Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Computer hardware => Topic started by: PuertoLibre on May 01, 2013, 03:09:40 AM

Title: [WTB] 1 Avalon Hashing module with cable.
Post by: PuertoLibre on May 01, 2013, 03:09:40 AM
I am looking to buy 1 Avalon module (22Gh/s) for an Avalon. I will do all steps to verify a person actually has one.

At the moment, I am only accepting offers to see if the quotes are worthwhile and not uber exaggerated. Post your offers in BTC.

Sale must include a working hashing module (not damaged or dysfunctional) and include the special cable to connect the extra module. Keep in mind Avalon will be releasing and selling modules soon, so keep the prices in line with that thought.