Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: music8mycomputer on November 18, 2015, 02:45:15 PM

Title:[BETA] an anonymous advertising platform. Feedback Needed
Post by: music8mycomputer on November 18, 2015, 02:45:15 PM
Hello community,

I have been working on a new website:

My goal is to make the simplest advertising platform available.

-No campains
-No bidding
-No signup
Bitcoin Only.

I would like to get some feedback on what you think about it. Any input would be helpful!

Feel free to try it out and earn some bitcoin from my "test ads"

For more information on usage visit:

Thank you!

Title: Re:[BETA] an anonymous advertising platform. Feedback Needed
Post by: HarryKPeters on November 18, 2015, 09:33:52 PM
Hello community,

I have been working on a new website:

My goal is to make the simplest advertising platform available.

-No campains
-No bidding
-No signup
Bitcoin Only.

I would like to get some feedback on what you think about it. Any input would be helpful!

Feel free to try it out and earn some bitcoin from my "test ads"

For more information on usage visit:

Thank you!

Quite nice tbh (the technique offcourse, design could need some improvement) Why not buy a premium template. They cost only 10 usd or so.

How does your platform run? As in how do you pay for it. Is there af ee, if yes how much?

Title: Re:[BETA] an anonymous advertising platform. Feedback Needed
Post by: music8mycomputer on November 18, 2015, 11:14:25 PM
Quite nice tbh (the technique offcourse, design could need some improvement) Why not buy a premium template. They cost only 10 usd or so.

How does your platform run? As in how do you pay for it. Is there af ee, if yes how much?

Thanks for your response!

I agree that it's not very pretty yet.

You only pay as an Advertiser when you load up your ad with BTC. As an Ad Host (Publisher) you only can make BTC when someone clicks on the ad you are hosting on your website, or if "Shareable Links" are enabled for the ad, you make BTC when you send someone the link and they click on it.

The only fee is at payout when as an Ad Host, when your account gets to 110,000 satoshi (about 37 cents right now), 100,000 satoshi is transfered to your bitcoin address and 10,000 satoshi (about 3.3 cents at the moment) is transferred directly to AD 1 ('s ad) to fuel more advertising. Do you think that is reasonable?

Title: Re:[BETA] an anonymous advertising platform. Feedback Needed
Post by: music8mycomputer on November 20, 2015, 09:47:54 PM

Directions for use:

As advertiser:
- Choose your address key. This should be a newly generated and functioning bitcoin address that you have never used before. Note: If you refund your bitcoin, it will be sent to this address.
- Upload your image you want to be displayed.
- Add the full click destination URL.
- Choose how much Bitcoin to award per click.
- If desired, choose a daily payout cap. (must be higher than your 'satoshi per click')
- Choose if your ad will be public or not. (you can change whether or not your ad is public at any time with your address key)
- Choose if you want shareable links enabled. (you can change whether or not your ad is shareable at any time with your address key)
- Submit the ad. Note: Your ad cannot be edited or deleted. So if you screw up, just make another one. Ads with zero balances will dissapear after 24 hours.
- Send any amount over 10,000 Satoshi to the load address.

As ad host:
- Choose the ad that you would like to display on your website.
- Copy the source code to add to your website. Add your bitcoin address to the code. Place the ad somewhere it will be seen since you only get paid for clicks.
- Wait to recieve bitcoin.

Public vs. Private:
- If your ad is public, anyone can display your ad and recieve bitcoin for unique clicks on your ad.
- If your ad is private, only the URLs you approve will be able to recieve bitcoin for unique clicks on your ad. If you approve a url, they may place the ad on any page beloging to that url.

Daily Payout Cap:
If your daily payout cap is enabled, whatever amount you set as your daily payout cap will be the maximum amount paid out from your ad on any given day. It resets at 12:00 midnight Eastern time.

Shareable Links:
- If shareable links are enabled, anyone can generate a shareable link from your ad and they can share that link with anyone. Unique clicks on that link will be treated as unique clicks on your ad.
- If shareable links are disabled, your ad will not be displayed in the shareable links area and will not be shareable.

- You will be paid to the bitcoin address you provide in the openadsportal.php where "YOUR-BITCOIN-ADDRES-HERE" resides.
- Once your balance is at 110,000 satoshi, we will transfer 100,000 satoshi to your bitcoin address and the remaining 10,000 satoshi back to ad 1 to fuel more advertising.

Refund Bitcoin:
- If you decide to refund your bitcoin for whatever reason, your bitcoin will be sent back to your Address Key. The only fees applied are normal miner fees charged by the bitcoin network. (Your balance must be over 10,000 satoshi to refund.)

Standard Code Parameters:

<script src=""></script>

id - The id of the ad you want to display.
sizepercent - The size percentage of the full image size.
btc - Your bitcoin address to recieve funds earned.

Modal Code Parameters:

<script src=""></script>

- Each parameter must be separated by the & symbol.

id - The id of the ad you want to display.
sizepercent - The size percentage of the full image size.
btc - Your bitcoin address to recieve funds earned.

x - used for setting the horizontal position of the modal ad. Default: center or 2.1
options: left, center, right, or custom numbers

y - used for setting the vertical position of the modal ad. Default: center or 2
options: top, center, bottom, or custom numbers

Custom numbers for x and y:
- for x a value of 1.13 positions the ad as far RIGHT as possible without the close button being off the page. With 2.1 being center, values between 1 and 2.1 can be used in decimal form to place the ad between right and center. A value of 11.5 will place the ad LEFT leaving a little padding between the edge of your screen and the ad text. The values needed for custom placement will be determined by your image size and size percent.

- for y, a value of 1 positions the ad close to the BOTTOM. With 2 being center, values between 1 and 2 can be used in decimal form to place the ad between the bottom and center. A value of 3.6 or higher will place the ad at the TOP leaving a little padding between the edge of your screen and the ad. The values needed for custom placement will be determined by your image size and size percent.

timein - Time in seconds before the ad pops up. Default: 5 seconds
timeout - Time in seconds before the ad disappears. Default: 5 seconds
bgcolor - Sets the color of the background for the modal ad. Default: Black
txtcolor - Sets the color of the countdown text.
frequency - Sets time in minutes before the ad will pop up again once it's viewed by a specific ip address. Default: 60 minutes
fadein - Sets the fade in time in milliseconds. 500 for a half second and 1000 for a second.
fadeout - Sets the fade out time in milliseconds. 500 for a half second and 1000 for a second.
opacity - Sets the opacity of the screen mask. Default is 0.8. 1 for no transparency and 0 for full transparency.

Title: Re:[BETA] an anonymous advertising platform. Feedback Needed
Post by: music8mycomputer on January 06, 2016, 10:50:42 PM
I have completely redone the visual aspect of the page. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!