Title: CROC CrocodileCash minning pools Post by: john_W on September 01, 2017, 08:59:52 PM CrocodileCash already has Android wallet, paper wallet, exchanges, pools and games.
CROC is a 1 month old coin with a strong community. List of know pools PICKAXE.ONLINE http://www.altmining.org http://mineme.xyz https://cryptohub.online/pools http://findblocks.com http://steamoctanepool.com http://mining.topcoins.biz http://lpool.name Support a coin that maybe not perfect, but with real development behind it. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2076948 Title: Re: CROC CrocodileCash minning pools Post by: gominer2018 on November 27, 2017, 08:49:31 PM NEW POOL
http://genblocks.ddns.net:8082/getting_started 7 Port Difficulty Low - High Payout ever 10 Min Configuration: Username: your crocodilecash wallet address Password: anything Algorithm: sha256 URL (difficulty 8 ): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3021 URL (difficulty 64): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3022 URL (difficulty 256): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3023 URL (difficulty 8192): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3024 URL (difficulty 65536): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3025 URL (difficulty 131070): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3026 URL (difficulty 262144): stratum+tcp://genblocks.ddns.net:3027 Title: Re: CROC CrocodileCash minning pools Post by: coolindark on November 26, 2018, 06:12:17 AM 8) Keep Calm and Always Use CoinMiners! CrocodileCash is active in our pool! 8) You can use market wallet address for mining! CoinMiners.Net Pool 10% Fee Register-free Mining & Auto Payments Server located at USA CoinMiners is online for 3 years! http://coinminers.net CoinMiners Community Discord : https://discord.gg/VJ8nCmP |