Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Mikestang on March 11, 2015, 09:45:55 PM

Title: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 11, 2015, 09:45:55 PM
Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes on me without warning, for no reason, has happened the past two days.  I don't get an error message or anything on the computer.  I get an email from Bitnodes saying my node is down, so I look at my computer and sure enough core is no longer running, it just up and shut itself down.  What gives?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Cthulhu on March 11, 2015, 09:49:38 PM
Check your system's logs, it should provide information on what is happening.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Hazir on March 11, 2015, 09:59:04 PM
Op you should also ask developers in this thread: ( And give us some more information about your issue. Mainly your operating system, does it  only happen from time to time or every time, how often? Any other weird situations with other software are present as well?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: on March 11, 2015, 10:03:29 PM
You should find a debug.log in one of these directories (I googled them, I don't have a windows bitcoind install);-

C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application data\Bitcoin (XP)

C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin (Vista and 7)

You can look in there for errors.

Just because I am curious, search for "ReadBlockFromDisk : Deserialize or I/O error - ReadCompactSize() : size too large" there is a thread going on at github about an odd issue that may or may not be a bug. (

EDIT: And Hazir probably has a good idea ;) .

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Vod on March 11, 2015, 10:15:02 PM
You should move this thread (control at lower left) to the technical support section - you will get a lot more help there.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: EcuaMobi on March 12, 2015, 12:50:26 AM
Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes on me without warning, for no reason, has happened the past two days.  I don't get an error message or anything on the computer.  I get an email from Bitnodes saying my node is down, so I look at my computer and sure enough core is no longer running, it just up and shut itself down.  What gives?

What are the technical specifications of your computer? Especially RAM.
I had a full node on a VPS and it was shutting itself down until I upgraded its processor and RAM.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 12, 2015, 07:34:21 AM
My computer is old, built by me many years ago, it runs WinXP SP3, Intel Core2 6600 @ 2.40GHz, 4gigs ram (OS reports 2.75, blame the old OS).

I read through the debug log but didn't see anything that stood out, but there's tons of crap there.  Here's an excerpt from right before my OP, which was right around when my node went down:
2015-03-11 13:30:13 receive version message: /bitcoinseeder:0.01/: version 60000, blocks=230000, us=, peer=694
2015-03-11 13:30:27 receive version message: /Snoopy:0.1/: version 60001, blocks=0, us=, peer=695
2015-03-11 13:31:13 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347166, us=, peer=696
2015-03-11 13:31:15 receive version message: / version 70001, blocks=290000, us=, peer=697
2015-03-11 13:32:04 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347166, us=, peer=698
2015-03-11 13:32:55 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347166, us=, peer=699
2015-03-11 13:33:45 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347166, us=, peer=700
2015-03-11 13:35:28 receive version message: /Snoopy:0.1/: version 60001, blocks=0, us=, peer=701
2015-03-11 13:35:45 UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000001229a57e7adf34b96a2ff2e82ef1bb7b70c0dd4bcaa183d2  height=347166  log2_work=82.407841  tx=62068354  date=2015-03-11 12:54:31 progress=0.999948  cache=11205
2015-03-11 13:35:46 UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000b4119e5823073867332a80339ccd8cd8912570ffd452b45  height=347167  log2_work=82.407886  tx=62069647  date=2015-03-11 13:14:41 progress=0.999973  cache=12439
2015-03-11 13:35:47 UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000168a0036db4add0f2c3a7bf95ea9596a8e89ce73d6768b7d  height=347168  log2_work=82.407932  tx=62070649  date=2015-03-11 13:30:06 progress=0.999993  cache=13354
2015-03-11 13:36:49 receive version message: / version 70002, blocks=347167, us=, peer=702
2015-03-11 13:37:15 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent
2015-03-11 13:39:11 receive version message: / version 70002, blocks=347167, us=, peer=703
2015-03-11 13:39:15 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent
2015-03-11 13:39:41 receive version message: / Mapper:0.01/: version 60000, blocks=230000, us=, peer=704
2015-03-11 13:39:55 ResendWalletTransactions()
2015-03-11 13:40:28 receive version message: /Snoopy:0.1/: version 60001, blocks=0, us=, peer=705
2015-03-11 13:40:32 receive version message: /bitcoinj:0.12.2/Bitcoin Wallet:4.21/: version 70001, blocks=347003, us=, peer=706
2015-03-11 13:40:32 Added time data, samples 122, offset -283 (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:41:07 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70002, blocks=343608, us=, peer=707
2015-03-11 13:41:07 Added time data, samples 123, offset -285 (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:41:07 nTimeOffset = -285  (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:42:57 receive version message: / version 70001, blocks=290000, us=, peer=708
2015-03-11 13:43:49 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347167, us=, peer=709
2015-03-11 13:44:00 receive version message: / version 70002, blocks=347168, us=, peer=710
2015-03-11 13:44:21 receive version message: /Satoshi:0.8.6/: version 70001, blocks=347167, us=, peer=711
2015-03-11 13:44:37 receive version message: /BitCoinJ:0.11.2/MultiBit:0.5.18/: version 70001, blocks=347168, us=, peer=712
2015-03-11 13:44:37 Added time data, samples 124, offset -289 (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:45:31 receive version message: /Snoopy:0.1/: version 60001, blocks=0, us=, peer=713
2015-03-11 13:45:36 receive version message: /bitcoinj:0.12.2/Bitcoin Wallet:4.21/: version 70001, blocks=335811, us=, peer=714
2015-03-11 13:45:36 Added time data, samples 125, offset -287 (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:45:36 nTimeOffset = -285  (-4 minutes)
2015-03-11 13:45:42 receive version message: /bitcoinseeder:0.01/: version 60000, blocks=230000, us=, peer=715
2015-03-11 13:45:50 socket recv error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)
2015-03-11 13:46:51 Pre-allocating up to position 0xd00000 in rev00241.dat
2015-03-11 13:46:51 UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000005fe1b18faa2e76c08f420d1a3e4fe280c01a26bbbb074d8  height=347169  log2_work=82.407978  tx=62071632  date=2015-03-11 13:41:28 progress=0.999993  cache=15378
2015-03-11 13:46:54 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent
2015-03-11 13:47:03 socket recv error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)
2015-03-11 13:47:19 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent
2015-03-11 13:47:36 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent
2015-03-11 13:47:42 receive version message: /bitcoinseeder:0.01/: version 60000, blocks=230000, us=, peer=717
2015-03-11 13:47:43 ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool : inputs already spent

I did a search for "ReadBlockFromDisk" and it turned up 0 results.

A little more detail exactly how I notice the crash.  I get an email from Bitnodes that my node is down.  I look at my computer screen, bitcoin core is minimized to my task bar; it appears to be running.  When I mouse over the icon, the icon disappears - because the program stopped running a while ago when I got the email.  Wonder if it has to do with minimize to task bar?  I'll turn that off and see.


Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Newar on March 12, 2015, 08:21:39 AM

You will probably be told to use a more recent OS...

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: shorena on March 12, 2015, 08:41:34 AM

You will probably be told to use a more recent OS...

IIRC WinXP works fine with bitcoin core as long as the 64 bit version is used.

My computer is old, built by me many years ago, it runs WinXP SP3, Intel Core2 6600 @ 2.40GHz, 4gigs ram (OS reports 2.75, blame the old OS).

I read through the debug log but didn't see anything that stood out, but there's tons of crap there.  Here's an excerpt from right before my OP, which was right around when my node went down:

The log looks fine which suggests that the problem is related to your system and not the program itself. 2.75 gigs RAM shown suggests that you use a 32-bit OS, which is not able to allocate more memory without some serious (and possibly unsafe) kernel hacks. As Newar suggested -> do you have a chance to get a more recent OS or at least a 64 bit version? 32-bit Windows users have reported problems in the past, usually memory related. Others have reported that decreasing the dbcache might help. In order to change the cache settings create a config file[1] in the appropriate directory[2] and add the following lines to it:

# Set database cache size in megabytes (4 to 4096, default: 100)

This might help, but the best solution IMHO is to go 64-bit. It allow your OS to use the full amount of memory the hardware provides. You are currently wasting >1Gig. ;)

A little more detail exactly how I notice the crash.  I get an email from Bitnodes that my node is down.  I look at my computer screen, bitcoin core is minimized to my task bar; it appears to be running.  When I mouse over the icon, the icon disappears - because the program stopped running a while ago when I got the email.  Wonder if it has to do with minimize to task bar?  I'll turn that off and see.


This is typical even for later Windows versions and I think I also have seen Linux do this. Its just not updating the taskbar unless it has to.

[1] example from the wiki ->
[2] path ->

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: BrianM on March 12, 2015, 10:01:08 AM
Is it just me or does other have the same problem: My bitcoin core takes 10-15 min to start up (core due 2, 2 gb ram, win7).
This is before syncing, syncing comes after. I think it was faster like a year ago, is this because of the very big bchain?
I am thinking about switching to a thin client. I guess that is enviable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: shorena on March 12, 2015, 10:02:39 AM
Is it just me or does other have the same problem: My bitcoin core takes 10-15 min to start up (core due 2, 2 gb ram, win7).
This is before syncing, syncing comes after. I think it was faster like a year ago, is this because of the very big bchain?
I am thinking about switching to a thin client. I guess that is enviable.

Its probably best if you either open a seperate topic or add this to a topic that at least fits your problem, e.g. here ->

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 12, 2015, 05:48:11 PM

You will probably be told to use a more recent OS...

IIRC WinXP works fine with bitcoin core as long as the 64 bit version is used.

My computer is old, built by me many years ago, it runs WinXP SP3, Intel Core2 6600 @ 2.40GHz, 4gigs ram (OS reports 2.75, blame the old OS).

I read through the debug log but didn't see anything that stood out, but there's tons of crap there.  Here's an excerpt from right before my OP, which was right around when my node went down:

The log looks fine which suggests that the problem is related to your system and not the program itself. 2.75 gigs RAM shown suggests that you use a 32-bit OS, which is not able to allocate more memory without some serious (and possibly unsafe) kernel hacks. As Newar suggested -> do you have a chance to get a more recent OS or at least a 64 bit version? 32-bit Windows users have reported problems in the past, usually memory related. Others have reported that decreasing the dbcache might help. In order to change the cache settings create a config file[1] in the appropriate directory[2] and add the following lines to it:

# Set database cache size in megabytes (4 to 4096, default: 100)

This might help, but the best solution IMHO is to go 64-bit. It allow your OS to use the full amount of memory the hardware provides. You are currently wasting >1Gig. ;)

A little more detail exactly how I notice the crash.  I get an email from Bitnodes that my node is down.  I look at my computer screen, bitcoin core is minimized to my task bar; it appears to be running.  When I mouse over the icon, the icon disappears - because the program stopped running a while ago when I got the email.  Wonder if it has to do with minimize to task bar?  I'll turn that off and see.


This is typical even for later Windows versions and I think I also have seen Linux do this. Its just not updating the taskbar unless it has to.

[1] example from the wiki ->
[2] path ->

I owe myself a new pc, this one has outlived its usefulness. For the time being I am stuck with 32 bit, hopefully by summer I'll have a new box. If this continues to happen regularly I will try the configuration option you suggested and see if that helps. Thanks.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: BrianM on March 12, 2015, 05:50:20 PM
Is it just me or does other have the same problem: My bitcoin core takes 10-15 min to start up (core due 2, 2 gb ram, win7).
This is before syncing, syncing comes after. I think it was faster like a year ago, is this because of the very big bchain?
I am thinking about switching to a thin client. I guess that is enviable.

Its probably best if you either open a seperate topic or add this to a topic that at least fits your problem, e.g. here ->

Ok, I will do that, thanks.
I have a personal question, I have seen your name before "Shorena" are you famous for something (creating an alt coin or somehting like that?), the name ring a bell, but I cant remember? Peace.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 16, 2015, 07:36:29 PM
So my node runs perfectly all weekend, no problem.  I go to work today, Monday, and just now received an email that my node is down.  WTF?  When this happened last week it was right about this time of the day.  Very curious, why does my node not like the week days?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: jonnybravo0311 on March 16, 2015, 09:51:53 PM
So my node runs perfectly all weekend, no problem.  I go to work today, Monday, and just now received an email that my node is down.  WTF?  When this happened last week it was right about this time of the day.  Very curious, why does my node not like the week days?
Nobody likes Monday ... Not even Bitcoin :P

In all seriousness do you have the option of throwing a Linux distribution on that box instead of the ancient XP you've got now?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 16, 2015, 10:43:57 PM
So my node runs perfectly all weekend, no problem.  I go to work today, Monday, and just now received an email that my node is down.  WTF?  When this happened last week it was right about this time of the day.  Very curious, why does my node not like the week days?
Nobody likes Monday ... Not even Bitcoin :P

In all seriousness do you have the option of throwing a Linux distribution on that box instead of the ancient XP you've got now?

Yea, I could spare some hard drive space.  Does Linux need its own partition, or can I just install something like Ubuntu like any other program?  Guess I'll look into that

I have Cygwin and have used it exactly once, but I think you're saying I need a full OS.

Are you suggesting this because it would make my problem easier to trouble shoot, or just as a recommendation at large?  I know my comp is outdated and my OS is more than outdated. :(

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: jonnybravo0311 on March 17, 2015, 12:20:39 AM
So my node runs perfectly all weekend, no problem.  I go to work today, Monday, and just now received an email that my node is down.  WTF?  When this happened last week it was right about this time of the day.  Very curious, why does my node not like the week days?
Nobody likes Monday ... Not even Bitcoin :P

In all seriousness do you have the option of throwing a Linux distribution on that box instead of the ancient XP you've got now?

Yea, I could spare some hard drive space.  Does Linux need its own partition, or can I just install something like Ubuntu like any other program?  Guess I'll look into that

I have Cygwin and have used it exactly once, but I think you're saying I need a full OS.

Are you suggesting this because it would make my problem easier to trouble shoot, or just as a recommendation at large?  I know my comp is outdated and my OS is more than outdated. :(

I'm suggesting it because a 64 bit Linux distribution will be a far better OS choice than the no-longer-supported XP you currently have.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 25, 2015, 05:34:20 AM
Had this happen 3 or 4 times since last posting, tried a few things on my own and nothing seemed to stop the random crash.  I've just now set the cache to 50 megs, will report if that makes an improvement.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: emrebey on March 25, 2015, 08:57:32 AM
So my node runs perfectly all weekend, no problem.  I go to work today, Monday, and just now received an email that my node is down.  WTF?  When this happened last week it was right about this time of the day.  Very curious, why does my node not like the week days?
Nobody likes Monday ... Not even Bitcoin :P

In all seriousness do you have the option of throwing a Linux distribution on that box instead of the ancient XP you've got now?

Yea, I could spare some hard drive space.  Does Linux need its own partition, or can I just install something like Ubuntu like any other program?  Guess I'll look into that

I have Cygwin and have used it exactly once, but I think you're saying I need a full OS.

Are you suggesting this because it would make my problem easier to trouble shoot, or just as a recommendation at large?  I know my comp is outdated and my OS is more than outdated. :(

It does need separate partititon. I suggest you using a ubuntu server version with no gui if you only use as bitcoin node. it will be a light and fast solution for your ancient computer. working with command line may be tricky though.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Amph on March 25, 2015, 04:23:09 PM
Had this happen 3 or 4 times since last posting, tried a few things on my own and nothing seemed to stop the random crash.  I've just now set the cache to 50 megs, will report if that makes an improvement.

mmh i can only think of something wrong with your os installation, or maybe your cpu is at 100% when you run the client?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 25, 2015, 07:37:49 PM
Had this happen 3 or 4 times since last posting, tried a few things on my own and nothing seemed to stop the random crash.  I've just now set the cache to 50 megs, will report if that makes an improvement.

mmh i can only think of something wrong with your os installation, or maybe your cpu is at 100% when you run the client?

The cpu is idle when this happens, it happens during the day when I am away at work.

I chalk it up to my old computers, if I get motivated enough I'll try the Linux partition, or I may just do nothing until I eventually build a new computer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: develCuy on March 25, 2015, 07:45:21 PM
WARNING! Backup your wallet.dat before doing the following

I managed to make it work by restoring my wallet.dat. Basically deleted my ~.bitcoin folder (yeah 30GB to the trash!!), then started the client and closed it after a minute. Final step: copy you wallet.dat backup to ~.bitcoin/wallet.dat, that will download the whole bockchain again (36GB ATM).

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 25, 2015, 08:22:55 PM
Already did a complete wipe, reinstall, blockchain re-sync, and wallet restore.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: soowein on March 25, 2015, 10:14:57 PM
What are the technical specifications of your computer? Especially RAM.I had a full node on a VPS

and it was shutting itself down until I upgraded its processor and RAM

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on March 25, 2015, 10:17:34 PM
What are the technical specifications of your computer? Especially RAM.I had a full node on a VPS

and it was shutting itself down until I upgraded its processor and RAM

See post 7 of this thread.  My computer is old and as upgraded as it can be.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: nambich on March 31, 2015, 01:39:32 AM
I also encountered the same situation as you . My Bitcoin 0.10.0 wallet start slowly and close sunddenly

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: shorena on April 03, 2015, 08:08:56 AM
Had this happen 3 or 4 times since last posting, tried a few things on my own and nothing seemed to stop the random crash.  I've just now set the cache to 50 megs, will report if that makes an improvement.

mmh i can only think of something wrong with your os installation, or maybe your cpu is at 100% when you run the client?

The cpu is idle when this happens, it happens during the day when I am away at work.

I chalk it up to my old computers, if I get motivated enough I'll try the Linux partition, or I may just do nothing until I eventually build a new computer.

I assume the reduction to 50 MB cache did not help.

Could this be an issue related to some sort of sleep or stand by mode that is enabled after some time? Is there any setting in WinXP or the BIOS enabled that could result in a some sort of sleep that could cause issues with bitcoin core?

I also encountered the same situation as you . My Bitcoin 0.10.0 wallet start slowly and close sunddenly

I doubt you have the exact same setup as OP. Slow start can be solved by adding the following lines to your bitcoin.conf (create on if needed). Reduce checkblocks and/or checklevel until you are fine with the time it takes for bitcoin core to start.

# How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all)

# How thorough the block verification is (0-4, default: 3)

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on April 03, 2015, 05:04:10 PM
Had this happen 3 or 4 times since last posting, tried a few things on my own and nothing seemed to stop the random crash.  I've just now set the cache to 50 megs, will report if that makes an improvement.

mmh i can only think of something wrong with your os installation, or maybe your cpu is at 100% when you run the client?

The cpu is idle when this happens, it happens during the day when I am away at work.

I chalk it up to my old computers, if I get motivated enough I'll try the Linux partition, or I may just do nothing until I eventually build a new computer.

I assume the reduction to 50 MB cache did not help.

Could this be an issue related to some sort of sleep or stand by mode that is enabled after some time? Is there any setting in WinXP or the BIOS enabled that could result in a some sort of sleep that could cause issues with bitcoin core?

Nope, the 50MB setting didn't change anything.  I tried 150MB, too, just in case, but no luck.

My comp does not have any sleep or stand-by mode or anything, it's been on 24/7 for the last 8 years or something.

I'm sure it's just gremlins with my box, I've given up trying to figure it out.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: shorena on April 04, 2015, 08:19:41 PM
Nope, the 50MB setting didn't change anything.  I tried 150MB, too, just in case, but no luck.

My comp does not have any sleep or stand-by mode or anything, it's been on 24/7 for the last 8 years or something.

I'm sure it's just gremlins with my box, I've given up trying to figure it out.

Hmm, 8 years? Maybe its at the end of its lifecycle. I had systems over 5 years old fail in the past. They typically start to act up for no apparent reason. Sometimes it can be narrowed down to e.g. the GPU[1] or the memory[2], sometimes not.

[2] let memtest86 run over night

Title: Re: Bitcoin core 0.10.0 closes for no reason, no error
Post by: Mikestang on April 10, 2015, 07:02:08 AM
So here's my band-aid fix: I restart core in the morning before I leave for work, and again that night when I get home.