Title: [2015-12-28Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain Post by: CrimBit on December 28, 2015, 04:20:22 PM Executive Brief
Banks and private industry have gone hog-wild for blockchain technology, now that they understand what all the Bitcoin fuss is about. It only took them six years to catch on. Now, nation-states are catching onto the benefits of the Blockchain, at an even faster pace, starting with Africa’s Tunisia. Tunisia has just agreed to become the first nation to offer its national currency for transmittance through cryptographic technology. Read the full story below. http://dcebrief.com/tunisia-becomes-first-nation-to-put-nations-currency-on-a-blockchain/ Title: Re: [2015-12-28Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain Post by: fancy_pants on December 28, 2015, 07:14:26 PM please move to altcoin section
Title: Re: [2015-12-28Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain Post by: aso118 on December 29, 2015, 01:49:29 AM As long as the Tunisian Dinar remains a currency which is centrally controlled, there will be no significant advantage in implementing the blockchain. To the layman, it will look just like any electronic transfer mechanism.
Title: Re: [2015-12-28Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain Post by: tyz on December 29, 2015, 03:21:00 AM It is hard to believe what's stated in the article. Woudn't it be a sensation in economical forums and newspapers if a state like Tunesia is transforming a part of there national currency to the blockchain? ::)
Title: Re: [2015-12-28Tunisia Becomes First Nation To Put Nation’s Currency on a Blockchain Post by: DooMAD on December 29, 2015, 03:01:53 PM It is hard to believe what's stated in the article. Woudn't it be a sensation in economical forums and newspapers if a state like Tunesia is transforming a part of there national currency to the blockchain? ::) Another source here (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/tunisia-rolls-out-interoperable-mobile-money-backed-by-government-looking-towards-bitcoin-1523151) from back in October. I'm still trying to work out from both articles whether it's still in development, or if it has gone live now and is already in use. Maybe that's why it's not in other publications yet? |