Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: larsson on March 03, 2015, 04:36:03 AM

Title: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: larsson on March 03, 2015, 04:36:03 AM

Sick ISIS militants fed a desperate mum the mutilated remains of her son - after telling her it was cooked meat and rice, it was claimed today.

The son had been captured and taken prisoner by Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq.

The worried mum then bravely visited the terror group's headquarters in a bid to speak to her loved one.

ISIS fighters told the mum she should eat before seeing her son because she had travelled a long way.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: finnile on March 03, 2015, 06:25:54 AM
Wow , that is seriously a new low. Can't believe them being this inhumane .

In that article, it also says: It emerged this weekend that Islamic State militants blindfolded a 'gay' man, threw him from a roof then stoned his corpse in Syria.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: rosh on March 03, 2015, 03:16:33 PM

Sick ISIS militants fed a desperate mum the mutilated remains of her son - after telling her it was cooked meat and rice, it was claimed today.

The son had been captured and taken prisoner by Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq.

The worried mum then bravely visited the terror group's headquarters in a bid to speak to her loved one.

ISIS fighters told the mum she should eat before seeing her son because she had travelled a long way.

This is getting sicker and sicker.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: zezt on March 03, 2015, 03:19:16 PM
I don't think there are any limits on what they could do. The United States is very good at creating these groups.

All it takes is a lot of money and weapons for everyone!

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: oblivi on March 03, 2015, 04:30:50 PM
I don't think there are any limits on what they could do. The United States is very good at creating these groups.

All it takes is a lot of money and weapons for everyone!
And the retard of the day speaks.
The USA is not responsible of their behaviour. All countries do business of dodgy morals in terms of selling weapons with each other, but they aren't accountable of what they do with said weapons. They could use these weapons to stablish order and create a prosperous society, but since they are jihadist subhumans stuck in the middle ages they create ISIS and fuck people around. Thats why they are hopeless and they need to get nuked.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: BADecker on March 03, 2015, 05:11:31 PM
Here's what it is all about. It is about the petrodollar.

Every last thing that the U.S. does in the Middle East is designed to push ME nations - all of them if possible - into becoming partners with the U.S. big bankers and big oil people so that they can remain kings in their control of the world through the petrodollar.

That's why the U.S. starts all these little groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The U.S. is using the anarchistic ideals of these groups to topple the ME nations in favor of big oil and big banking.

Of course, it isn't the American people. They don't really understand what is going on. They are simply trying to live their lives and make ends meet like people all over the world. The fact that they benefit from the petrodollar is incidental. It is part of the system that the petrodollar people are using to keep themselves afloat. In fact, when you look at the increasing poverty and expanding tent cities in the U.S., the poverty that the petrodollar people are creating in the ME is spreading to the American people in a different way.

Puppet President Obama is a very unique puppet. Certainly all of the Presidents for a long time were puppets of the petrodollar people. Reagan was a puppet used to keep the American people convinced and happy that there was some good left in the system. Obama was put in place to convince ME people that Islam is coming to America, so that ME people can be happier to turn their oil over to the U.S. big bankers for petrodollars. Obama keeps Americans happy by giving them all the handouts/welfare.

Every president, both American and all other countries, are "tweaks" over the previous ones, as the petrodollar kings attempt to take over the whole world.

While Bitcoin is a mild threat to the petrodollar - and a potentially great threat, as well - it isn't strong enough to do any real damage at this stage. But, let's keep it in mind for real use in the event the petrodollar collapses for some reason.

The thing that would make the petrodollar absolutely collapse is if somebody found a simple, real method of perpetual motion or over-unity. It would have to be some little trick application of nature and science, that everybody could build at home with a minimum of equipment and expense, as well as a minimum of knowledge, that would take our reliance on crude oil entirely away. If this happened, nobody would need crude anymore, nobody would buy gasoline or other oil energy products, and even though we have a lot of products made from oil besides energy products, this might be enough to collapse the system, like overnight.

Personally, it wouldn't surprise me if the American HAARP installation, along with the other 18 known, similar installations around the world, didn't have some kind of Tesla method in them, that makes it difficult for average people to use modern electronics to suck free energy out of the air around us. Many backyard mechanics are getting close to free energy. Once someone invents some simple, free-energy device, that is so simple that he can't make money off it, and gives it to the world for free, the petrodollar wars will be over.

Once the petrodollar is over, the banking system will crash, ISIS and groups like her will fade away - no more money support - and the world will enter a new era of freedom.

(One way that we are close to banking failure right now is that the Federal Reserve charter has expired in 2013, and it has not been renewed by the U.S. government. This means that nobody is required to use the USD any longer, and everyone is entitled to start his own currency in America, just to live and do trading among fellow people. There's no even appearance for the authorization of income taxes, because taxes are a part of the FED, which doesn't officially exist any longer.)

It will be interesting to see what the world will turn into as people of many different cultures will have to set aside their inbred, cultural differences just to live in communication and transportation with each other, trading worldwide with Bitcoin, when the petrodollar finally dies for real.


Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2015, 05:49:53 PM
I don't think there are any limits on what they could do. The United States is very good at creating these groups.

All it takes is a lot of money and weapons for everyone!

You've forgotten to blame bush for the salt and pepper provided to the cook...

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: BRE on March 03, 2015, 05:54:10 PM

Sick ISIS militants fed a desperate mum the mutilated remains of her son - after telling her it was cooked meat and rice, it was claimed today.

The son had been captured and taken prisoner by Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq.

The worried mum then bravely visited the terror group's headquarters in a bid to speak to her loved one.

ISIS fighters told the mum she should eat before seeing her son because she had travelled a long way.

This is getting sicker and sicker.

A mob of sadistic killers , we can't call them human anymore.
Well i believe The Wrath of God will fall upon them soon.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: BADecker on March 03, 2015, 08:44:20 PM
I don't think there are any limits on what they could do. The United States is very good at creating these groups.

All it takes is a lot of money and weapons for everyone!

You've forgotten to blame bush for the salt and pepper provided to the cook...

Roasted bird is pretty dry without salt and pepper. That's why a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.    ;D

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Spendulus on March 03, 2015, 09:50:55 PM

Sick ISIS militants fed a desperate mum the mutilated remains of her son - after telling her it was cooked meat and rice, it was claimed today.

The son had been captured and taken prisoner by Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq.

The worried mum then bravely visited the terror group's headquarters in a bid to speak to her loved one.

ISIS fighters told the mum she should eat before seeing her son because she had travelled a long way.

This is getting sicker and sicker.

A mob of sadistic killers , we can't call them human anymore.
Well i believe The Wrath of God will fall upon them soon.
There may be nothing quite like the wrath of a combined force of Muslims, Atheists and Christians.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Bralex on March 03, 2015, 09:52:59 PM

Sick ISIS militants fed a desperate mum the mutilated remains of her son - after telling her it was cooked meat and rice, it was claimed today.

The son had been captured and taken prisoner by Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq.

The worried mum then bravely visited the terror group's headquarters in a bid to speak to her loved one.

ISIS fighters told the mum she should eat before seeing her son because she had travelled a long way.

If this is true this is up there with the most disgusting things i have ever read and will probably play on my mind for a long time to come!

If this is true and not propaganda then i feel sick just reading it  >:( :'(

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Snail2 on March 03, 2015, 10:11:21 PM
How low they can go? I think that depends only their numbers and funding. The more manpower and more money means the more opportunity for them to extend their influence and go even lower.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Bralex on March 03, 2015, 10:22:34 PM
How low they can go? I think that depends only their numbers and funding. The more manpower and more money means the more opportunity for them to extend their influence and go even lower.

They have no limit on funding they take down banks and run a nice part of the middle east, oil fields included. Its the numbers game though how many mentally ill psychopaths can they recruit to join there rain of terror before country's step in and wipe these scumbags out. Hitler done similar the world just watched until it got to a point where he was near impossible to stop  :-\

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: btcjoin14 on March 04, 2015, 06:51:23 AM
ISIS would appear to be a whole army of psychopathic sadists.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: BitCoinNutJob on March 04, 2015, 08:02:08 AM
Something just doesnt seem right, im not sure who to trust about what we hear from ISIS.  This will continue while the brand ISIS are creating optimum fear levels.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: bitwarrior on March 04, 2015, 08:13:21 AM
The news about the actions of ISIS is getting sicker and more disgusting by each successive news reporting being made.
How low can they get? They are going lower than animals by these reports.. as they push through for the fear mongering that they are targeting by these inhumane acts.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Snail2 on March 04, 2015, 08:39:01 AM
They have no limit on funding they take down banks and run a nice part of the middle east, oil fields included. Its the numbers game though how many mentally ill psychopaths can they recruit to join there rain of terror before country's step in and wipe these scumbags out. Hitler done similar the world just watched until it got to a point where he was near impossible to stop  :-\

Hitler isn't a good example . The world turned against him when he started to be a serious economical threat for the English/US interests. Prior to that nobody really cared about the jews. ISIS however not an economical issue. They are selling their oil for dollars, so they are annoying but they are part of the business. In addition they are a very effective blocking force against the planned independent Iran-Iraq (Kurdistan)-Syria pipeline, therefore they are an asset for the US/UK.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Amph on March 04, 2015, 01:19:53 PM
it's more about the money they rise for those thing, people will do everything for money and ISIS know this, they will subjugate everyone by playing with big amount of money

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: cakir on March 04, 2015, 02:21:57 PM
That could be because of American movies.
I remember a scene from Hannibal, that he makes a guy to eat his own brain. (Disgusting).

As far as I know human meat is haram in islam, so it can't be eaten.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: Spendulus on March 04, 2015, 10:19:22 PM
That could be because of American movies.
I remember a scene from Hannibal, that he makes a guy to eat his own brain. (Disgusting).

As far as I know human meat is haram in islam, so it can't be eaten.

LOL, no matter what is going on, somehow the Great Satan is behind it or responsible for it.

Truly amazing.

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: KaliLinux on March 04, 2015, 10:22:09 PM
I thought you was going to show me a game of ISIS play the poll game trying to beat each other but no! I get to read maybe the sickest thing i have read on this forum within the last month and that is saying something.

Them dirty bastards they are indescribable i really am speechless and can only send my love to the mum 'if' she is still alive :'(

Title: Re: ISIS How low can they go?
Post by: maku on March 04, 2015, 10:39:34 PM
Why I am not surprised? Why it seems like cooking humans is the thing that they do on daily basis? After murder in London I am no longer be able feel shock when I hear about ISIS or islamic terrorist. If you want to know more about 'the religion of peace' please check this site: (