Title: NanoHash - New Mining Place Post by: venomstyle on July 12, 2017, 09:34:12 AM Hello guys! [/i]Today I want to present to you some new mine I found on the internet. Invest as fast as possible to have a chance on earning on this investment, but I do not encourage anyone, you do it on your own responsibility. Refferal program: Level 1 -15% Level 2 -7,5% Level 3 - 2,5% Reflink:https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=31782 (https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=31782) Clear link: https://www.nanohash.net/ if you want to, please register with reflink. It doesn`t cost you anything, but I can provide more investment websites like this for you. Thank you! Title: Re: NanoHash - New Mining Place Post by: lenoli on July 12, 2017, 09:39:39 AM simple cloud mining ponzy site, with will become scam in several days, stay away from them or you will lose your money, also i advice you stop promoting sites like, or you will get red trust.
Title: Re: NanoHash - New Mining Place Post by: BitBustah on July 12, 2017, 09:55:03 AM Ponzy alert. Stay away!
Title: Re: NanoHash - New Mining Place Post by: newmz on July 12, 2017, 09:56:58 AM This place reminds me very strongly of HashOcean. If you get into one of these ponzi schemes early you can actually make money but you are doing it by taking the money they get from subscribers who joined after you did.
I just wish I had the haxor skillz to identify these people publically, or maybe deface the website so it told the truth. They aren't mining anything, except maybe suckers. |