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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Nemo1024 on February 18, 2015, 09:11:21 AM

Title: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Nemo1024 on February 18, 2015, 09:11:21 AM
I was wondering why demonisation of Putin in Western MSM has become so heightened these last days, despite the seemingly possible end to the Ukrainian conflict, what with Russia-brokered peace accord in Minsk. The two info articles may be the answer:

– Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing the release of Russian satellite photos and other evidence showing that 9/11 was a false-flag operation by treasonous elements of the American national security community.

The original story reporting Putin’s threat was published by Pravda on February 7th. According to Duff, that story has been confirmed by a reliable source who has actually seen some of the photos during a visit to Moscow. VT sources insist that this is NOT merely a shot across the bow of the US government. Putin, these sources say, is genuinely planning to release the 9/11 material.

These historic photos are expected to show:

* That none of the passenger airliners allegedly used as weapons on 9/11 actually crashed where we were told they did; and:

* That the World Trade Center demolitions were conducted using extremely high-energy weapons.

    “The sh*t has hit the fan!” exclaimed one highly knowledgable VT source.

Russia’s classified 9/11 dossier has been held in reserve against the day the Russians feel a vital national interest – such as their survival as a free and independent nation – is at stake. That day, it appears, has either finally come, or is approaching so fast that the impending launch of the “truth bomb” is being prepared.


Also, there is a danger for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine, which might require pre-demonisation of Putin:

3. German sources report that US military advisors in Ukraine have been busy. According to German intelligence, Americans were able to bring onto the territory of the Debaltsevo cauldron a ‘suitcase’ nuke. It appears US has nothing left to lose after Germany and France broke the ranks and sat down for peace talks with Russia.


Several weeks ago I said that we should expect a massive false flag in Ukraine, something that would be much bigger than MH17. There has been a recent mini-nuke detonation at the chemical plant in Donbass, but apparently, it failed to achieve the desired effect. It is possible they will try again in Debaltsevo. This has to be watched. And as I also said before, if a lot of people talk about it and watch it like hawks, it’s possible to prevent such false flags. Hopefully they will fail.

According to intel from Russian/Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Zhilin (who’s originally from Nikolaev), 4 such American tactical nukes were delivered in November 2014 to the Ivano-Frankovsk military airport in Western Ukraine. The question is: where will they surface?

Info about above news in Russian: here (, and in other materials from News-Front.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 09:23:47 AM
it is not until "you have lost everything, that you are free to do anything."

what makes me laugh is the ukies trying to frame the Russian Federation People as Terrorists... I think their handlers didn't get that to be terrorists you have to be muslims,  ;).

Anyway, the problem is that Putin and his commies know how to operate a printing device, how to defend it and worst know all the tricks that can be played with... that must enraged the westerners ala dsk... no more Russian girls for them? Ohhh so? Aren't they the chosen ones or working for them? they deserve it, paid? are you jocking, it's an honor for those girls, their fathers and future husbands and children.

r101, the bunkers busting crews will be the funniest afterwards...

I was wondering why demonisation of Putin in Western MSM has become so heightened these last days, despite the seemingly possible end to the Ukrainian conflict, what with Russia-brokered peace accord in Minsk. The two info articles may be the answer:

– Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing the release of Russian satellite photos and other evidence showing that 9/11 was a false-flag operation by treasonous elements of the American national security community.

The original story reporting Putin’s threat was published by Pravda on February 7th. According to Duff, that story has been confirmed by a reliable source who has actually seen some of the photos during a visit to Moscow. VT sources insist that this is NOT merely a shot across the bow of the US government. Putin, these sources say, is genuinely planning to release the 9/11 material.

These historic photos are expected to show:

* That none of the passenger airliners allegedly used as weapons on 9/11 actually crashed where we were told they did; and:

* That the World Trade Center demolitions were conducted using extremely high-energy weapons.

    “The sh*t has hit the fan!” exclaimed one highly knowledgable VT source.

Russia’s classified 9/11 dossier has been held in reserve against the day the Russians feel a vital national interest – such as their survival as a free and independent nation – is at stake. That day, it appears, has either finally come, or is approaching so fast that the impending launch of the “truth bomb” is being prepared.


Also, there is a danger for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine, which might require pre-demonisation of Putin:

3. German sources report that US military advisors in Ukraine have been busy. According to German intelligence, Americans were able to bring onto the territory of the Debaltsevo cauldron a ‘suitcase’ nuke. It appears US has nothing left to lose after Germany and France broke the ranks and sat down for peace talks with Russia.


Several weeks ago I said that we should expect a massive false flag in Ukraine, something that would be much bigger than MH17. There has been a recent mini-nuke detonation at the chemical plant in Donbass, but apparently, it failed to achieve the desired effect. It is possible they will try again in Debaltsevo. This has to be watched. And as I also said before, if a lot of people talk about it and watch it like hawks, it’s possible to prevent such false flags. Hopefully they will fail.

According to intel from Russian/Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Zhilin (who’s originally from Nikolaev), 4 such American tactical nukes were delivered in November 2014 to the Ivano-Frankovsk military airport in Western Ukraine. The question is: where will they surface?

Info about above news in Russian: here (, and in other materials from News-Front.

maybe fsb/gru/svders and co will get an invit from American Patriots side to participate in the cleansing of America Homefront, for the lulz only :D, as a token of peace.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: maku on February 18, 2015, 09:40:30 AM
All not braindead people already know it that 9.11 was an inside job.

To prove my point I will provide my source: (

If there are still people who believe in so called 'terrorist' attack. They need to wake up asap.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: WEB slicer on February 18, 2015, 09:47:33 AM
Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing the release of Russian satellite photos and other evidence showing that 9/11 was a false-flag operation by treasonous elements of the American national security community.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Balthazar on February 18, 2015, 09:50:22 AM
Using would these proofs for blackmailing to get political preferences or money would be more profitable. So, not going to happen.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 09:54:39 AM
Using would these proofs for blackmailing to get political preferences or money would be more profitable. So, not going to happen.

I know, when you sin, you become a slave of your sin, repent and then you can maybe be freed, doubling down :D.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 18, 2015, 11:38:48 AM
LoL ...  ;D ;D

No limit in stupidity .... from reliable source ... but we never get any names LoL ...

From reliable source i can assure you that SantaClaus doesn't exist ...  hahahahaha

You think you can trust so poor stupid website ...

Again a well and true proof of the stupidity of the source ...

Nuclear warhead ...  No limit really !

If Nuclear explostion will occurs all country have detectors .. either china !!!

My God how we can be so low in mind to beleive such poor information and do propaganda about this !

I start to ask who really has the lamb mind ...

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 11:44:17 AM
LoL ...  ;D ;D

No limit in stupidity .... from reliable source ... but we never get any names LoL ...

From reliable source i can assure you that SantaClaus doesn't exist ...  hahahahaha

your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 18, 2015, 11:47:58 AM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 12:11:23 PM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

you aren't certified to evaluate my scoring. you could please go suicide yourself and stop spreading your bs. learn ctrl+p = buy your daughters pussies and wife, and mother... what? what? lol. go eat your gmo, and die slowly... obamacare panel wait for you...

exposed. exposed. exposed. to the light the devil of man doing perish. you are just a man.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Snipe85 on February 18, 2015, 12:32:47 PM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

Are you of those people, who believe the government wasn't involved in the attack on WTC?

What about the facts? There's more than enough proof, showing they at the very least knew the attack is coming and deliberately scheduled NORAD training exercise on that day.
They also poorly faked a crash site of one of the planes, by getting an engine from some scrap yard and placing it in the field. Unfortunately for them the engine came from a different plane than the one that supposedly crashed there :D

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 18, 2015, 12:52:08 PM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

Are you of those people, who believe the government wasn't involved in the attack on WTC?

What about the facts? There's more than enough proof, showing they at the very least knew the attack is coming and deliberately scheduled NORAD training exercise on that day.
They also poorly faked a crash site of one of the planes, by getting an engine from some scrap yard and placing it in the field. Unfortunately for them the engine came from a different plane than the one that supposedly crashed there :D

we use them. that's it.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Snail2 on February 18, 2015, 12:53:22 PM
I'm not used to agree with Souldream, but in this case he's right, using tactical and suitcase nukes over there, are quite unlikely.

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 18, 2015, 01:39:51 PM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

you aren't certified to evaluate my scoring. you could please go suicide yourself and stop spreading your bs. learn ctrl+p = buy your daughters pussies and wife, and mother... what? what? lol. go eat your gmo, and die slowly... obamacare panel wait for you...

exposed. exposed. exposed. to the light the devil of man doing perish. you are just a man.

+2 you raise your score LoL ... Why you speak about Obama LoL ? Who and where have you read , i am pro US ?

Hoo yesss if i do not follow the so powerfull Russia .. i MUST be Pro-US ! LoL ... Hahahaha ...  powned !

You are just as the image of your reply !

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 18, 2015, 01:42:12 PM
your wife too mr souldream is shared?

Again you show your mentality ... what about my wife has ??? LoL

This is the only answer you can give .. great your showed your great potential !

+1 point for your mediocrity !

Are you of those people, who believe the government wasn't involved in the attack on WTC?

What about the facts? There's more than enough proof, showing they at the very least knew the attack is coming and deliberately scheduled NORAD training exercise on that day.
They also poorly faked a crash site of one of the planes, by getting an engine from some scrap yard and placing it in the field. Unfortunately for them the engine came from a different plane than the one that supposedly crashed there :D

Hey listen to read ! Where i told this ? I just explained that use Nuke on Ukraina was stupid propaganda again ... and FULL BULLSHIT !

You read what you want ... nothing more , next time read better , your answer will be perhaps more accurate !

Where i have told that i do not beleive some GoV are linked to 9/11 attack ? No where ... that's it !

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Nemo1024 on February 18, 2015, 07:08:13 PM
I'm not used to agree with Souldream, but in this case he's right, using tactical and suitcase nukes over there, are quite unlikely.

Yes, it may be far-fetched, but not that far-fetched, and certainly not much more unlikely than KAL-007, WTC and MH-17 false-flags. The best false-flag is the one that never happens, and to prevent it, the possibility of it must become so widely-known that performing this act will no longer be meaningful. Once a false-flag is enacted, it becomes so much more difficult for the victim to contain the damage.

So I'll be quite content with being ridiculed or called propagandist by the likes of Souldream if it means helping averting a tragedy, rather than wait for a tragedy to happen and then telling everyone that it could have been prevented.

What also remains is the following: "According to intel from Russian/Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Zhilin (who’s originally from Nikolaev), 4 such American tactical nukes were delivered in November 2014 to the Ivano-Frankovsk military airport in Western Ukraine."
What is the reason for the delivery of this package, if not a false flag?

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 18, 2015, 07:26:48 PM
I'm not used to agree with Souldream, but in this case he's right, using tactical and suitcase nukes over there, are quite unlikely.

Yes, it may be far-fetched, but not that far-fetched, and certainly not much more unlikely than KAL-007, WTC and MH-17 false-flags. The best false-flag is the one that never happens, and to prevent it, the possibility of it must become so widely-known that performing this act will no longer be meaningful. Once a false-flag is enacted, it becomes so much more difficult for the victim to contain the damage.

So I'll be quite content with being ridiculed or called propagandist by the likes of Souldream if it means helping averting a tragedy, rather than wait for a tragedy to happen and then telling everyone that it could have been prevented.

What also remains is the following: "According to intel from Russian/Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Zhilin (who’s originally from Nikolaev), 4 such American tactical nukes were delivered in November 2014 to the Ivano-Frankovsk military airport in Western Ukraine."
What is the reason for the delivery of this package, if not a false flag?

According to intel Russian/Ukrainian military ? Show us real proof ...

The question is not => why delivery this package ... but why claiming such things ?

Do we need to recall you why Ukrainia stopped and swapped all nuclear weapons ? Haaa Yes ! Land integrity !

During this time lie continue ...

What a russian soldier ... speaking about civil war ... ? First this is not civil war .. this is war sponsorized by mob ...

Have a nice reading ...

Quote from: lie
There is ample evidence that the so-called ‘humanitarian convoys’ which Russia itself has been transporting into Ukraine have been bringing weapons, fuel and supplies needed for the military offensive, or for enticing local residents to pseudo-elections condemned by the EU and OSCE.  It is also believed that the trucks are being used to take the bodies of fighters killed back into Russia.

Hoooo military .. unloading weapons from the "Human help" trucks ... with the magic sentence ... -> we received the magic christmas gift for Porochenko ...

Where is food ? This video is fake too ?

I agree with you ... not all people are paid like Kremlin Pro-Russian to flood all public space on Internet to load the low propaganda ....

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 19, 2015, 04:45:12 AM
I'm not used to agree with Souldream, but in this case he's right, using tactical and suitcase nukes over there, are quite unlikely.

Yes, it may be far-fetched, but not that far-fetched, and certainly not much more unlikely than KAL-007, WTC and MH-17 false-flags. The best false-flag is the one that never happens, and to prevent it, the possibility of it must become so widely-known that performing this act will no longer be meaningful. Once a false-flag is enacted, it becomes so much more difficult for the victim to contain the damage.

So I'll be quite content with being ridiculed or called propagandist by the likes of Souldream if it means helping averting a tragedy, rather than wait for a tragedy to happen and then telling everyone that it could have been prevented.

What also remains is the following: "According to intel from Russian/Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Zhilin (who’s originally from Nikolaev), 4 such American tactical nukes were delivered in November 2014 to the Ivano-Frankovsk military airport in Western Ukraine."
What is the reason for the delivery of this package, if not a false flag?

According to intel Russian/Ukrainian military ? Show us real proof ...

The question is not => why delivery this package ... but why claiming such things ?

Do we need to recall you why Ukrainia stopped and swapped all nuclear weapons ? Haaa Yes ! Land integrity !

During this time lie continue ...

What a russian soldier ... speaking about civil war ... ? First this is not civil war .. this is war sponsorized by mob ...

Have a nice reading ...

Quote from: lie
There is ample evidence that the so-called ‘humanitarian convoys’ which Russia itself has been transporting into Ukraine have been bringing weapons, fuel and supplies needed for the military offensive, or for enticing local residents to pseudo-elections condemned by the EU and OSCE.  It is also believed that the trucks are being used to take the bodies of fighters killed back into Russia.

Hoooo military .. unloading weapons from the "Human help" trucks ... with the magic sentence ... -> we received the magic christmas gift for Porochenko ...

Where is food ? This video is fake too ?

I agree with you ... not all people are paid like Kremlin Pro-Russian to flood all public space on Internet to load the low propaganda ....

dude, I just say that you are a weak and stupid psy agent for the money printers... war war war (meanwhile we know that the son of biden is doing what? planning and distributing frack patch? lol monkey).

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: Souldream on February 19, 2015, 08:11:37 AM

Keep your bad words for your friends and family , as we are not friend ! No education ? Seems so ...
Each time, you have no argument and come with direct "agressive" attack with bad words ... funny
When words is missing ... only agressive answer ? I fell you a little bit frustrated !
Take it easy ...
Where are your proof ? Links, document ? work a little and i will perhaps start to think you have some skill and education !
But at this time, sorry ... c'mon show us proof !
For the last point, if really i was paid for posting ... i would not been here to reply you and not in this board LoL

Title: Re: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA - Will Russia blow 9/11 wide open?
Post by: BitMos on February 19, 2015, 08:49:10 AM

Keep your bad words for your friends and family , as we are not friend ! No education ? Seems so ...
Each time, you have no argument and come with direct "agressive" attack with bad words ... funny
When words is missing ... only agressive answer ? I fell you a little bit frustrated !
Take it easy ...
Where are your proof ? Links, document ? work a little and i will perhaps start to think you have some skill and education !
But at this time, sorry ... c'mon show us proof !
For the last point, if really i was paid for posting ... i would not been here to reply you and not in this board LoL

of course so a little European picker friends with the dsk silivio team want to recreate usa in Europe? ahaha.

anyway you lost. that's what loser get.

edit: I will need a bigger bowl...
