Title: Attaching GPU on Raspberry, possible? Post by: electronicash on July 16, 2016, 02:20:53 AM Not sure if this had been asked here before.
wanna do mining but what i want to us is the raspberry so i can save electricity cost. Can we attach GPUs to Raspberry PI to mine ETH using Claymore's? Title: Re: Attaching GPU on Raspberry, possible? Post by: adaseb on July 16, 2016, 02:33:56 AM RaspPi dont have PCIe slots.
Title: Re: Attaching GPU on Raspberry, possible? Post by: electronicash on July 16, 2016, 03:17:52 AM Is there a way to attache one? maybe a usb going to a pcie slot and then GPU, is there such device?
maybe arduino can help too? I've just learned about arduino when an event showcasing robots. Title: Re: Attaching GPU on Raspberry, possible? Post by: toptek on July 16, 2016, 07:05:35 AM i did a search a while back it is possible if you want to spend a lot on external pcie slots they do cost a lot atm for pi's , i wanted to know my self so i went looking some have done it but the cost may not be worth it unless you have the know how , tools and time to do it . i think i found some external pcei express stuff that might work but at 500 to a 1000 dollars a pop not worth it. if i had saved the link i would post it for you but i didn't after i saw the cost.
it had some thing to do with arduino :). here is something on it someone has all ready looked in to on the forums , what i found cost more and was able to be used on a pi type .!!! . im not gonna brother right now i have to rebuild my farm slow .so for me it's cheaper to build it with mother boards etc but it would be nice to use PI's it's cheaper and might even work better . https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1551013.0 Title: Re: Attaching GPU on Raspberry, possible? Post by: NameTaken on July 16, 2016, 04:42:04 PM Even if you somehow miraculously got the RPI to recognize your GPU, there would be no driver for it as well as the Claymore miner is closed source so you can not recompile it for ARM, not to mention myriad of other problems.