Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: coinut on March 05, 2015, 08:49:42 AM

Title: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: coinut on March 05, 2015, 08:49:42 AM
check this out

length - 3.3 min

taken from

INSIDE 9/11 ZERO HOUR (PART 4 of 4) - History Channel documentary

Skip to 6.24 min.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: BADecker on March 05, 2015, 08:41:42 PM
It has been rumored (and in many cases it is the truth) bin Laden and others were/are trained CIA agents. They were trained operatives that the U.S. was/is using to conquer the Middle East.

It's all about oil, and maintaining the petrodollar as the world currency, ultimately to formally take over the world.

Hitler fought the bankers, and though he wounded them, he lost because he did it the wrong way for the wrong reasons. Now, the bankers are taking over the world in ways Hitler could have only dreamed.

People like bin Laden have waked up to what the U.S. and the bankers are doing. That's why they turn and fight their trainers.

There's a whole lot of evidence that suggests that 9/11 was an inside job, at least in part.


Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: mishax1 on March 09, 2015, 01:35:21 PM
It's is actually interesting theory about Bin Laden, many say that people live in Afganistan don't even know a Bin Laden.. never heard of him.. his name was mainly broadcasted by the mainstream television and that is how the western world got to know a Bin Laden..  :(

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Rampton on March 09, 2015, 03:40:31 PM
It has been rumored (and in many cases it is the truth) bin Laden and others were/are trained CIA agents. They were trained operatives that the U.S. was/is using to conquer the Middle East.

I know it sounds like conspiracy theory but it is very likely he was involved with the CIA in the past especially with the Russian/Afghan war and the CIA backed the Taliban or whatever they were called then, but that doesn't mean he was still and ally before 9/11 (not that I think he had anything to do with it for sure) but the CIA has backed many terrorists in the past as long as it furthers their agenda or they can overthrow who they want them to overthrow.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Nemo1024 on March 09, 2015, 04:48:56 PM
It's is actually interesting theory about Bin Laden, many say that people live in Afganistan don't even know a Bin Laden.. never heard of him.. his name was mainly broadcasted by the mainstream television and that is how the western world got to know a Bin Laden..  :(

Or Bin Laden may be an evil twin of Hassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab (  ;D

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Possum577 on March 09, 2015, 08:00:29 PM
Dude, you can't just post some link and expect us to give a shit. What's the point? Summarize the details? Take a side and make a statement.

If you're a 9/11 truther you better have some kind of perspective or opinion. Some facts to prove your point of view.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Snipe85 on March 10, 2015, 12:31:41 AM
I guess not many people still believe 9.11 was really a terrorist attack. The US government has been caught lying about obvious things like the building 7, pentagon plane crash and faked flight 93 crash.
They put a lot of effort into taking down the towers, but were sloppy everywhere else.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: ajareselde on March 10, 2015, 01:04:37 AM
This isnt something new, we know all this allready, since it was even shady from start. Just think about it, US has defence system to protect it against blazing fast missles, but they couldnt stop passanger planes ? Has no sence , doesnt it? And the aftermath is even worse, they just go ahead and start a war right after...
Its like robbing a bank and spending money on the very next day on luxury cars..


Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Snipe85 on March 10, 2015, 02:41:34 AM
This isnt something new, we know all this allready, since it was even shady from start. Just think about it, US has defence system to protect it against blazing fast missles, but they couldnt stop passanger planes ? Has no sence , doesnt it? And the aftermath is even worse, they just go ahead and start a war right after...
Its like robbing a bank and spending money on the very next day on luxury cars..


You should read about NORAD if you want to know why they didn't react. It was set up, someone scheduled exercise for that day and they weren't ready for a real intervention. They also used a very old radar system and couldn't follow low flying planes. Check this out:
What is more the protocols in use at that time didn't even consider using military surface to air missiles against a passenger jet.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: coinut on March 10, 2015, 09:29:04 AM
there was a taxi driver that got caught up with the pentagon 9/11 attack, off camera he lets it slip that he thought it was planned. on camera all official story.

length 14.53 min

but if you are interested only in the off camera

skip to 12 min

I thought it was a interesting watch.

Fast facts about bin laden

Length 4.55 min

skip to around 3.27 min


Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Agestorzrxx on March 10, 2015, 09:51:47 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: MJK on March 10, 2015, 10:35:25 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Those people who believe everything their government tells them and never question it are even more retarded. I don't believe they had bombs in the towers but I don't believe it had anything to do with Bin Laden or that it didn't have anything to do with various American agencies. You've always got to look at who it benefited the most and what was the outcome? War that's what.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: stevegreer on March 10, 2015, 01:33:53 PM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Those people who close their minds to all possibilities, especially when evidence exists which contradicts the "official" story are retarded.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Snipe85 on March 11, 2015, 12:58:26 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

I always like a nice discussion. If you think everything adds up, even things like NORAD's exercise and steel poles inside WTC towers being cut at an angle you must be the retarded one.
I'd like you to see you counter even half of the facts provided by these "retarded" people, among who we have engineers, who designed WTC and demolition experts, who said it was a controlled explosion.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: sickhouse on March 11, 2015, 01:03:24 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Got that other way around friend, the people who haven't reallized that it was an advanced plot to take over the middle east step by step by now is a retard (just using your word). How did WTC 7 fall? Did you even know it fell?

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Agestorzrxx on March 11, 2015, 03:10:27 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Those people who close their minds to all possibilities, especially when evidence exists which contradicts the "official" story are retarded.
all possibilities?
You have to base on comprehensive evidence.
Not just one of them.
As we all know, a result can be leaded by many different reasons.
All this conspiracy just based on a few evidence, that why we should reject it.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: stevegreer on March 11, 2015, 10:50:14 AM
Those people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy are retarded.

Those people who close their minds to all possibilities, especially when evidence exists which contradicts the "official" story are retarded.
all possibilities?
You have to base on comprehensive evidence.
Not just one of them.
As we all know, a result can be leaded by many different reasons.
All this conspiracy just based on a few evidence, that why we should reject it.

If you would bother at all to look at this from more than just your own personal point-of-view then you will see there is plenty of comprehensive evidence that says this could very well be the exact opposite of the official story we were given. Many demolition experts going on record to say that there was no way the buildings would have fallen in on themselves so cleanly from just being struck by planes. Many experts saying that the heat generated by burning fuel is nowhere near hot enough to melt the steel beams. Building 7 being "pulled" so quickly was a complete fabrication of the truth as, again, demolition experts said that setting up a demolition as clean as that one would have taken weeks to plan and prepare, yet we are to believe it was done in a matter of hours? Open your eyes man!

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Raeg on March 11, 2015, 01:05:11 PM
there was a taxi driver that got caught up with the pentagon 9/11 attack, off camera he lets it slip that he thought it was planned. on camera all official story.

Let slip what exactly? His opinion. A taxi driver's opinion. Hardly a authority on such subjects. Don't get me wrong, I'm sceptical of a lot of the official story but I require hard facts and evidence before listening to conspiracies.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Lauda on March 11, 2015, 01:40:54 PM
all possibilities?
You have to base on comprehensive evidence.
Not just one of them.
As we all know, a result can be leaded by many different reasons.
All this conspiracy just based on a few evidence, that why we should reject it.

If you would bother at all to look at this from more than just your own personal point-of-view then you will see there is plenty of comprehensive evidence that says this could very well be the exact opposite of the official story we were given. Many demolition experts going on record to say that there was no way the buildings would have fallen in on themselves so cleanly from just being struck by planes. Many experts saying that the heat generated by burning fuel is nowhere near hot enough to melt the steel beams. Building 7 being "pulled" so quickly was a complete fabrication of the truth as, again, demolition experts said that setting up a demolition as clean as that one would have taken weeks to plan and prepare, yet we are to believe it was done in a matter of hours? Open your eyes man!
Actually this is not just "some" evidence that is here. There were way too many coincidences that happened that day or the days prior to 9/11. Mathematically it is impossible.                                                           If you think about it, this 'terrorist fight' hasn't yielded any results so far, but with it, they have justification for spying on the population.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: stevegreer on March 11, 2015, 01:57:11 PM

Actually this is not just "some" evidence that is here. There were way too many coincidences that happened that day or the days prior to 9/11. Mathematically it is impossible. If you think about it, this 'terrorist fight' hasn't yielded any results so far, but with it, they have justification for spying on the population.

Very true. Actually, the Patriot Act as a whole was a huge hit (not in a good way) on our civil liberties and basic freedoms. Most people are just too oblivious to it as long as they get the constant "feel good" stream of crap from the media and are totally absorbed in the latest from the music and gaming industries to the point of not knowing or not caring what is actually going on in the world around them. Seems people these days are more interested in the latest app, Facebook post or Tweet to really care about important things.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: fcuk on March 11, 2015, 06:44:20 PM

Actually this is not just "some" evidence that is here. There were way too many coincidences that happened that day or the days prior to 9/11. Mathematically it is impossible. If you think about it, this 'terrorist fight' hasn't yielded any results so far, but with it, they have justification for spying on the population.

Very true. Actually, the Patriot Act as a whole was a huge hit (not in a good way) on our civil liberties and basic freedoms. Most people are just too oblivious to it as long as they get the constant "feel good" stream of crap from the media and are totally absorbed in the latest from the music and gaming industries to the point of not knowing or not caring what is actually going on in the world around them. Seems people these days are more interested in the latest app, Facebook post or Tweet to really care about important things.

The Patriot Act is the biggest piece of evidence in my opinion that something shady went on. It just gets passed a month or so after 9/11 without a peep and that was the beginning of the end of our liberties. Terrorism is always used to scare people into believing they're under threat and to protect everyone we need to spy on everyone in the process.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: MUCHSIN on March 12, 2015, 10:17:02 AM
All of which are just rumors.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: sickhouse on March 12, 2015, 05:05:23 PM
All of which are just rumors.
Rumors? You have been digging deep I see, I thought that the wast majority of the americans knew/thought that 9/11 was an inside job by now.. How much have you been looking into the facts about the twin towers? Why did WTC 7 fall? Watch some youtube videos with your mind open and its pretty clear.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: Possum577 on March 12, 2015, 05:17:51 PM

Actually this is not just "some" evidence that is here. There were way too many coincidences that happened that day or the days prior to 9/11. Mathematically it is impossible. If you think about it, this 'terrorist fight' hasn't yielded any results so far, but with it, they have justification for spying on the population.

Very true. Actually, the Patriot Act as a whole was a huge hit (not in a good way) on our civil liberties and basic freedoms. Most people are just too oblivious to it as long as they get the constant "feel good" stream of crap from the media and are totally absorbed in the latest from the music and gaming industries to the point of not knowing or not caring what is actually going on in the world around them. Seems people these days are more interested in the latest app, Facebook post or Tweet to really care about important things.

I don't think people are oblivious to it. It's a very broad piece of legislation, therefore simple to understand. Additionally, it works both ways. Government can demand information from the people (almost at will) but so can the People, through the media. And the media has done it several times, gone to court to demand release of the information and WON!

There's a level of political apathy in the US that's unfortunate. People don't care enough about politics, don't think they can effect change (even though the People have the vote), or they're just too consumed in their own life - yes part of that is shitty cable TV (i.e., American Idol) but part of it is also making ends meet.

The social media apps do a great service to spreading current events to people that don't watch or read the news regularly (e.g., the SAE Fraternity racist chant video when viral on social media before the traditional media reported on it, the issue in Ferguson, the GOP's letter to Iran, etc.).

How do you propose we bring the value of the vote and politics and involvement back to the American people?

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: BitMos on March 12, 2015, 05:47:11 PM
disintermediate the middle men...

what is "funny" is who got false flagged 1 wall street 2x, pentagon, and maybe the white house... old chaps in Langley must have laugh planning it all (bbq + beers even)... who knows... gmos will kill they knew it, aspartame they knew, frack fluids same, du, etc etc, so what's worth the life of a few USMIICERS, WALL STREETERS and WHITE HOUSERS... nothing for the stooges of the CIA/FEDERAL RESERVE... who are those peons anyway... they have to be culled back to 1/2B ww. otherwise they may understood the deepness of the loot.... ohh noowww... booohhh booohhh deep whining. pfff... (it may have been the whistle of silencers who knows...).

you don't need to cable explosives but use wifi for the wtc and 7, so it's quickly deployable by athletes... or droids  8), did I say nano :D... pfff. What ever, never forget the past isn't changeable, but the future, is a gift, and who knows what/when... hehehe.

and at the end the biggest benefit is the ability to discredit who ever, ask about the official story, and then, goes gmo etc etc... like a domino... it's the red beared men of adults... you believe in the "official" story, gg, game over piker.

the gov can't betrayed the people, but the individual working for the gov can even be barbarians, intolerable, deserve full cross, and what ever happen is less damaging than letting them rules... those legions, at those time, their leaders couldn't play the video conf card, nope nope nope... before and LOUD.

different trainings, different values... and a DREAM. oohh wide... they saw China.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: stevegreer on March 12, 2015, 05:56:01 PM
What? Man, you must have gotten into some sweet drugs before you made that rambling post! 8)

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: BitMos on March 12, 2015, 06:23:11 PM
What? Man, you must have gotten into some sweet drugs before you made that rambling post! 8)

who knows, but truth, reality or fact can be changed by "sweet or what ever qualitative" drugs... gravity will apply, how hard you try. and where does gravity leads? who benefits most the sun or the planets? it's called wearing the sheep clothes... who said that only wolves can do that... ahaha.

or all of this for an oil pump because "they" couldn't print enough?  who knows... and technically papers pushers are against the pumpers in the long run, why they aren't liquid enough :D. hohohoh... yea, and like monopoly gamers... and like military and intelligence complexer... (too costly, not fast enough, absolutely illiquid at the speed of wealth) that's it? who cares... as long as they are dead or found and then dead. if you feared the combat ai of the usmiic, it's because the "financials" ones are still cloacking... you have no idea.

Title: Re: Holy shit this is creepy. 9/11. Steven Emerson Adviser for the FBI
Post by: BitMos on March 13, 2015, 03:31:24 PM
On a side note silverstein is the best monopoly gamer I have never seen :

he bough a liability for a few B (no fiber optics, lots of stuff against burning that is toxic and cost mega to remove) and in a few sec he was able to go from a debt (the buildings) to a cash cow (insurance do)...

the insurers should return against the usmiic gov... that's them that should pay.

but on the others side I understand the perpetrators, the americans population may be nice, but they are so guilible, naïve and frankly seeing how they reacted, deserved it (the full, gmo, wars, Georgia guide stone etc...), why? they sucks

a part the players of the street the rest are frankly mad cows, with out the shaking... brain dead. so gg to the insiders that were able to put it and are sipping Manhattan on the beach (or yacht) you deeply fucked them... and they still can't concive that it was an inside hit...

and if you don't believe in inside it, how do you call the FEDERAL RESERVE OF THE UNITED STATES? Do you own shares? if not, you are nothing, just a collateralized debt obligation (ie pay your tax, watch your entertainement, progress in your "career" pay the tuitions fees, and please die in silence, you have nothing to say).

question how is silverstein linked to the pumpers and to the surveillance complex and the Keynesians hidden behind the private central bank - gmo ??

Iraq bremmer : gmo wheat.