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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: saddampbuh on March 10, 2015, 11:02:50 AM

Title: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: saddampbuh on March 10, 2015, 11:02:50 AM
what has the world come to?

A Michigan woman's Planet Fitness membership was revoked after she complained about a transgender person in the women's locker room.

Yvette Cormier, a 48, said she was walking into the Midland Planet Fitness locker room last Saturday when she saw someone "dressed like a man."

The person was wearing a wig and "a little bit of blush," but was "huge" and appeared "very manly," Cormier told ABC News today.

"I just stopped right there in my tracks," she said. "It was a man for sure."

Cormier, who had been a Planet Fitness member for two months, said she went to the front desk immediately. The man at the desk told her that Planet Fitness policy is "whatever gender you feel you are, that's the locker room you're allowed to go in," she said.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Bizmark13 on March 10, 2015, 11:15:32 AM
I think the idea behind this is that sex and gender are not necessarily the same. Usually they are, but not always. Sex is a biological concept and is determined by your chromosomes and physical attributes while gender is a social concept. Someone can be biologically male but identify as female, or vice versa. Or at least that's how I think it works. In this case, the gym decided to segregate people depending on their gender rather than their biological sex.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: NUFCrichard on March 10, 2015, 12:12:28 PM
If you are going to have women only changing, you can't allow men in who feel like women. 
Post-op is a different thing, then they are trans-gender and, though not genetically, they are women. 

I guess they could just have communal changing areas with stalls for everyone, that's what my local swimming pool has.  Otherwise everything gets too complicated.
Is the point of sepearated changing that you change with people like you, or that there is no possible sexual arousal in the changing rooms?  If it is the latter, then it should be done by sexual orientation rather than gender.  Like I say it is complicated, I wouldn't want to have to deal with it!

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: twister on March 10, 2015, 12:13:02 PM
I think the idea behind this is that sex and gender are not necessarily the same. Usually they are, but not always. Sex is a biological concept and is determined by your chromosomes and physical attributes while gender is a social concept. Someone can be biologically male but identify as female, or vice versa. Or at least that's how I think it works. In this case, the gym decided to segregate people depending on their gender rather than their biological sex.

That's what they did wrong IMHO, any pervert could pretend that "He feels like a woman inside" in order to gain access to all the naked ladies changing in the locker room. The Gym's policy is wrong and I hope that woman decides to sue their asses for this. What locker room a Gym member uses should be decided by what's between their legs and not by what's inside their head.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Snail2 on March 10, 2015, 01:13:57 PM
IMO in this case the gym is at fault. Not just as Twister said, everybody can pretend to be woman inside, but they seems to ignore the demands of their conservative (or shy) customers for the sake of being PC. BTW they should inform their customers better about the policies and then the customers can decide if they like that or not. Maybe small private change rooms within the locker room could be a good idea.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: L on March 10, 2015, 02:32:17 PM
I wouldn't care if I saw a woman dressed as a man in my gym's locker room, some people are just too picky...

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: manis on March 10, 2015, 02:35:23 PM
Can the gym revoke her membership for just complaining?  ???
That sounds way too harsh, even if she was wrong.
I am not sure if it will stand up to legal scrutiny.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: jaysabi on March 10, 2015, 02:49:43 PM
I think the idea behind this is that sex and gender are not necessarily the same. Usually they are, but not always. Sex is a biological concept and is determined by your chromosomes and physical attributes while gender is a social concept. Someone can be biologically male but identify as female, or vice versa. Or at least that's how I think it works. In this case, the gym decided to segregate people depending on their gender rather than their biological sex.

That's what they did wrong IMHO, any pervert could pretend that "He feels like a woman inside" in order to gain access to all the naked ladies changing in the locker room. The Gym's policy is wrong and I hope that woman decides to sue their asses for this. What locker room a Gym member uses should be decided by what's between their legs and not by what's inside their head.

Sue for what? The woman voluntarily went to this gym. If she doesn't like the gym's locker room policy, she's free to go to another gym. You can't voluntarily make yourself a victim and then sue for it.

BTW they should inform their customers better about the policies and then the customers can decide if they like that or not. Maybe small private change rooms within the locker room could be a good idea.

I agree with this. I can't imagine this is a common occurrence, but the gym should have a clearly stated policy so people can make an informed decision. My understanding though is the locker rooms already have stalls in them currently, so that's essentially a private area if you choose to change there (to the second part of your statement).

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: freedomno1 on March 10, 2015, 02:59:03 PM
I can understand why the woman was flustered I would be as well if a transgender person was in my changing room and I presumed them to be the opposite sex.

I guess it would just weird me out, but revoking a gym membership over the issue seems a bit overkill, then again the LGBT army is one that would initiate boycotts if they banned the transgender individual so their is an economic incentive towards this outcome.
In a sense they should just put in separate/multisex changing rooms to try to address the issue, but probably are like meh to much money so ban that lady instead.

That said they need to define their policy to prevent this occurrence.

When she called the corporate offices, she said, someone there confirmed that the person at the front desk was correct about Planet Fitness policies.

"I wouldn't have signed up for this gym if I knew that ahead of time," Cormier said, adding that the gym is "failing to protect me if anything happens in those locker rooms with a man."

She said she went back to the gym the next few days and "told everyone in the locker room what happened." She said everyone she talked to "was appalled."

"They said, 'You are talking to people about him in the women's locker room. You are making people upset.' That's my whole point," she said. "I'm telling them and warning them because you are not doing that. You allow men in there, and we are appalled by it."

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: WhatTheGox on March 10, 2015, 03:03:11 PM
I wouldn't care if I saw a woman dressed as a man in my gym's locker room, some people are just too picky...

People need to chill out and remember we all freaks underneath.  The only thing of concern is generally men are stronger.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Wilikon on March 11, 2015, 02:34:52 AM

Planet Fitness Hit With Wave Of Membership Cancellations By Women Worried About Their Transgender Policy …

Planet Fitness and its transgender “no judgment zone” policy is reportedly resulting in gym membership cancellations by women concerned about their safety in locker rooms. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, a Midland Planet Fitness center revoked a woman’s membership after she complained about an individual with male genitalia who identifies as a female, in the ladies locker room.

The Planet Fitness former member at the heart of the transgender policy controversy, Yvette Cormier, recently spoke to WNEM News about the incident. Cormier said she thought the individual in the Planet Fitness locker room was a man. After she went to the front desk at the gym to alert them about what she considered a startling incident and to complain, her membership was revoked.[…]

Michigan State Representative Gary Glenn deemed the transgender policy at Planet Fitness an “in-your-face policy” that threatens the safety of female members.

Planet Fitness officials also stated that patrons and their guests are permitted to use the rest rooms and locker rooms at all of their facilities based upon their “self-reported gender identity.”[..]

Carlotta Sklodowska, the transgender individual who was in the ladies locker room at Planet Fitness and sparked the complaint by Yvette Cormier, maintains using the women’s facilities was the right choice. Carlotta Sklodowska was reportedly in the Planet Fitness ladies locker room twice as a guest of a patron and was wearing “leggings and a baggy T-shirt” at the time.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: freedomno1 on March 11, 2015, 02:48:59 AM
I can understand why the woman was flustered I would be as well if a transgender person was in my changing room and I presumed them to be the opposite sex.

I guess it would just weird me out, but revoking a gym membership over the issue seems a bit overkill, then again the LGBT army is one that would initiate boycotts if they banned the transgender individual so their is an economic incentive towards this outcome.

Hmm, can't exactly blame them for an "army" when...

She said she went back to the gym the next few days and "told everyone in the locker room what happened." She said everyone she talked to "was appalled."

"They said, 'You are talking to people about him in the women's locker room. You are making people upset.' That's my whole point," she said. "I'm telling them and warning them because you are not doing that. You allow men in there, and we are appalled by it."
the other side goes all paramilitary, and tries to take out the entire gym in the cross-fire.

To put the opponents on an equal playing field, you could just claim that the complaining woman was a closeted butch dyke and wanted the flock of naked ladies all to herself :D

Ha-ha now that was quality linking
Connected the two parts together and made an epic joke nice one ^^.

I can just imagine a paramilitary breakout occurring inside a fitness center, now that would be a workout worth watching, no more lifting weights as smoke grenades are tossed across rooms and brawls occur in the gym just like fight club, only with one closeted dyke looking from afar with a glimmer of approval on her face.

Other notes


The same person behind the debate

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Possum577 on March 11, 2015, 04:48:19 AM
Discrimination against a protected class is a very sticky issue. I think this is a business risk move by Planet Fitness. They're deciding that the woman making the complaint is much less likely to sue than the transgender woman (and attorney's are much less likely to take that side of the case...there's no press in it!)

Sucks. It's way fucked up that a DUDE can get dressed in the WOMAN'S room and not have reprucussions.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Agestorzrxx on March 11, 2015, 05:48:17 AM
You can have all the surgery you want and take tons of hormones that shrink male body parts, but you are still a male parading around in womens clothes.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Snail2 on March 11, 2015, 09:50:07 AM
Can the gym revoke her membership for just complaining?  ???
That sounds way too harsh, even if she was wrong.
I am not sure if it will stand up to legal scrutiny.

As I've read she was quite vocal and sometimes disturbing for the rest of the members. According to my experiences gyms are patient and helpful until you stick to the official compliant and escalation routines but not used to tolerate "guerilla warfare".

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: pattu1 on March 11, 2015, 01:59:16 PM
Planet Fitness and its transgender “no judgment zone” policy is reportedly resulting in gym membership cancellations by women concerned about their safety in locker rooms. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, a Midland Planet Fitness center revoked a woman’s membership after she complained about an individual with male genitalia who identifies as a female, in the ladies locker room.

This is a tough one for them to deal with. Will they stand firm in their decision when confronted with a wave of cancellations?
Companies usually buckle when it hits them financially.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Joshuar on March 12, 2015, 01:39:22 AM
I applaud Planet Fitness for standing strong in the fight for total equality(Race, Gender, Sex, Age, etc). Transgenders are real women, if not "realer" for their biological attributes such as (being far better fitted for monogamy than biological women due to being born male; strict sexual preference, and much slower aging in the epidermis aka skin, due to being born male).

Discrimination for any reason should not be tolerated.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Vod on March 12, 2015, 02:14:08 AM
I applaud Planet Fitness for standing strong in the fight for total equality(Race, Gender, Sex, Age, etc).

Discrimination for any reason should not be tolerated.


Having read all sides of the debate, I side with the club.

This woman felt uncomfortable, and that is fine.  She had every right to find somewhere else to work out.  What she chose instead was to come to the gym every single day and harass women about her feelings.  The gym ended up getting more complaints about her complaining than they did about the transgender.

This whole attitude of "there's a penis - I'm going to be raped!" has got to end.  Times are changing.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: TaunSew on March 12, 2015, 02:30:05 AM
Honest GYM locker rooms are digusting regardless of the gender.   Might be my bad luck but every gym I've been to always has like 80+ year old men stark naked just hanging out in them all day (and yet I've never seen them use any machines..)

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: (oYo) on March 12, 2015, 02:40:18 AM
Honest GYM locker rooms are digusting regardless of the gender.   Might be my bad luck but every gym I've been to always has like 80+ year old men stark naked just hanging out in them all day (and yet I've never seen them use any machines..)

LOL. It's true! And, if they're willing to put on a dress, they can go make women feel equally uncomfortable. How's that for equality? ;)

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: galdur on March 12, 2015, 02:52:58 AM
Hmm, didn´t realize until now that Google is actually quite the porn site. Look up "tranny" and check out images and videos. Nothing on YT though, apparently.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Snail2 on March 12, 2015, 08:36:48 AM
Honest GYM locker rooms are digusting regardless of the gender.   Might be my bad luck but every gym I've been to always has like 80+ year old men stark naked just hanging out in them all day (and yet I've never seen them use any machines..)

That's true indeed :). Swimming pools are also have the similar crew of old blokes hanging around without touching the water.

Title: Re: woman's gym membership revoked for complaining about sex pervert in locker room
Post by: Lethn on March 12, 2015, 09:19:11 AM
Am I the only one here who just hates the idea of public changing rooms and toilets in general? There's just fuck all privacy lol but I guess that's the point :P You guys should try dealing with this shit in the UK, it's fucking awful, the British public always finds some way of fucking up the experience .