Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: fgmnp on September 13, 2012, 09:08:58 PM

Title: LOOKIEEEE. An "incredible" :D 2.0% a month. Topic locked, PM me.
Post by: fgmnp on September 13, 2012, 09:08:58 PM
Yes, I know you can "make" much higher per month by investing in certain ponzies. But, I'm not a ponzi. :D
I will accept a large loan or two in BTC or GOXUSD preferably the latter. You will make 2% a month if you loan me usd, guaranteed. You will make 1% a month if you give me BTC, guaranteed.

Your loan's not invested in anything risky. It stays and helps me conduct more business. That is, if you give me X usd, then: I can show you that I have balances adding up to  > x usd at all times.  

Yes, I actively and heavily speculate the BTCUSD price, and yes, your loan will help my speculation. BUT, I'm still very conservative: If you give me x usd, I will at least maintain x+ usd at all times. More cash helps me park it at more places and conduct more business, that's all.  

These are my ratings:

As I said, I keep what you have around in the same form. So, there's "no" risk. ((Well, there's counter-party risk. That is,  the ONLY risk to you is a large counter-party default (example, bitcoinica) happening - one that will completely bankrupt me. But, I doubt any such thing will bankrupt me any time soon. I'm pretty diversified. ))

This thread is locked; no trolling please. Feel free to PM me any questions.

Title: Re: Zero-risk guaranteed Loan. An "incredible" 1.5% a month :D
Post by: Transisto on September 13, 2012, 09:14:23 PM
How do you define large ?