Title: Bump - Exchanger Post by: lockept93 on April 28, 2017, 03:46:20 PM Hi, a friend of mine want replys in his thread and so i got the idea to change posts. I offer writing replys in your thread for that. Exactly how to we can talk in PM. If anybody is interested - hide me up! Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: lockept93 on April 28, 2017, 03:50:02 PM If you have a thread for example a service, then i will write a post if its going on page 2 or something like that. For that you write a reply in a thread i show you.
Just simple. Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: alani123 on April 28, 2017, 03:57:38 PM I don't think there would be much demand for such a service. Especialli given that automated bots can do this more efficiently than humans and within the limits the rules set.
Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: sweetdesirez on April 28, 2017, 04:35:28 PM Did not get your point clearly. Are you charging for replying to threads or it is a mutual exchange of replies? In both ways don't think there will be any demand of this service.
Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: khufuking on April 28, 2017, 05:52:36 PM There is already a service here that sell bot do exactly what you want . search for thread Auto bumping i think will get it to you and it was kinda cheap if i remember correctly .
Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: senyorito123 on April 28, 2017, 10:08:22 PM Hi, a friend of mine want replys in his thread and so i got the idea to change posts. I offer writing replys in your thread for that. Exactly how to we can talk in PM. If anybody is interested - hide me up! I don't fully understand on what you are talking about here but it seems that your offering a bump service and i don't think this service would be catchy since thread owners can easily bump their thread by visiting it frequently aswell as theirs already same service offering that care to check here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1573939.0 Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: lockept93 on April 29, 2017, 02:12:31 AM Thx for reply all. I think u missunderstood me. I do not start here a special service or something like that. I just look for some members who have a bumping or replying needing thread. Just help eachother.
Pls don't take it too serios... I still got 2 PMs of interesting user - so there are some. Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: pcoin on April 29, 2017, 09:36:05 AM If i understand you clearly, you want to create a group of people that have a common interest based on bumping each others thread (something like click exchange) ? I will not try to discourage you but i only want you know that this could also lead to spam posting on the forum because a user needs to return a favor but it can still serve as a powerful tool on this forum if you have a large number of people in the group.
Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: naidray on April 29, 2017, 09:57:23 AM I understand you are ready to give bumps to topic by charging some bitcoins/money. I am not sure these "paid bumps" are allowed here. Because they could come a cancer here by disturbing the healthy and balanced environment.
I guess some service providers are already doing this, but when you are continuously writing posts only for the pumping purposes, you will get reported and finally may end in permanent ban too. I foresee this is not a good service to provide. Please stop right away by locking this thread. Title: Re: Bump - Exchanger Post by: lockept93 on April 29, 2017, 12:59:14 PM No i dont want to make a group or take any money for a service.
I just looking for people who want to make a few posts in a thread i give them and for this i make replys in a thread they need to bump. :D |