Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Digital goods => Topic started by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 05:05:58 AM

Title: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 05:05:58 AM
Posts:   90
Activity:   84  <---  8)
Position:   Member
Trust:   0: -0 / +0 (No feedback).
No loan or Signature  :)
post quality : Good (No spam).

I am looking for min 0.02 BTC

Thank you.

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on December 11, 2015, 05:08:57 AM
Posts:   90
Activity:   84
Position:   Member
Trust:   0: -0 / +0
No loan or Signature  :)

Thank you.

Please at least post a minimum price that you can take or else this would end up as an Auction
Posting more information will help as well like hows the post quality and if there's any trust feedback as trust may show 0: -0 / +0 but there are feedback from untrusted members

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 05:13:21 AM
Posts:   90
Activity:   84
Position:   Member
Trust:   0: -0 / +0
No loan or Signature  :)

Thank you.

Please at least post a minimum price that you can take or else this would end up as an Auction
Posting more information will help as well like hows the post quality and if there's any trust feedback as trust may show 0: -0 / +0 but there are feedback from untrusted members

I'm not sure how much a member account worth so im wating for an offer to set a price.

Thank u

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 05:23:36 AM
if I may try, would you sell it to me in the price of .001? just trying... since you don't put a price to start... pm me..

anyway, good luck ... :)

Nah, sorry anyways the price has been added.

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: Monnt on December 11, 2015, 05:28:09 AM
Just so that you know the prices of accounts for bitcointalk has dropped quite substantially due to the price rise + the closure of Bit-x and Dadice signature campaigns which was the 2 main ones that paid the most.

The market price for a low activity member account like the one you are selling is probably around 0.01. So it's a bit overpriced.

I'm not saying that this is a bad auction/scam but you should probably lower your minimum price since there would probably be no interest in this account if it's significantly overpriced.

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 05:33:54 AM
Just so that you know the prices of accounts for bitcointalk has dropped quite substantially due to the price rise + the closure of Bit-x and Dadice signature campaigns which was the 2 main ones that paid the most.

The market price for a low activity member account like the one you are selling is probably around 0.01. So it's a bit overpriced.

I'm not saying that this is a bad auction/scam but you should probably lower your minimum price since there would probably be no interest in this account if it's significantly overpriced.

Changed to 0.02 BTC - and the account is not a very low Activity .... :)

thank u.

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: Monnt on December 11, 2015, 06:42:08 AM
Just so that you know the prices of accounts for bitcointalk has dropped quite substantially due to the price rise + the closure of Bit-x and Dadice signature campaigns which was the 2 main ones that paid the most.

The market price for a low activity member account like the one you are selling is probably around 0.01. So it's a bit overpriced.

I'm not saying that this is a bad auction/scam but you should probably lower your minimum price since there would probably be no interest in this account if it's significantly overpriced.

Changed to 0.02 BTC - and the account is not a very low Activity .... :)

thank u.

It is low activity. The activity that a member can have is 70, 84, 98, and 112. And 84 falls in the lower half.

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: accnand on December 11, 2015, 04:31:07 PM
Still selling ....

Title: Re: MEMBER account for the best offer
Post by: fkvidar on December 11, 2015, 05:10:21 PM
Still selling ....
why you bumping your thread same day it was made,forum rules allow only 1 bump per 24hours, this include update.