Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: notbatman on February 28, 2015, 11:07:14 AM

Title: Corruption Rant
Post by: notbatman on February 28, 2015, 11:07:14 AM
All governments are corrupt, all corporations are corrupt, all religions are corrupt, all political organizations are corrupt, all financial institutions are corrupt, all schools are corrupt, all activist groups are corrupt. The list of corruption is all-inclusive. Everybody is busy busy being a motherfucker in exchange for paycheck because you don't get money without doing something corrupt in some way. If you've found some way to make money or create value without doing something corrupt then you can expect motherfuckers headed your way.

Now the DNA of all life is being corrupted and we're being sprayed with shit 24/7. Also what the fuck am I being sprayed with??? Aluminum, Barium, thorium, polymer fibers, GMO human blood cells. What the fuck man?? This planet fucking sucks and nobody is willing or able to do anything about it.

Any suggestions? Bitcoin as much as it's awesome isn't helping anybody at all except the fucking scammers!

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: polynesia on March 01, 2015, 11:55:57 PM
Bitcoin as much as it's awesome isn't helping anybody at all except the fucking scammers!

I would say Bitcoin is pure, but it is being used by scammers.
Over time, they would be easily outnumbered by normal users. :)

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: bitgeek on March 02, 2015, 12:46:08 AM
Now the DNA of all life is being corrupted and we're being sprayed with shit 24/7. Also what the fuck am I being sprayed with??? Aluminum, Barium, thorium, polymer fibers, GMO human blood cells. What the fuck man?? This planet fucking sucks and nobody is willing or able to do anything about it.

Don't forget that you're being bombarded by electromagnetic waves and your toothpaste contains fluoride, that you're passively digesting every day.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: alani123 on March 02, 2015, 12:54:54 AM
How are activists corrupt? Ok I get that some of them have financial motives, but all of them? There are people protesting about Simpsons shows on TV being rescheduled, how are those corrupt?

I don't see why schools could be corrupt too.

I can't think of many things being as free from corruption as schools. There are not many reasons someone paid by the state to teach children would be corrupt bec ause of money... What would the reason behind that be really?

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: (oYo) on March 02, 2015, 01:40:35 AM
I agree 100% with OP. However, I believe this thread is better suited in the Politics & Society section.

How are activists corrupt? Ok I get that some of them have financial motives, but all of them? There are people protesting about Simpsons shows on TV being rescheduled, how are those corrupt?

I don't see why schools could be corrupt too.

I can't think of many things being as free from corruption as schools. There are not many reasons someone paid by the state to teach children would be corrupt bec ause of money... What would the reason behind that be really?

Encouraging people to protest 'The Simpsons being rescheduled' as opposed to real corruption in government is corruption at its best, by distracting people from meaningful pursuits.

The corporate mindset co-opts most activist groups and charities into becoming profit motivated, lining the pockets of CEOs and doing very little towards solving the problems they were originally created to solve, lest they go out of business.

Schools are all about conditioning, not education. They produce "good workers" incapable of critical thinking. Memorization is the key to graduation. Creative thinking is discouraged. Teachers are powerless to really help their students since they do not make policy. John Taylor Gatto wrote a great book on this subject called 'The Underground History of American Education'.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: alani123 on March 02, 2015, 03:47:40 AM
I agree 100% with OP. However, I believe this thread is better suited in the Politics & Society section.

How are activists corrupt? Ok I get that some of them have financial motives, but all of them? There are people protesting about Simpsons shows on TV being rescheduled, how are those corrupt?

I don't see why schools could be corrupt too.

I can't think of many things being as free from corruption as schools. There are not many reasons someone paid by the state to teach children would be corrupt bec ause of money... What would the reason behind that be really?

Encouraging people to protest 'The Simpsons being rescheduled' as opposed to real corruption in government is corruption at its best, by distracting people from meaningful pursuits.

The corporate mindset co-opts most activist groups and charities into becoming profit motivated, lining the pockets of CEOs and doing very little towards solving the problems they were originally created to solve, lest they go out of business.

Schools are all about conditioning, not education. They produce "good workers" incapable of critical thinking. Memorization is the key to graduation. Creative thinking is discouraged. Teachers are powerless to really help their students since they do not make policy. John Taylor Gatto wrote a great book on this subject called 'The Underground History of American Education'.

I'll have to agree on the school part, still I don't see free public education as corrupt by money. At least not in most countries. 

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: on March 02, 2015, 04:06:50 AM
I'll have to agree on the school part, still I don't see free public education as corrupt by money. At least not in most countries. 

There are things in the history of a country that's sometimes not taught in school, it's not even in their curriculum. You don't learn about false-flag operations in history classes, at least not to a large degree. And you don't learn too much about geopolitics. You're also not very encouraged to ask questions, even if that means questioning authority.

There are a lot of things in society that most people in general do not like to talk about, and that's often reflected in the curriculum. So you could say many teachers are not corrupted, but the reason the curriculum is twisted a certain way, means that there are interests that make it that way.

However, it's not healthy obsessing too much about all the bad things, then a man could go insane! So getting outside and moving the body is not a bad idea! When you feel better, then the world also feels like a better place.

And while a single man cannot change the world, you can do whatever you can to make it non-corrupted.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: (oYo) on March 02, 2015, 05:55:13 AM
I'll have to agree on the school part, still I don't see free public education as corrupt by money. At least not in most countries. 

There are things in the history of a country that's sometimes not taught in school, it's not even in their curriculum. You don't learn about false-flag operations in history classes, at least not to a large degree. And you don't learn too much about geopolitics. You're also not very encouraged to ask questions, even if that means questioning authority.

There are a lot of things in society that most people in general do not like to talk about, and that's often reflected in the curriculum. So you could say many teachers are not corrupted, but the reason the curriculum is twisted a certain way, means that there are interests that make it that way.

However, it's not healthy obsessing too much about all the bad things, then a man could go insane! So getting outside and moving the body is not a bad idea! When you feel better, then the world also feels like a better place.

And while a single man cannot change the world, you can do whatever you can to make it non-corrupted.

I can't help but feel powerless in making any kind of positive difference in my own community, hence my own government, much less the world. Like the popular saying goes - "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."

I agree it isn't healthy obsessing about it and at times I do feel like I'm the only sane person (although I know there are others like me) in this insane world, the revelation of which thereby ironically driving me insane in the process. Yet, not thinking and talking about it is equally unappealing to me, like sticking your head in the sand, even though I'm absolutely convinced of its futility. Human nature is what it is and we did not get here by accident. No amount of walking is ever going to change that or somehow make the world feel like a better place to me.

I used to vehemently disagree with a quotation I believe is attributed to Marcus Aurelius, "The world is as it should be.", since a) that's exactly what an elitist would say and b) it is my belief that if we wanted to we could make the world a better place. It was much later when I realized the truth of it. The world is exactly the way we've allowed it to become, whether it be through action or inaction, and it will never change because this is human nature. This sentiment is best described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in 'The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956' (1973) - If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: grendel25 on March 02, 2015, 06:35:47 AM
Get the money out of politics.  Don't end lobbying but end commercial lobbying for profit.  Then I think we'll at least be a little bit better off.  I'm glad people are ranting about corruption.  US has a huge corruption problem.  We basically just legislated what other countries unregulate as bribes

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: on March 02, 2015, 08:40:27 AM
I agree it isn't healthy obsessing about it and at times I do feel like I'm the only sane person (although I know there are others like me) in this insane world, the revelation of which thereby ironically driving me insane in the process. Yet, not thinking and talking about it is equally unappealing to me, like sticking your head in the sand, even though I'm absolutely convinced of its futility. Human nature is what it is and we did not get here by accident. No amount of walking is ever going to change that or somehow make the world feel like a better place to me.

Some interesting quotes there in your posting. There certainly is a lot of litterature to dwelve into for those having the time for it. You are most certainly not alone, I feel the same where I live, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about all these issues. But focusing too much on the negatives, it simply makes your life miserable. I am not saying your should put your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine. That's not smart or possible.

There's a saying: Ignorance is bliss. And you see those all day, everywhere. The people who do their jobs, and then gleefully spend their money on gadgets, a new car and a vacation, and doesn't have a care in the world. Thoughts of corruption does not even enter their mind. Geopolitics? Huh - gotta be some exotic rare herb. The public is at large distracted by sports and entertainment. I read recently that Kardhashian now had 27 million followers on instagram, and recently made a 600 million dollar TV-deal. How many people pay attention to real serious issues? 10%, 5%, 2%, 0.5%, less? Most people seems to be concerned only about their own little bubble.

It's true that we all have both evil and good in our hearts, but some people have more goodness than others. Those who are cynical and is willing to do whatever to advance in the hierarcy, will do so, for them power is what attracts, often as a tool to serve their own agenda. The "good" people seldom has this desire to elevate themselves over others and control others, hence they don't raise to high positions in politics.

So what can a man do? While being aware of all these issues, and further educating yourself, trying to life your life as well as you can is important. After all, you're only here 70-90 years if you live a full lifespan, after that, you're gone.

So my best suggestions is to every week spend some time doing the things that you like to do, what puts you in a good mood, so even though happiness cannot be acieved all the time, at least some of the time you don't have to be miserable.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: WhatTheGox on March 02, 2015, 09:30:32 AM
Get the money out of politics.  Don't end lobbying but end commercial lobbying for profit.  Then I think we'll at least be a little bit better off.  I'm glad people are ranting about corruption.  US has a huge corruption problem.  We basically just legislated what other countries unregulate as bribes

Its going to happen but we need more time, cant see us getting money out of politics with the current money design.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: grendel25 on March 02, 2015, 04:45:13 PM
Get the money out of politics.  Don't end lobbying but end commercial lobbying for profit.  Then I think we'll at least be a little bit better off.  I'm glad people are ranting about corruption.  US has a huge corruption problem.  We basically just legislated what other countries unregulate as bribes

Its going to happen but we need more time, cant see us getting money out of politics with the current money design.

You should see what's going on with money and politics in the world - a full scale corruption. We need more time? I say we are running out of it.

Time is the fire in which we burn, to quote Star Trek.  Look, we're all burning for change.  Election season is coming up.  leading up to 2008, Healthcare change was high ranking for American voters and now fixing that legislation is also pretty high up there.  One of the problems to fixing corruption is the tunnel vision we get.  We have to let the politicians know that we see how f#cked up corporate lobbying has become.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: patt0 on March 02, 2015, 09:25:27 PM
I'll have to agree on the school part, still I don't see free public education as corrupt by money. At least not in most countries. 

There are things in the history of a country that's sometimes not taught in school, it's not even in their curriculum. You don't learn about false-flag operations in history classes, at least not to a large degree. And you don't learn too much about geopolitics. You're also not very encouraged to ask questions, even if that means questioning authority.

There are a lot of things in society that most people in general do not like to talk about, and that's often reflected in the curriculum. So you could say many teachers are not corrupted, but the reason the curriculum is twisted a certain way, means that there are interests that make it that way.

However, it's not healthy obsessing too much about all the bad things, then a man could go insane! So getting outside and moving the body is not a bad idea! When you feel better, then the world also feels like a better place.

And while a single man cannot change the world, you can do whatever you can to make it non-corrupted.

I can't help but feel powerless in making any kind of positive difference in my own community, hence my own government, much less the world. Like the popular saying goes - "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."

I agree it isn't healthy obsessing about it and at times I do feel like I'm the only sane person (although I know there are others like me) in this insane world, the revelation of which thereby ironically driving me insane in the process. Yet, not thinking and talking about it is equally unappealing to me, like sticking your head in the sand, even though I'm absolutely convinced of its futility. Human nature is what it is and we did not get here by accident. No amount of walking is ever going to change that or somehow make the world feel like a better place to me.

I used to vehemently disagree with a quotation I believe is attributed to Marcus Aurelius, "The world is as it should be.", since a) that's exactly what an elitist would say and b) it is my belief that if we wanted to we could make the world a better place. It was much later when I realized the truth of it. The world is exactly the way we've allowed it to become, whether it be through action or inaction, and it will never change because this is human nature. This sentiment is best described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in 'The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956' (1973) - If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

I think if you want to make changes in the world it is better to start with your community. Maybe many people are distracted and have little time to make big changes, but what affects their lives directly they will want to change. Start by knowing people near you, including people with stores and businesses, and homeless people. It's harder to organize people if they don't know each other and don't trust each other. Then try to organize to solve small problems in the community, trying to help each other and go from there. It's a small beginning and hard but makes a difference in time.
And I agree that the world is as it should be because of our actions. But I think it has been improving with time and not getting worse. For example women's rights have improved, slavery, child labor etc, still happen but aren't acceptable by most anymore. What part of human nature we use depends on the circumstances we are in.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: Bit-Gods on June 21, 2015, 08:17:01 AM
All governments are corrupt, all corporations are corrupt, all religions are corrupt, all political organizations are corrupt, all financial institutions are corrupt, all schools are corrupt, all activist groups are corrupt. The list of corruption is all-inclusive. Everybody is busy busy being a motherfucker in exchange for paycheck because you don't get money without doing something corrupt in some way. If you've found some way to make money or create value without doing something corrupt then you can expect motherfuckers headed your way.

Now the DNA of all life is being corrupted and we're being sprayed with shit 24/7. Also what the fuck am I being sprayed with??? Aluminum, Barium, thorium, polymer fibers, GMO human blood cells. What the fuck man?? This planet fucking sucks and nobody is willing or able to do anything about it.

Any suggestions? Bitcoin as much as it's awesome isn't helping anybody at all except the fucking scammers!

Here's cold beer paradox. Nothing is better than a cold beer yet a cold beer is better than nothing. See thses things have no end, no conclusion. You want a clean government you gotta stop the dynasty recruitment. You got to reset. I'd say you join the League of Shadows.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: mayflor2 on June 21, 2015, 09:05:43 AM
All governments are corrupt, all corporations are corrupt, all religions are corrupt, all political organizations are corrupt, all financial institutions are corrupt, all schools are corrupt, all activist groups are corrupt. The list of corruption is all-inclusive. Everybody is busy busy being a motherfucker in exchange for paycheck because you don't get money without doing something corrupt in some way. If you've found some way to make money or create value without doing something corrupt then you can expect motherfuckers headed your way.

Now the DNA of all life is being corrupted and we're being sprayed with shit 24/7. Also what the fuck am I being sprayed with??? Aluminum, Barium, thorium, polymer fibers, GMO human blood cells. What the fuck man?? This planet fucking sucks and nobody is willing or able to do anything about it.

Any suggestions? Bitcoin as much as it's awesome isn't helping anybody at all except the fucking scammers!

Yes it is right.
Everyone is corrupt.
It is staircase and we are all aboard.
Some do it on a small scale, some on large.
Some commit it for 10k bucks.. some commit ir for 10 million. No difference. We r all aboard coz there's no way out if we don't collectively oppose it.

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: tyrexs on June 21, 2015, 10:18:19 AM
everybody are corrupted, what about you. are you corrupted too
dont judge the people same like what people in your head
thank you

Title: Re: Corruption Rant
Post by: Miracal on June 21, 2015, 01:09:54 PM
everybody are corrupted, what about you. are you corrupted too
dont judge the people same like what people in your head
thank you

And how can you say that a said person is corrupted? There are people who have never bribed, obeyed rules and lived an obedient lives. Those people are commendable and I think every person should become such a being. You just sound like a whole bunch of negative