Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: dserrano5 on November 23, 2016, 04:07:36 PM

Title: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: dserrano5 on November 23, 2016, 04:07:36 PM
So I was taking a look to the forumers in my trust list, made a couple of changes and pressed the button to update the list. I got an error along the lines of "Please try again, please notify admin if it fails again". I went to try again and found my list now contains only DefaultTrust.

No way to recover it, right?


Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: Quickseller on November 23, 2016, 04:17:19 PM
There are archives of the entire trust network made every Saturday. If you haven't edited your list since then you can recover your list from the most recent archive.

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: shorena on November 23, 2016, 04:38:50 PM
There are archives of the entire trust network made every Saturday. If you haven't edited your list since then you can recover your list from the most recent archive.

File from Nov 19

$ cat trust.txt | grep 'dserrano5\-'
dserrano5->Gavin Andresen
dserrano5->Carlton Banks

Note: Yes, this would catch exclusions -\>, but there are none.

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: Blazed on November 23, 2016, 05:15:38 PM
Same thing happened to me 2 weeks back. I assumed I somehow screwed up, but it might be a forum bug. I used the archives to restore me list.

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: Decoded on November 23, 2016, 07:15:13 PM
Wait, hoew do you get hold of the archives? This is pretty cool. I could try making a web extension that shows you a person's trust list, that's updated weekly.

Guess you learn something new every day.

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: minifrij on November 23, 2016, 07:24:09 PM
Wait, hoew do you get hold of the archives? This is pretty cool.
You can download the entire trust network (excluding people with 0 posts) here ( According to theymos, this will update:
every Saturday at 02:52 UTC.
The -> arrow shows someone being added to someone else's trust list, -/> shows that they have been excluded from someone else's trust list.

I could try making a web extension that shows you a person's trust list, that's updated weekly.
You can see people's trust lists up to DT Depth 4 here (;full), though I suppose seeing people's who aren't near the DT network could be interesting.

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: dserrano5 on November 24, 2016, 11:01:22 AM
It has been a while since I last edited it so even a list from last month would have been ok.

Thank you very much! ^^

Title: Re: Error while editing my trust list—it became empty
Post by: zazarb on November 24, 2016, 04:18:16 PM
Same thing happened to me 2 weeks back. I assumed I somehow screwed up, but it might be a forum bug. I used the archives to restore me list.
This is an old forum bug, it happens almost always,
if for example a row to add one by one few member and after each addition saving.