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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Kalipo on August 25, 2016, 02:25:17 PM

Title: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Kalipo on August 25, 2016, 02:25:17 PM
Hey Guys,

i just wanted to ask what international people think about germany and eu
in this hot political times.

do you have any opinion to our refugees politic?

would be interesting


Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Tyrantt on August 25, 2016, 03:33:17 PM
Hey Guys,

i just wanted to ask what international people think about germany and eu
in this hot political times.

do you have any opinion to our refugees politic?

would be interesting


Yes, I have an opinion and it's you done goofed. The most stupid thing imo is accepting a ton of migrants w/o the background check of them (I'm not saying im against immigration and refugees but this is ridiculous ).

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: MisO69 on August 25, 2016, 07:55:49 PM
I'm from Canada and think that bringing in refugees is the humanitarian thing to do. We took a bunch of em, I think 30,000 or so is what our PM brought in. If he didn't these people could be dead or dying now.. stopping them at your borders is evil. Put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if you and your family was turned away from a peaceful country? The only place for you to go is back into a war zone with your children. Now that is evil.

Oh your scared, well fuck you. Grow some balls. You can't send people, women and children to their deaths because you are scared.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: criptix on August 25, 2016, 08:09:06 PM
Hey Guys,

i just wanted to ask what international people think about germany and eu
in this hot political times.

do you have any opinion to our refugees politic?

would be interesting


Yes, I have an opinion and it's you done goofed. The most stupid thing imo is accepting a ton of migrants w/o the background check of them (I'm not saying im against immigration and refugees but this is ridiculous ).

sure i life in europe but those decisions are not "only" done by myself!
perhaps other countries doesnt get it that between germans everybody say
that each other is a "nazi" if they dont let welcome refugees.

its hard to explain because my english isnt very well...
but yes, some of us see the danger and are very scared .. without beeing a "nazi".

dont want to image what happening the next 2 years.
i sure leave this country in the next 1-2 years because i really have to say that im a lil bit scared.

im just interested what the medias tell about us in the u.s or somewhere else

Im living in germany and dont see it like that.
If i have a discussion about refugees it usually boils down to the fact that we didnt do proper background checks (but how do you do that properly when people lose their ID/throw it away and are coming from a nation torn apart through a civil war) when we let them in.
Besides that there are a ton of arguments why everyone of them isnt a terrorist and will help our nation to prosper in the future.

Imho the people who use the nazi argument or are complaining about it are people from one and the same group - they just dont know what arguments and facts are and how you have a proper discussion.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: zenitzz on August 25, 2016, 08:23:17 PM
Hey Guys,

i just wanted to ask what international people think about germany and eu
in this hot political times.

do you have any opinion to our refugees politic?

would be interesting

The severity of terrorism in germany is still merkel fault because has received many refugees entered germany with on the basis of humanitarian grounds.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: marketone on August 25, 2016, 09:04:28 PM
Anywhere in Europe seem to be a scary place.
With the recent events with those shooting in public places Germany is a place that I would not like to visit. :(

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Gronthaing on August 26, 2016, 05:06:31 AM
Anywhere in Europe seem to be a scary place.
With the recent events with those shooting in public places Germany is a place that I would not like to visit. :(

You are more likely to die from almost anything else than by terrorism. By far. Death because of lightning strikes is probably more common. Don't stop living your life for fear of terrorism. To me a bigger problem is the reaction to the attacks. The rise in the far right for example. Not only in germany but all over the place.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: countryfree on August 26, 2016, 11:42:54 PM
Germany was and remains the best place in Europe to work, and make good money. There are more and more non Germans, you see them in train stations, and all public places. The government gives them an allowance so that they manage to live decently, but obviously, they all have plenty of time to kill. I can't say if they will end up being good citizens and taxpayers, but for many of them the chances are slim from what I've seen.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: d-leit on August 27, 2016, 12:54:53 PM
the situation is good in germany. the media exagerrates every little incident. naturally it will take time and effort for the refugees to integrate, but finally it will be good for germany and europe.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: designerusa on August 27, 2016, 01:24:56 PM
i totally think about europe is decayed continent . all its so called modern civilitations came their ends and Germany is the worst after France. For me , germany is just a racist country which insults immigrants . German government wants to destroy any other culture in its lands.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: SyGambler on August 27, 2016, 01:40:26 PM
well I think Germany should organize how they take the refugees , for me as a Syrian I know how the refugees were going to europe
they first go to Lebanon then Fly to Turkey and then they risk their lives riding the sea
if the countries are organizing it by for example doing some interviews with the refugees in Lebanon or Turkey this would make it easier to spot the terrorist also people won't have to risk their lives , they should simply fly to the country that they are aiming for

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 28, 2016, 04:55:36 AM
Germany was and remains the best place in Europe to work, and make good money. There are more and more non Germans, you see them in train stations, and all public places. The government gives them an allowance so that they manage to live decently, but obviously, they all have plenty of time to kill. I can't say if they will end up being good citizens and taxpayers, but for many of them the chances are slim from what I've seen.

Yeah.. the government give them allowances, so they can procreate and give birth to dozens of children. Then the government can give allowances for these children as well. I want to see for how long this is going to continue. Germany will run out of money very soon, and it is good news for countries such as Greece and Cyprus.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: d-leit on August 28, 2016, 09:31:39 AM
Germany was and remains the best place in Europe to work, and make good money. There are more and more non Germans, you see them in train stations, and all public places. The government gives them an allowance so that they manage to live decently, but obviously, they all have plenty of time to kill. I can't say if they will end up being good citizens and taxpayers, but for many of them the chances are slim from what I've seen.

Yeah.. the government give them allowances, so they can procreate and give birth to dozens of children. Then the government can give allowances for these children as well. I want to see for how long this is going to continue. Germany will run out of money very soon, and it is good news for countries such as Greece and Cyprus.

this is just what extreme right says. the normal middle (most people, for now at least) knows that some money must be spent to help in a humanitarian crisis. it is a duty. but it must not be so much money to pull in those who would take advantage. Chancellor Merkel is doing a reasonable job in a tough situation to maintain this balance, while being criticized from the extreme left (die Linke) for not doing enough and the extreme right (afd + Bayern wing of her own party) for doing very much.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 28, 2016, 10:19:57 AM
Germany was and remains the best place in Europe to work, and make good money. There are more and more non Germans, you see them in train stations, and all public places. The government gives them an allowance so that they manage to live decently, but obviously, they all have plenty of time to kill. I can't say if they will end up being good citizens and taxpayers, but for many of them the chances are slim from what I've seen.

Yeah.. the government give them allowances, so they can procreate and give birth to dozens of children. Then the government can give allowances for these children as well. I want to see for how long this is going to continue. Germany will run out of money very soon, and it is good news for countries such as Greece and Cyprus.

this is just what extreme right says. the normal middle (most people, for now at least) knows that some money must be spent to help in a humanitarian crisis. it is a duty. but it must not be so much money to pull in those who would take advantage. Chancellor Merkel is doing a reasonable job in a tough situation to maintain this balance, while being criticized from the extreme left (die Linke) for not doing enough and the extreme right (afd + Bayern wing of her own party) for doing very much.

It is not her personal wealth to start with. It is the taxpayer's money. The European Union has already agreed to provide some €20 billion to Turkey, so that they could take care of the immigrants. In addition to this they are spending a similar amount to take care of the immigrants inside the EU. She is wasting the taxpayer's money. The Saudis and the Americans must be made to pay, as they are the main players behind the Syrian civil war.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: criptix on August 28, 2016, 02:10:29 PM
Germany was and remains the best place in Europe to work, and make good money. There are more and more non Germans, you see them in train stations, and all public places. The government gives them an allowance so that they manage to live decently, but obviously, they all have plenty of time to kill. I can't say if they will end up being good citizens and taxpayers, but for many of them the chances are slim from what I've seen.

Yeah.. the government give them allowances, so they can procreate and give birth to dozens of children. Then the government can give allowances for these children as well. I want to see for how long this is going to continue. Germany will run out of money very soon, and it is good news for countries such as Greece and Cyprus.

this is just what extreme right says. the normal middle (most people, for now at least) knows that some money must be spent to help in a humanitarian crisis. it is a duty. but it must not be so much money to pull in those who would take advantage. Chancellor Merkel is doing a reasonable job in a tough situation to maintain this balance, while being criticized from the extreme left (die Linke) for not doing enough and the extreme right (afd + Bayern wing of her own party) for doing very much.

It is not her personal wealth to start with. It is the taxpayer's money. The European Union has already agreed to provide some €20 billion to Turkey, so that they could take care of the immigrants. In addition to this they are spending a similar amount to take care of the immigrants inside the EU. She is wasting the taxpayer's money. The Saudis and the Americans must be made to pay, as they are the main players behind the Syrian civil war.

Get real. Turkey alone is housing nearly 3 million refugees since the Syria crisis whereas the EU or rather germany accepted 1 million in 2015.

The deal was money for refugees already there and for future refugees staying there.

There are several .gov and studies that states that already in 2020 Germany will profit highly through the new refugees.

Would be nice if saudis and the US would pay but do you also believe that Santa Claus exist?
The best thing would be no crazy IS fundamentalist, no dictators like assad, no wannabe world police/leader as the US and a lot of unicorns everywhere.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: European Central Bank on August 28, 2016, 07:14:16 PM
i think Germany did a noble thing bringing in so many people but i also think it's gonna bite them in the ass in the years to come unless they manage some serious integration and i don't think anyone's figured out how to do that.

best case scenario is that somehow the hotspots they're coming in from get sorted out and most of them want to go home. i know i would if i had the chance.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Junko on August 29, 2016, 04:44:03 AM
I'm from the U.S. and Germany is my happy place. One of my favorite places to visit. I love German beer and food and people.

As far as politics and refugees, it seems to me that a certain strategy is being adopted similar to that of Democrats in the US - accepting millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal in order to ensure future generations of voters who will more than likely vote democrat.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: d-leit on August 29, 2016, 09:19:16 AM
It is not her personal wealth to start with. It is the taxpayer's money. The European Union has already agreed to provide some €20 billion to Turkey, so that they could take care of the immigrants. In addition to this they are spending a similar amount to take care of the immigrants inside the EU. She is wasting the taxpayer's money. The Saudis and the Americans must be made to pay, as they are the main players behind the Syrian civil war.

one of the reasons for tax money spending is to handle these big things that is too expensive for few people alone. compromises are necessity, naturally. spending a few billion euros to save a few million people in need is reasonable imo.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Daniel91 on August 29, 2016, 12:41:43 PM
It's obvious that in eU there is no unity, one direction, vision or common goal.
Because of this, UK left EU and east European countries can't agree with EU immigration policy.
Also, EU don't have common security policy and it's big problem now, in the terrorist age.
Germany trying to bring all this 28 states together, and make agreement about common goals and directions, but it's very difficult.
If EU don't solve financial, immigration and security issues in a next a few years, EU will collapse.
Merkel trying very hard to prevent it but it seems she is alone and without big support from other countries.


Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Masha Sha on August 30, 2016, 09:48:58 AM
Merkel for life? How long has she been in office?  :o

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 30, 2016, 06:31:50 PM
Merkel for life? How long has she been in office?  :o

She won't be in office for too long. I heard that Erdogan gave her Syphilis. You know, that disease require strong medications, and I am afraid that Merkel won't be able to continue as the Chancellor.

It is not her personal wealth to start with. It is the taxpayer's money. The European Union has already agreed to provide some €20 billion to Turkey, so that they could take care of the immigrants. In addition to this they are spending a similar amount to take care of the immigrants inside the EU. She is wasting the taxpayer's money. The Saudis and the Americans must be made to pay, as they are the main players behind the Syrian civil war.

one of the reasons for tax money spending is to handle these big things that is too expensive for few people alone. compromises are necessity, naturally. spending a few billion euros to save a few million people in need is reasonable imo.

Germany is not "saving" millions of people. These people were living comfortably in Turkey. On the other hand, Merkel has caused thousands of deaths by drowning, by encouraging these immigrants to cross the Mediterranean.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: countryfree on August 30, 2016, 10:34:44 PM
well I think Germany should organize how they take the refugees , for me as a Syrian I know how the refugees were going to europe
they first go to Lebanon then Fly to Turkey and then they risk their lives riding the sea
if the countries are organizing it by for example doing some interviews with the refugees in Lebanon or Turkey this would make it easier to spot the terrorist also people won't have to risk their lives , they should simply fly to the country that they are aiming for

Germany isn't racist. Far from it, just look at the billions it's spending to handle all the refugees it has already accepted. There wasn't any obligation to do so. Germany could have closed its borders, and most people would have accepted that.

Claiming refugee status cannot be done at a travel agency in the Middle-East. Refugees are supposed to have faced a hard time in their native country, then going through a long, difficult and scary journey. Otherwise, they're just travelers like me.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: d-leit on August 31, 2016, 09:11:50 AM
It is not her personal wealth to start with. It is the taxpayer's money. The European Union has already agreed to provide some €20 billion to Turkey, so that they could take care of the immigrants. In addition to this they are spending a similar amount to take care of the immigrants inside the EU. She is wasting the taxpayer's money. The Saudis and the Americans must be made to pay, as they are the main players behind the Syrian civil war.

one of the reasons for tax money spending is to handle these big things that is too expensive for few people alone. compromises are necessity, naturally. spending a few billion euros to save a few million people in need is reasonable imo.

Germany is not "saving" millions of people. These people were living comfortably in Turkey. On the other hand, Merkel has caused thousands of deaths by drowning, by encouraging these immigrants to cross the Mediterranean.

the idee that refugees were "living comfortably" in Turkey sounds only like more conspiracy talk to me.

but at least i can agree that Merkel's generosity has unfortunate side effects like encouraging dangerous journeys like you said.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 31, 2016, 12:39:29 PM
but at least i can agree that Merkel's generosity has unfortunate side effects like encouraging dangerous journeys like you said.

You need to look at who is benefiting from this immigrant smuggling. Human traffickers in Turkey and the Balkans have earned tens of billions of USD so far from this trade. If Merkel wanted the refugees in Germany, then what prevented her from airlifting all those refugees from Turkey to Germany? She wanted the media to highlight the immigrant trail, from Turkey to Europe. 

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: augustocroppo on August 31, 2016, 08:13:30 PM
The indigenous German population (not descendants of foreign races) are being methodically replaced by hordes of invaders. Once this population become a minority in their own ancestral homelands, the replacement program will enter the final stage. The indigenous German population will lose any political representation and enter biological extinction mode.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: Crazygreek on August 31, 2016, 09:36:32 PM
I'm not really interested in this topic, but what can i said, that i like germany and want to visit it soon ;D

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: countryfree on August 31, 2016, 11:01:32 PM
I'm not really interested in this topic, but what can i said, that i like germany and want to visit it soon ;D

You're right. Germany remains a great place to travel. It's a must-see for everyone who isn't European, just like France and Italy. Besides, even now with one million migrants, Germany remains a much safer and cleaner place than France.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: JesusCryptos on November 09, 2017, 11:53:23 PM
There is a policy of divide and rule behind this policies which favors immigration, and it is not native of the countries who apply it - it comes from outside. It is a complex issue.

Title: Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe?
Post by: rondorondo on December 10, 2017, 10:40:53 PM
German is the leading economic country of the European Union. German economy is growing steadily and German has labor demand. Germany has a problem with natural growth. The large number of refugees received by Germany in some way is a solution to the problem. However, this is a new problem it is a question of whether all refugees will adapt to the way of life and culture of the German nation and what will be the demographic picture of the German in the future (for 100-150 years).