Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: jerol31 on March 10, 2015, 01:50:35 PM

Title: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: jerol31 on March 10, 2015, 01:50:35 PM
What do you think? Will capitalism last forever?

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Valta Crypto on March 10, 2015, 01:59:02 PM
Current global economic structure doesn't look like capitalism to me.
But as long as someone is selling or buying something, there's some
form of capitalism.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: dloghwak on March 10, 2015, 02:10:17 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: WindowedCore on March 10, 2015, 02:23:38 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Damn3d on March 10, 2015, 05:00:13 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)
Even cold November rain

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: dloghwak on March 10, 2015, 06:24:55 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist

Right, as long as there are people. But will "the people" last forever?

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: poisenrang on March 10, 2015, 07:10:19 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist

capitalism will exist forever.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Yeah? on March 10, 2015, 07:44:31 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist

Yep. It's probably a destructive system and will consume itself eventually but it will always be around and will just re-grow till it eats itself again.

Nothing lasts forever. ::)
Even cold November rain

LOL. Does in England  ;D.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Hot Carl on March 10, 2015, 07:56:44 PM
People always need shit and other people can always make shit so there's always people willing to buy the shit they make. Capitalism is just a natural human habit unfortunately. It will never go away as long as we're around.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: D4C on March 10, 2015, 07:58:12 PM
As long the way people make their decisions and interact doesn't change, I would say yes.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: (oYo) on March 10, 2015, 08:20:39 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist
More accurately as long as people are willing to BUY stuff. Forever is a long time though, and already we can imagine that through the popular use of 3d printers (for example) there may come a time where people will no longer need to buy things. Eventually we may even have 'replicators' like in Star Trek.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Snail2 on March 10, 2015, 09:04:11 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist
More accurately as long as people are willing to BUY stuff. Forever is a long time though, and already we can imagine that through the popular use of 3d printers (for example) there may come a time where people will no longer need to buy things. Eventually we may even have 'replicators' like in Star Trek.

You will still have to buy some GMO plastic stuff to top up your 3D printer :). You also have to buy the printer unless the state gives that for you but in that case the state have buy it... except if its a full blown communist system where the state owns everything (houses, cars, your computer and food included) and it "leasing" for you in exchange for your hard work :).

Maybe capitalism is crap but who wants to live in a system where the state owns literally everything and rationing those things for you.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Snail2 on March 10, 2015, 09:24:03 PM
What do you think? Will capitalism last forever?

Capitalism is the natural way. If I'm good in mammoth hunting and you are good in stone axe making then the most sensible way would be exchanging let's say 0.25 mammoth for 1 stone axe and hand over the tusks to the medicine man for 2 enchantments for you missus and 3 magic beans for the kids... and there you go... you are living in an early form of capitalism :). BTW nowadays besides some more advanced forms of capitalism we are heading back to these early forms aka sustainable models.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: (oYo) on March 10, 2015, 09:35:56 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Except for capitalism.  Like that other poster said, as longas there are people willing to sell stuff, capitalism will continue to exist
More accurately as long as people are willing to BUY stuff. Forever is a long time though, and already we can imagine that through the popular use of 3d printers (for example) there may come a time where people will no longer need to buy things. Eventually we may even have 'replicators' like in Star Trek.

You will still have to buy some GMO plastic stuff to top up your 3D printer :). You also have to buy the printer unless the state gives that for you but in that case the state have buy it... except if its a full blown communist system where the state owns everything (houses, cars, your computer and food included) and it "leasing" for you in exchange for your hard work :).

Maybe capitalism is crap but who wants to live in a system where the state owns literally everything and rationing those things for you.

Yes indeed, the resources for your 3d printer must be acquired somehow, but the printer itself is essentially self-replicating. Have you seen this video?
Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project  ( We have sand and sunlight in abundance.

The problem isn't necessarily in whichever political system you ascribe to, but I believe it lies within human nature itself, in its (luciferian) desires to exploit and dominate.

Scarcity is manufactured. Money is as a way of rationing. Materialism is not satisfying. Corruption is inevitable.

What do you think? Will capitalism last forever?

Capitalism is the natural way. If I'm good in mammoth hunting and you are good in stone axe making then the most sensible way would be exchanging let's say 0.25 mammoth for 1 stone axe and hand over the tusks to the medicine man for 2 enchantments for you missus and 3 magic beans for the kids... and there you go... you are living in an early form of capitalism :).

I believe we would be much better off with a 'gift economy', which seems far more natural. I don't see any other lifeforms on this planet using money, yet they seem to be doing just fine without it.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: bitgeek on March 10, 2015, 09:57:48 PM
Capitalism, maybe, because, as others have said, it's natural. Democracy sure won't.
Democracy, as we have it now, is in other words idiocracy, since most people in the world are uneducated morons, but these morons have the majority in choosing what's best for us all.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Snail2 on March 10, 2015, 10:02:08 PM
Yes indeed, the resources for your 3d printer must be acquired somehow, but the printer itself is essentially self-replicating. Have you seen this video?
Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project  ( We have sand and sunlight in abundance.

The problem isn't necessarily in whichever political system you ascribe to, but I believe it lies within human nature itself, in its (luciferian) desires to exploit and dominate.

Scarcity is manufactured. Money is as a way of rationing. Materialism is not satisfying. Corruption is inevitable.

Just wait :)! Recently I've learned that the Hungarian govt a couple of years ago wanted to sell the usage rights of the wind (according to the local law the air-space above 12 meters is the property of the state) to a foreign company, and heard some rumours about some regulatory initiatives for solar energy usage... so carefully with that free and abundant sunlight.

I believe we would be much better off with a 'gift economy', which seems far more natural. I don't see any other lifeforms on this planet using money, yet they seem to be doing just fine without it.

Working in small(ish) communities but difficult to organize in big ones.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Rishblitz on March 10, 2015, 11:54:38 PM
True form of capitalism never existed in the first place but as long as their is people there will be a mix between free market and state controlled.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Buck Naked on March 11, 2015, 12:15:45 AM
If Humanity persist long enough we will transcend all current ideologies, political, economical or religious, if not already obsolete, eventually capitalism will belong to the past.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: BADecker on March 11, 2015, 12:29:49 AM
No, it won't. Both capitalism and the banking system will crash.

In the Revelation in the Bible, the world banking system is called the City of Babylon. You can see it by matching the description of the Revelation Babylon with the banking system of today.

You can also find the place where it talks about the dragon, Satan, coming up from the abyss to burn Babylon with fire. When you examine things a little further, you will find that Satan uses the unbelievers of the world - also the believers in false gods - to do his dirty work of burning Babylon.

Revelation is full of literal things, and it is full of figurative things. Possibly the burning and crashing of the Twin Towers in 9/11 was the symbol of the devil dragon using the unbelievers to crash the banking system, Babylon.

It is happening right now. The banking system is on the slippery slope downward. The Revelation expresses that the actual final failure of the banking system will take only 1 hour. When you see the fiat banking system actually collapse worldwide, so that people can't buy and sell like before, that means that the devil is in control, and the the return of Jesus is very imminent.


Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Beliathon on March 11, 2015, 12:37:28 AM
Only change is forever. Everything else blinks into and out of existence in a fraction of a cosmic second. All of human history is a mere heartbeat to the universe. Our rise to dominance on this planet and eventual extinction will go unnoticed as the briefest,  tiniest flicker of light in the vast cosmic darkness.

To say nothing of an already dying, unscientific primate hhierarchy justification system that has only existed for a few hundred years.

In my opinion as an usually smart primate, capitalism has ~20-30 years left.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: rosh on March 11, 2015, 01:30:26 AM
Capitalism, in its current form, may not last forever.
Like everything else, it will evolve.
Excesses of the free market economy may be tempered, but it may still be called capitalism.  :)

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: freedomno1 on March 11, 2015, 02:07:39 AM
What do you think? Will capitalism last forever?

Yes and no, there will be some elements of capitalism well into the future
As an economic system perhaps it would not exist and be surpassed by a better one, either that or they build on capitalism so much it would be strange to call our capitalism, capitalism 200 years in the future.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Possum577 on March 11, 2015, 04:53:20 AM
I think that has yet to be determined.

Capitalism can last forever, because it's most similar to the laws of nature...survival of the fittest.

The question is whether innovation will continue fast enough to provide the majority with jobs or if the people without jobs will grow faster, thus calling for social assistance and turning capitalism into socialism.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Agestorzrxx on March 11, 2015, 05:45:15 AM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Father Ted on March 11, 2015, 10:57:51 AM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

It might have it's ups and downs but I think it will always rebound eventually. What system could possibly replace capitalism if it did indeed die like you propose?

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: neoneros on March 11, 2015, 03:43:43 PM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

It might not die in its entirety, like most isms and believes some ancient ones are still being kept alive by small groups of people. But eventualy a new form of ism will evolve and take over. Probably led by science, like bitcoin came and slowly is evolving the financial world as we now it. Bit too slow, but hey, I can wait!

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Vhawk23 on March 11, 2015, 03:45:58 PM
Nothing lasts forever. ::)

Maroon 5 ;D
I love that song anyway :D

Yup, Nothing last forever, even us...

But, actually i hope capitalism last forever
You know... it's good to be a capitalist ;D

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Beliathon on March 11, 2015, 11:21:09 PM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

It might have it's ups and downs but I think it will always rebound eventually. What system could possibly replace capitalism if it did indeed die like you propose?
Something as yet unimagined.

Outright slavery, human sacrifice, or other barbaric practices are unfathomable to civilized people today. The past is usually bizarre from present perspective, as is the future.  The future will change us even as we cling desperately to the ways of the past. This is inevitable.

The ways of modern people will seem downright barbaric to our ultra-empathic great grandchildren.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Rishblitz on March 12, 2015, 12:46:53 AM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

It might have it's ups and downs but I think it will always rebound eventually. What system could possibly replace capitalism if it did indeed die like you propose?
Something as yet unimagined.

Outright slavery, human sacrifice, or other barbaric practices are unfathomable to civilized people today. The past is usually bizarre from present perspective, as is the future.  The future will change us even as we cling desperately to the ways of the past. This is inevitable.

The ways of modern people will seem downright barbaric to our ultra-empathic great grandchildren.

Very true. But their are still cults that practice human sacrifice.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: BADecker on March 12, 2015, 02:48:15 AM
Capitalism can't last forever.Social systems are mortal.Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature, decline, and eventually die.The history of capitalist society shows it is no exception. It too has moved from birth through maturity to decline, and is now approaching death.

It might have it's ups and downs but I think it will always rebound eventually. What system could possibly replace capitalism if it did indeed die like you propose?
Something as yet unimagined.

Outright slavery, human sacrifice, or other barbaric practices are unfathomable to civilized people today. The past is usually bizarre from present perspective, as is the future.  The future will change us even as we cling desperately to the ways of the past. This is inevitable.

The ways of modern people will seem downright barbaric to our ultra-empathic great grandchildren.

Very true. But their are still cults that practice human sacrifice.

One of the best systems in the world is the legal system, the ancient laws of the Bible... the laws Moses gave.

If you took all the ceremonial laws out of the government of ancient Israel, and added a little bit of strength to punishing judges for false judging, you would have the best... if it was combined with Bitcoin for free trade.

In a nutshell, without the ceremonial parts, their law allowed you to do anything as long as you didn't harm your neighbor, damage his private property, or break a true contract. The punishments were eye for eye, tooth for tooth, property for property, etc., in cases where there was harm or damage done - punishments matched the crime. There wasn't any welfare. People relied on family and friends for support if they needed it. That's it. All other laws were considered temporary or local, and harmed nobody. Even when they went to war, the laws for it were temporary, and were based on other nations harming them.


Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: ajareselde on March 12, 2015, 04:44:25 AM
If we are to evolve into a better and more advanced society then capitalism wont be possible,there wont be a place for it.

Economy is primairly driven by energy, and i like to believe that in the future it will be free to all and in unlimited quantities, and since we are already
replacing human workers with machines, at some point there will be no more need for working force, working man will be free.

We are in transitional period it seams, and tech actually is making even more difference between layers of people, but at some point that will have to stop.
Also, population growth would need to be regulated, so the fight for land would stop.

In the end what would be the purpose of money? Just to say you have more something than somebody else? I believe we will outgrow that nonsence.


Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Beliathon on March 13, 2015, 01:01:25 AM
Professor Richard Wolff's Global Economic Update: March 2015 (

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: CaptainHerpDerp on March 13, 2015, 01:54:04 AM

We don't have capitalism, not in sense that banks should have collapsed and NOT be injected with tax payer money ( and that right there is the highest level of authority to denounce it imo)  So call it what you will...It aint capitalism, not free market anyway. Sort of makes the question moot in a way even arguing semantics.

It's bullshit, we've reached peak bullshit.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: bitwarrior on March 13, 2015, 01:58:36 AM
I think capitalism will evolve into another "ism" as we time goes on and not much changes is happening that helps the society and the community. What will happen if capitalism fails in a country? what will be the next alternative?

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Clegg on March 13, 2015, 02:46:30 PM
I think all economic systems go through peaks and declines but capitalism is pretty steadfast in its nature, though it can swallow itself alive if it runs rampant (see financial collapse). Maybe socialism will have a rebirth or hopefully not some sort of fascist communist system will rise up though I think we're certainly heading that way any way with all this spying and snooping going on. I think I may have to read 1984 and Atlas Shrugged again soon  :D.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Beliathon on March 13, 2015, 03:58:42 PM
The fact that so many 'muricans actually believe capitalism will last "forever" speaks to both our historical amnesia as a nation and a shocking lack of critical thinking skills. I blame religion (

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: BitMos on March 13, 2015, 04:08:36 PM
it ended the 16 September 1777. the 1.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: thejaytiesto on March 13, 2015, 05:03:34 PM
I dont see how the transition towards other system could happen, but i still await a reply for this one: how in hell is capitalism supposed to function in the future then 99% of jobs are going to be automated by machines? I ask.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: BitMos on March 13, 2015, 05:05:46 PM
I dont see how the transition towards other system could happen, but i still await a reply for this one: how in hell is capitalism supposed to function in the future then 99% of jobs are going to be automated by machines? I ask.

the actual system is called the united nations...

look they "believe" to own the world, and to be able to decide which plants/animal/what ever, for sure not I my name...


Simple the united NATIONS is a pack of nations preying on the individuals, imagine your national gov supercharged. And now add the bad twist of the allowed foreigners, you get the super mix, ie all criminals together against you. Moreover like you see in the map now what do the PEOPLE DO? furthermore the embraces of the ctrl+p model of the usd on the sdr illustrates the "values" behind it. The American Dream is incompatible, in the sense that it was based on individuals, free people, pursuit... blah blah. eat gmos, drink frak fluids, criminalize plant, take vaccine, watch implosion, population drop, etc etc... all by design. how to liquidate the us constitution and bor otherwise? the problem is that the American real leadership isn't innocent (and I don't speak of those executing it right now)... everything stops once in a while, it's called peace, or it isn't. and there is no defense (to be understand empire size) in peace. simple. there are still cops, but they are not global, nor national, but locals, ie they are from the people, by the people, for the people... frankly it's not so hard to get... you just like imagination, creativity and the will to execute the plan. what's the plan, depends on who you are. In Peace true plans don't involve armies (real, empirelike), nor violence, nor death of innocents etc etc etc. but you don't need global overlord to impose common sense, unless disguise in walking, like the co2 bs to impose un troops (inspectors) on China Soils, dream on... as guest, renters but not as master. it's not a warning. it's written. and you don't want to experience the transition from writing to


I tell you.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Tash on March 13, 2015, 06:02:01 PM
Nothing lasts forever

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: picolo on March 13, 2015, 09:52:34 PM
What do you think? Will capitalism last forever?

Free markets are rare. For example, most the problems in the USA that are marked as coming from the free market by liberals actually find their origins in governement intervention.

Title: Re: Will capitalism last forever?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on March 13, 2015, 11:53:29 PM
I'm all in favor of true market capitalism remaining for all time as it is what raises the standard of living for the most amount of people. However, what we have today is crony capitalism or fascism where big business runs big government like a revolving door by using the lobbyists to buy off the politicians while their lawyers right the legislation that their newly bought pols shove down our throats. Regulations, for example, have to start from somewhere and most of the time especially in modern times come from government legislation that created a bigger problem in a certain sphere and then the biggest interests jump in to make sure the upcoming changes benefit them first and foremost.