Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: lockept93 on June 05, 2017, 06:41:30 AM

Title: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 05, 2017, 06:41:30 AM


i just think about the topic Altcoins and so on and there is still the open question, what crypto will break the wall between mainstream and professionals. And i like thinking about things to handle and i wanna share my spontanious idea that falling in my head. Pls dont take it to serios  ;)

What about a coin that will generate by verifying a individual DNA code. This mean every human can generate one DNA-Credit.

What do you think about this? What problems would you see?

Yet im not thinking about doing this - but i like the idea.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 05, 2017, 11:22:53 PM

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: User365 on June 06, 2017, 09:13:32 AM
Not a bad idea, althrought it could be a desease if adopted by everyone.

Do you know the movie In Time ? Pretty much sums up your idea.

Furthermore this would have to be forced by government I highly doubt you will find many people who will help you testing this  :D

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: BitAvrillis on June 06, 2017, 06:28:42 PM
I mean the movie (In Time) you mentioned wasnt even that bad. The successfull people can earn their reward, infinite life. If you are a poor pleb and dont wanna work, oops, full anarcho capitalism

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: judgecrypto on June 06, 2017, 07:24:48 PM
There is a lot of things wrong with this type of idea, DNA of an individual is a very sensitive thing, how come you think people will be careless enough to use it to generate a coin.

This could also lead to some family problem as regard the pathology of a child, a lot of family break ups could also occur.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 07, 2017, 05:56:00 AM
Sure there would be rules and costs to generate a coin. But i think it's easy to make with a hair or something like that.
I just think about what kind of coin and how would the value handled. If we say one individual DNA creates 1.0... coin - does it can be splittet or is the coin fix like it is? If there is a coin made by let me say 10 $ (taking and saving DNA and generate the coin) - 1 coin would have a "personal" value of 10 $. If it isnt possible to use 0.5 for example, the minimum tranfer would be 10$ and this wouldnt be good.

So i think it have to be like BTC with all its 0.+, but there its not possible to save the individual DNA.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: User365 on June 07, 2017, 08:18:13 AM
Sure there would be rules and costs to generate a coin. But i think it's easy to make with a hair or something like that.
I just think about what kind of coin and how would the value handled. If we say one individual DNA creates 1.0... coin - does it can be splittet or is the coin fix like it is? If there is a coin made by let me say 10 $ (taking and saving DNA and generate the coin) - 1 coin would have a "personal" value of 10 $. If it isnt possible to use 0.5 for example, the minimum tranfer would be 10$ and this wouldnt be good.

So i think it have to be like BTC with all its 0.+, but there its not possible to save the individual DNA.

So you wanna do the ICO based on the DNA of different persons? In case you wanna prevent me of using the hair of my dog you would need expensive medical equipment and time to determine of which species this DNA is. I have no knowledge in bioengineering but I am sure if you are a geeky bioengineer you could modify the DNA slightly so you get infinite coins at the ICO.

Furthermore it came to my mind that a DNA coin would have nothing to do with privacy.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 07, 2017, 06:16:31 PM
Sure there would be rules and costs to generate a coin. But i think it's easy to make with a hair or something like that.
I just think about what kind of coin and how would the value handled. If we say one individual DNA creates 1.0... coin - does it can be splittet or is the coin fix like it is? If there is a coin made by let me say 10 $ (taking and saving DNA and generate the coin) - 1 coin would have a "personal" value of 10 $. If it isnt possible to use 0.5 for example, the minimum tranfer would be 10$ and this wouldnt be good.

So i think it have to be like BTC with all its 0.+, but there its not possible to save the individual DNA.

So you wanna do the ICO based on the DNA of different persons? In case you wanna prevent me of using the hair of my dog you would need expensive medical equipment and time to determine of which species this DNA is. I have no knowledge in bioengineering but I am sure if you are a geeky bioengineer you could modify the DNA slightly so you get infinite coins at the ICO.

Furthermore it came to my mind that a DNA coin would have nothing to do with privacy.

I think there are possibilities to difference between human and animal in an easier way (but im no expert)
This is just about creation - that would need a veryfied person who want it.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 09, 2017, 03:10:31 AM

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: dillpicklechips on June 09, 2017, 07:14:06 AM
So what really is the purpose of this? I would say that making coins base on DNA can made also without DNA like what we have now that is we don't need to get something on us or anything since it would be complicated and no new thing to add on. If compared to what we have and this DNA thingy, I would picked what we have now because it is less hassle and convenient.

Unless it has a very good edge like security perhaps? Or identity in your DNA coin? But what if you transfer the money does your DNA coin be altered to become the DNA coin of the other? You need a lot of money to study this project really and how to make it happen. For now, it doesn't makes sense but maybe a study would uncover a new technology like DNA coin you said.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: User365 on June 09, 2017, 12:02:21 PM
I have a new Idea for your Idea  :D

How about you have a hardware bitcoin wallet which has a dna analyzer integrated (future tech i know). From your dna the device builds a hash (!) this is important so it won´t be reversible (must be a very good hash, so it won´t be cracked in the next few decades). And with that you can get access to your private keys (like in bitcoin core with your password).

The ico has to be organized by some official institution and is per person (with birth-certificate and stuff).

Not quite your idea but very likely.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: physicist on June 09, 2017, 08:51:41 PM


i just think about the topic Altcoins and so on and there is still the open question, what crypto will break the wall between mainstream and professionals. And i like thinking about things to handle and i wanna share my spontanious idea that falling in my head. Pls dont take it to serios  ;)

What about a coin that will generate by verifying a individual DNA code. This mean every human can generate one DNA-Credit.

What do you think about this? What problems would you see?

Yet im not thinking about doing this - but i like the idea.
It's a non-starter. If you are clever, it can be faked.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 10, 2017, 06:05:11 AM
So what really is the purpose of this? I would say that making coins base on DNA can made also without DNA like what we have now that is we don't need to get something on us or anything since it would be complicated and no new thing to add on. If compared to what we have and this DNA thingy, I would picked what we have now because it is less hassle and convenient.

Unless it has a very good edge like security perhaps? Or identity in your DNA coin? But what if you transfer the money does your DNA coin be altered to become the DNA coin of the other? You need a lot of money to study this project really and how to make it happen. For now, it doesn't makes sense but maybe a study would uncover a new technology like DNA coin you said.

The DNA would be required for the creation of a new single coin. There is a match up with an database and so it's possible to connect the growing amount with the time and Earth popolation. Also would bring it a value game between updating database and the costs and the amount of people doing this.
For example: If it would cost 10$ to connect a DNA with the Blockchain and create a new coin - nobody would do this if it have a value of 5$, but everybody if it 15$ worth. Simple saying.

Sure it would need a good dev team. But i think the connection to the human and the semi-limeted aspect let it be a imo likely idea. Sure for now not more.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: physicist on June 10, 2017, 02:15:08 PM
I have a new Idea for your Idea  :D

How about you have a hardware bitcoin wallet which has a dna analyzer integrated (future tech i know). From your dna the device builds a hash (!) this is important so it won´t be reversible (must be a very good hash, so it won´t be cracked in the next few decades). And with that you can get access to your private keys (like in bitcoin core with your password).

The ico has to be organized by some official institution and is per person (with birth-certificate and stuff).

Not quite your idea but very likely.
But it would be cracked. Whole human genome sequencing has gone for 2.7B (the first one) now down into the thousands of dollars and will continue to lower. Just imagine the severe security implications. You shed cells you leave about the environment would be your private key. Not good.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 12, 2017, 04:12:46 AM

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: User365 on June 12, 2017, 09:09:21 AM
I have a new Idea for your Idea  :D

How about you have a hardware bitcoin wallet which has a dna analyzer integrated (future tech i know). From your dna the device builds a hash (!) this is important so it won´t be reversible (must be a very good hash, so it won´t be cracked in the next few decades). And with that you can get access to your private keys (like in bitcoin core with your password).

The ico has to be organized by some official institution and is per person (with birth-certificate and stuff).

Not quite your idea but very likely.
But it would be cracked. Whole human genome sequencing has gone for 2.7B (the first one) now down into the thousands of dollars and will continue to lower. Just imagine the severe security implications. You shed cells you leave about the environment would be your private key. Not good.

Another point which makes it difficult to realize your idea.

But I think it could be possible that the private key is randomly generated and then the keys are encrypted with a hash of your DNA.

Title: Re: DNA-Credit - Thinkabout
Post by: lockept93 on June 16, 2017, 08:14:30 AM