Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: benyben on May 26, 2011, 07:08:06 AM

Title: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: benyben on May 26, 2011, 07:08:06 AM
I got a sampron CPU - that is suppose to be unlockable to 2 cores. But I can't do it.

In the meantime, my mining is making my Sampron run at %100. I don't mind that, unless it is slowing down my mining. Does it???


Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: namley on May 26, 2011, 07:11:44 AM
Make sure you leave at least one thread open for your GPU mining ** If you use it, to didn't specify **, otherwise you will see a drop in your GPU MHash's

At the current difficulty rate its probably more cost effective not to run the CPU, and save money on your power bill.

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: benyben on May 26, 2011, 07:33:45 AM

trying to understand what you said here. I am a newbie.

By "leaving one thread open", do U mean a CPU thread? Right now i am currently running this CPU with only ONE core.

Also - i have the 6990, and im not trying to use the CPU for mining.

So... can U explain?

What I want to know is whether  or not the CPU can be a LIMITING factor on the job?

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: jasonk on May 26, 2011, 07:35:37 AM
Windows + the AMD Stream 2.4 + newer Phoenix max out 1 CPU core per video card.  This problem doesn't happen on Linux.  Whats interesting though about the sempron 140, is idle it uses 30-35W, full load its 45W, so not that much of a difference in power usage.

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: benyben on May 26, 2011, 07:39:25 AM
Yea that's right!

So I can just run it as is???

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: EpicBacon on May 26, 2011, 10:13:12 AM
Yea that's right!

So I can just run it as is???
Yes :)

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: gigabytecoin on May 26, 2011, 11:05:28 AM
Windows + the AMD Stream 2.4 + newer Phoenix max out 1 CPU core per video card.  This problem doesn't happen on Linux.  Whats interesting though about the sempron 140, is idle it uses 30-35W, full load its 45W, so not that much of a difference in power usage.

Thank god...!!

I just purchased some AMD 160u single core 20W cpus... so they should be able to run multiple video cards without any problems on linux? Just not on windows?

Title: Re: ONE CORE CPU - is this a problem?
Post by: SomeoneWeird on May 26, 2011, 11:21:43 AM
Windows + the AMD Stream 2.4 + newer Phoenix max out 1 CPU core per video card.  This problem doesn't happen on Linux.  Whats interesting though about the sempron 140, is idle it uses 30-35W, full load its 45W, so not that much of a difference in power usage.

Thank god...!!

I just purchased some AMD 160u single core 20W cpus... so they should be able to run multiple video cards without any problems on linux? Just not on windows?

Yep, stupid windows has a gpu core limit. -.-