Title: WTS BTC Code forPaypal Post by: Darktongue on May 09, 2013, 12:34:52 AM I'm looking to make a eBay transaction and need some PayPal funds to cover my difference. I will give a trusted user $43.00USD for sent $40.00USD to my PayPal your payment will come in the form of a btc-e code. Terms are as follows
You must have an established user account here between 3-6 months You must send as a gift (looking more to avoid fees). I will promptly private message you the code once the money hits my PayPal account. You would be doing me a huge favor here and I'd thank you ever so much lol Title: Re: WTS BTC Code forPaypal Post by: Birdy on May 09, 2013, 12:57:39 AM I have no use for a btc-e code (no account there), but I have some dollars on paypal I don't need.
Any chance you want to do this just for BTCs? (I'm probably not trusted enough anyway, am I?) Title: Re: WTS BTC Code forPaypal Post by: sublime5447 on May 09, 2013, 01:12:15 AM Done send the code and I will send the pp funds