Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: marlon8888 on August 05, 2012, 07:57:27 AM

Title: review your policies
Post by: marlon8888 on August 05, 2012, 07:57:27 AM
Four hours is too long a wait.
If you guys are really serious with this idea, I suggest you make it very accessible to all.
I have been to other sites and they have been not as strict as this.
It's very frustrating when you can not comment topics that interests you.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: Raoul Duke on August 05, 2012, 08:01:49 AM
Four hours is too long a wait.
If you guys are really serious with this idea, I suggest you make it very accessible to all.

Looking at the 20 posts you've made so far I would say 4 hours is too little as you don't seem to have much to say besides complaining about the rules in place.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: Kluge on August 05, 2012, 08:05:55 AM
I'm sure that was considered and weighted against the time lost due to spammers, beggars, and other unsavory types who were granted more rights prior to forum policy changing.

AFAIK, though, new members are permitted to view any subforum they wish, just not post except here and maybe a small handful of other child forums -- so it's accessible, but new members are limited in where they're allowed to ask questions and make comments/suggestions. It may also be worth noting that is not "Bitcoin," and there are a couple other forums which revolve around Bitcoin, but do not have "newbie restrictions" in place.


Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: marlon8888 on August 05, 2012, 08:08:46 AM
Well, I can't find any topic that interest me in this section. This newbie status sucks. It's a violation of freedom to speech. I've seen better topics but can't participate.  

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: mustkillidiots on August 05, 2012, 08:18:25 AM
Freedom of speech does not apply don't have the right to say anything anywhere anytime.  Being a noob to the forum I think they are perhaps not stringent enough.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: DanielVG on August 05, 2012, 08:20:02 AM
It's a violation to freedom of speech
but an online forum is not a democracy.
The owner of the site decides the policy.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: Foxpup on August 05, 2012, 08:48:42 AM
It's a violation of freedom to speech.

No, it isn't. It's freedom of association. Freedom of speech does not apply to private associations. If a private association has rules which say you're not allowed to say certain things, they are free to prevent you saying those things within that association, and they are also free to prevent you from associating with them if you violate their rules. By the same token, you are free to form your own association with its own rules, if you want to. But as long you're a member of this association, you have to follow this association's rules. Okay?

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: Raoul Duke on August 05, 2012, 08:52:54 AM
And as soon as he got out of Newbie jail he went to spam his Credit Score Check website and logged out ::)

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: pauljr8 on August 05, 2012, 08:40:29 PM
Only the federal government is required to observe our right to free speech. Forum operators are free to restrict or prohibit anybody they want to. Furthermore we also have the right not to associate with anyone we choose.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: tyldavies202 on August 05, 2012, 10:22:04 PM
You should respect  the sites rules, you go into someones house you dont use bad language if they dont want you to, same principle here.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: deus-ex-machina on August 06, 2012, 01:21:15 PM
I hated the policy at first, then I realized after reading this section what the other sections would be like if it was gone. It's better that I lurk and figure out what to do for a bit than have sock puppets roaming the board.

Title: Re: review your policies
Post by: Gabi on August 06, 2012, 02:18:40 PM
It's fine as it is