuisance in the past and then oust the dictators, elected usually, who were always keeping the radical elements at bay for all these years til now when these guys are allowed to run free. Now, it's time to go to war all over again and that's w/o even talking about the Ukraine situation. It's all a mess.

Outside of droning over there, Obama hasn't really done much which I believe is to make the situation worse by not even acknowledging the radical Islam as being the problem. This allows the war hawks to gin up the republican base to naturally want to do the opposite of what Obama is doing (nothing) and allow the neoconservative hawks a resurgence in the GOP. They want to make the next presidential campaign about foreign policy which they think could limit the rise of Rand Paul and keep the MIC paid while also turning the public's attention from the debt and currency crisis mounting at home.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BADecker on February 18, 2015, 11:11:38 PM
While I'm sure Obama had knowledge of what was going on, I believe that Hillary Clinton was the overseer of the plan to oust Gaddafi in order to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the country and make it a safe haven for radical Islamic groups to operate out of. Furthermore, she made sure no security detail was made present to help the Ambassador and his staff even though the cables coming out of this country were of critical importance to keep up on more than pretty much any other country at the time. There was a gun running operation going on from there to probably Turkey which then were sent to help out the so-called rebels in Syria as they were looking to take down Assad at the time but it became obvious that these rebels where al qaeda operatives or the newly named ISIS. Many republicans (and even moreso the average public person) were sick of what was going on as it became clear that should we get involved then the US would be the air force for al qaeda while trying to take out Assad who's an ally of Russia. It's a murky situation but now we see what's going on in Libya and it's a launch pad for ISIS to go up into Italy and into the rest of Europe. In essence, this new ISIS was born and bred in Syria and parts of Iraq and this started all the hostage taking and the pillaging of Christian communities throughout the region and let to the recent spurts of mass killings which made for tv showcasing of all this to get the public sentiments in America to shift back towards interventionism. It all boiled back to taking out Gaddafi, who like Assad and Hussein back in Iraq and Egyption Prez Mubarak, that kept radical Islam squashed in their respective areas while also protecting the Christian communities in these areas. Clinton is to blame for all of this as she was the architect to destabilize the region and making it a breeding ground for radical Islam. Funny how ISIS became such a threat ever since Libya was shaken down and the arms made their way to radicalists hands making them a such a threat and menace that they now are. Keep in mind, the US sent $500 million in arms to help these rebels in Syria over and above what was shipped out of Libya and that is why these guys have so much powerful small arms and such. It's the same thing over and over: create a major problem where it was merely a nuisance in the past and then oust the dictators, elected usually, who were always keeping the radical elements at bay for all these years til now when these guys are allowed to run free. Now, it's time to go to war all over again and that's w/o even talking about the Ukraine situation. It's all a mess.

Outside of droning over there, Obama hasn't really done much which I believe is to make the situation worse by not even acknowledging the radical Islam as being the problem. This allows the war hawks to gin up the republican base to naturally want to do the opposite of what Obama is doing (nothing) and allow the neoconservative hawks a resurgence in the GOP. They want to make the next presidential campaign about foreign policy which they think could limit the rise of Rand Paul and keep the MIC paid while also turning the public's attention from the debt and currency crisis mounting at home.

Hillary probably won't make it to President. She's too valuable in a lesser limelight.


Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: newflesh on February 18, 2015, 11:22:14 PM
Hmmm not really a good comparison. Bush is responsible for the deaths of over 1.2 million Iraqi civilians in Iraq alone, nowhere near that many were killed in Libya. Not justifying Obama's invasion by any means but you need to put it in a bit of context.

Title: Re: Obama Destroyed Libya
Post by: BADecker on February 18, 2015, 11:40:37 PM
Hmmm not really a good comparison. Bush is responsible for the deaths of over 1.2 million Iraqi civilians in Iraq alone, nowhere near that many were killed in Libya. Not justifying Obama's invasion by any means but you need to put it in a bit of context.

Ah, he's small-fry. His Grandfather Bush helped Hitler kill 20,000,000 all over Europe (indirectly, of course).
