Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: shakezula on May 21, 2013, 08:52:56 PM

Title: Help Building -QT on Mac OSX?
Post by: shakezula on May 21, 2013, 08:52:56 PM
Ok, I'm stuck. I've tried a lot of things yet I can simply NOT get past this:

Undefined symbols:
  "MapPort()", referenced from:
      OptionsModel::setData(QModelIndex const&, QVariant const&, int)in optionsmodel.o
  "_fUseUPnP", referenced from:
      OptionsModel::setData(QModelIndex const&, QVariant const&, int)in optionsmodel.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

When it tries to build. I have tried on multiple VMs with multiple QT and GCC versions, nearly all end up with this error. Here's what I did on the latest build:

Installed OSX 10.6 in VMWare
Updated through 10.6.8 and all available software through today
Installed XCode 3.2.6
Installed MacPorts
$sudo port install boost db48 git-core openssl miniupnpc
went in to ~/bitcoin and tried to do:
qmake and then make

When it errored out, I tried installing QT Creator just to take the qmake line and tried this one:

$ qmake /Users/adam/bitcoin/ -r -spec macx-g++ CONFIG+=x86_64 "USE_UPNP=-"

but when I make it errors out the same. I've tried editing the .pro file with /opt/local/ includes for MINIUPNPC and all others. I've also tried building another VM from scratch and doing the SAME thing without ports, using homebrew instead. SAME ISSUES!

Please, I know this has to be something easy I'm missing, anyone anyone help?

Title: Re: Help Building -QT on Mac OSX?
Post by: jayo89 on May 23, 2013, 05:52:37 AM
Bump for interest.  I'm having trouble compiling for mac as well.

Title: Re: Help Building -QT on Mac OSX?
Post by: shakezula on May 23, 2013, 01:59:06 PM
I solved it, no help from the peanut gallery.  ::)

The solution for me was to comment out the second bit of code in the file related to UPNP. Basically even if I did "qmake "USE_UPNP=-" it would return "Building without UPNP" and then just under it "Building with UPNP." Following that, I realized that the if ==/else== is seemingly wrongly syntaxed in the .pro file. I changed that section in the .pro file to look like this:

# qmake "USE_UPNP=-" (not supported)
contains(USE_UPNP, -) {
    message(Building without UPNP support)

and re-ran qmake/make and voila. Yes, this is a dirty way to do it. Yes, my -qt has no UPNP support (no, I don't care). I have no formal C/C++ training so this is how I learn, trial and error. :D