Title: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Sabar90 on September 10, 2017, 04:58:38 PM 1. Do not invest your own money
Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Mometaskers on September 10, 2017, 06:17:28 PM #1 is not always an option for people. It does help though since the corporation is a separate entity.
#2 this will be the main pain in the start, especially if really have a small capital. Still, don't be stingy. Outsource what you can. #3 should be. Any advantage would be useful. And you don't even have to be a tech startup. It can be even be the draw, like those restaurants where you order from touchscreens on the table and a little "train" delivers the food to you. #4 ramen #5 only if what you are offering is not entirely new. Keeping an eye out at would be competitors would be useful coz you wouldn't want to go all out against established businesses, at least not at the beginning. #6 watch out for economy of scale. Larger business can offer physical products cheaper and you'd have a hard time making cheaper stuff with the same quality. Find a niche. Obviously irrelevant for products like software. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: DpremiumTrades on September 10, 2017, 07:28:26 PM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: NewBet on September 16, 2017, 06:05:15 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value 1. Not necessarily. Greater risk, greater reward. 2. Obviously. This is the number one factor to success in any business. 3. No-brainer. Look at what happened to Blockbuster. In 1 decade they lost everything to Netflix. 4. Time is of the essence. It is the most important thing we have. If you do not respect your time, and think about starting a business, you better think twice. 5. Nothing hurts a business more than overestimating goals. It is better to slightly underestimate and over-achieve than always overestimate what can be done and constantly under-achieve. 6. I was thinking of this the other day. I always used to compete on price, and wonder why my competition could sell at higher prices... usually WAY higher. And the other day I was in a supermarket that sold the same thing as Walmart but 10% more expensive and wondered why do people shop here? But there I was... Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Jose Mourinho on September 16, 2017, 06:49:03 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Your analysis is very good, it seems this is complete to be a consideration when we invest money. actually a lot of things that we must prepare when investing our money including the risk of analysis.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Al Amin on September 16, 2017, 07:27:21 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Well enough your analysis, I just want to add one only. Mental. Because before starting a business we must have a strong mental unyielding because in a business like being on the battlefield. Those who have a good strategy and mental businessman who won.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Sled on September 16, 2017, 01:04:03 PM The only thing that you should do before starting a business is study the business and learn the things that you may do in your business that can result for a higher profit in the future. Starting a business is good and it is not that risky unless you don't know the things that you need to do before and during your business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kamote_1102 on September 18, 2017, 07:36:00 PM There are a lot of things to consider before starting a business.
#1 what kind of Business- You need to make sure that you have some knowledge about the Business that you want to put up. #2 Location- Of course consider the location. #3 Capital- you should have a capital and reserve some money. because there are ups and downs in starting a Business, so you should be ready for it. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: redsun114 on September 22, 2017, 05:57:39 AM The only thing that you should do before starting a business is study the business and learn the things that you may do in your business that can result for a higher profit in the future. Starting a business is good and it is not that risky unless you don't know the things that you need to do before and during your business. Indeed, without a proper homework you can never start any business whether it is to set up a multinational company or a local general store. Businesses need hard work in every aspect and it is pretty obvious that you need to follow some business modals before starting any business that covers all details.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: marjoree on September 26, 2017, 10:08:40 AM Things to consider too are: Location because with less people, expect a day with no costumer. Business that an owner is good at like selling in demand stuff( food, water, service), although you have many competitors, if yours are the best then costumers will come back again and again
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Emem29 on September 26, 2017, 10:29:53 AM before starting a business you need to studieng the business and learn the things that you may do in your business, and before starting a business you need a strong mind for the sake of your business,
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Yuhee on September 26, 2017, 10:35:50 AM There are a lot of things to consider before starting a business. #1 what kind of Business- You need to make sure that you have some knowledge about the Business that you want to put up. #2 Location- Of course consider the location. #3 Capital- you should have a capital and reserve some money. because there are ups and downs in starting a Business, so you should be ready for it. This probably would be added to because now adays people would make businesses by having loans. And not all businesses would go as planned. Most would just go into waste because of many factors. Most in my place have canteens or small time market place where there is really a wide competition. It would be better to have some business that is connected to being a supplier rather than just idling in place because it is hard to find costumers if you stay in one place. Internet businesses are too mainstream and you have to pay to advertise your own site. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: okissabam on September 26, 2017, 10:53:39 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value I'll put this in mind since I am hoping and considering to start a business really soon or maybe early next year. This is actually a great advice for those starting up a business. Of course I have to do my own research too before really trying it out in the field and the location too must be thoroughly thought about because it also matters. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jekjekman on September 26, 2017, 11:03:04 AM What do you mean by starting a business? with bitcoin? because this is a bitcoin's economic section so if you are telling it in the real world's business then you are posting in a wrong section because doing and making a business through online is slightly different comparing in real life. Just like you don't need a good location in your business in making such websites instead you need a good developers and programmers in doing so.
But above anything else what you have been said was all applicable in both businesses online and offline. Just be more specific on what you are pertaining to. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Wesimon on September 26, 2017, 11:22:40 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value 1. It's hard to look for business partners who would allow you to use their money especially you dont have contributions. Yes business is quite risky if you dont try, you wont succeed either. 2. The harder the responsibility the more you succees so I agree. 3. Yeah. Use all means. But it depends on what business you really want to have. But it is really appropriate if you use technology with you business for easy promotion. I guess you have to consider fiest if that business you want is feasible. Its hard to start a business without assurance of the result. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Maricel2017 on October 27, 2017, 03:41:53 PM The only thing that you should do before starting a business is study the business and learn the things that you may do in your business that can result for a higher profit in the future. Starting a business is good and it is not that risky unless you don't know the things that you need to do before and during your business. In starting business you need to consider many aspects you should know the pros andd cons of your business you want to start. Plan it very well and study. Putting a business is very hard you should take risk. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: DaddyMonsi on October 27, 2017, 03:48:22 PM 1. Do not invest your own money I am 50/50 on this one, why would I seek partners if I see there's a big risk? It is like inviting someone to suffer the losses too in case shit hits the fan. Another is investors also think about their money so before they let go their money and invest on your business they will weigh in and see how big is the risk.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mrcash02 on October 27, 2017, 04:13:55 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. In other words: If something goes wrong with the business burn other's money and preserve yourself from a loss... I would avoid this kind of partner at all costs... 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. I think more important than hard work is strategy and management. If you know how to manage it well you will find the smartest way to do business and will avoid a lot of desnecessary hard work. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. It's always good to be updated about the lastest news to know the technologies and the best methods to do business, however over physical business it doesn't have much effect. But it's an important advice anyway. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. Don't know exactly what it means. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. To do this we can look through the internet searching for successful examples and if possible, some hints too. If there is someone reliable, it's good to ask this person about more details and to clear the doubts about the subject. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value It depends your target public. There are people who prefers quantity instead of quality, others prefer quality. Focus on the right public. If you want to sell quality explain your product is more expensive telling the positive differentials compared to the competitors. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Umar001 on October 27, 2017, 05:22:38 PM Some things you need to consider before start up are business are,
1)Business plan and propsal, you need to have a plans of a business you wanted to do,. It was say, 'he who fail to plan, plan to fail,. There's need for you to have a clear type of business you want to do. 2) market environment,, also you need to consider market environment of your products and services. 3) Evaluation, you need to evaluate your type of your business if it s viable or not. Consualt expertise if need be. 4) capital, capital is one of the major factor you need to consider before start up a business. E, g Equity or loan, how much capital intensive involved. 5) competition, lastly who are my competitor's, my target customer etc. All this factor need to be consider before start up are business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: 949miner on October 27, 2017, 09:54:30 PM You will always have to work hard if you want to make your own bussiness, but you are saying that you should never use your own money, maybe you are right, but it is not possible to get it without a loan or a gifted money.
what money should i use then? it is not possible mate. otherwise, i would just keep that money for me and that is it. But you are right with all of those points, and you forgot to say that the imagination is the most important thing that you will need to have if you are going to run a new bussiness. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: khaled0111 on October 27, 2017, 10:06:49 PM You stated many rules here but i disagree with some of them. First, you said that you have to start your business without investing your own money and rely on partners contributions which is not possible for all those trying to start a new business because when it comes to money no one will trust you to invest his money.
The other point is the one about working hard, maybe at the beginning of your project you have to do all the work by your self, but you have to think about the time when you start making good income and enjoying your time as well. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Fasunathan on October 27, 2017, 10:43:16 PM Things you need to consider before starting a business is the capital, the location of the building that you are planning to built your business, the customers, the number workers, and etc.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Tamilson on October 27, 2017, 11:09:10 PM 1. Do not invest your own money I am 50/50 on this one, why would I seek partners if I see there's a big risk? It is like inviting someone to suffer the losses too in case shit hits the fan. Another is investors also think about their money so before they let go their money and invest on your business they will weigh in and see how big is the risk.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. Yeah I would agree to this, for me having a business partner is just another future problem. Yeah it may help you somehow if things turned out unfavorably and you two are just a beginner in this field. The two of you will just sink together. It's better to be independent in a business so you can't blame each other. It's not that you're a negative thinker but you're just thinking ahead of the circumstances. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jeanpadel14 on October 27, 2017, 11:34:43 PM Things to consider before starting a business first the money you invest..you need to be sure that your business will return your investment and second is the place where you put your business..
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jekjekman on October 28, 2017, 02:31:38 AM 1. Do not invest your own money 2. Work hard 3. Use the latest technology 4. Respect the time 5. Realistic 6. Sell excess, not price 1. Unless you have a good business in mind that would entice investors to fund your business you are good with this. 2. Working hard is not the only thing that you need to do, I would suggest working smart. Efficiency over effectiveness. 3. Of course latest technology is a must especially if the business needs it. 4. People now a days really value their time and a business who values the same has a higher chance to succeed. 5. This is a must for you to get number 1 6. Depends on your market and your marketing strategy. may also consider the type of business you have. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: pearlmen on October 28, 2017, 02:39:12 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Everything you listed there are things that are not only faulty but also impracticable taking the first one for example if you have a business you yourself don't invest in, how exactly do you expect others to invest in you that would entirely a gamble. Any right thinking investor, would want to see if this individual even believed in this project but if that cannot be established, what is now the drive to run with? People don't invest in dreams but actions practicable and running already. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: miltonpogi on October 28, 2017, 02:45:59 AM It depends on what business you are staring for, but in general to start a good and progressive business here are the things to consider, first ask yourself if your business plan will become progressive in the long run, second sight all the information that needed in your business plan, for example, you are planning to start a restaurant, in this case you need to considered the location and the menu, but most important to considered in the business is the hard and smart work and positive thinking to face all the hindrances of your business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Vannie12 on October 28, 2017, 02:58:51 AM There are lot of things you need to consider when you are starting a business some of these are your plans on how these business will become successful but we all know that in business you need to face all the challenges, in this, it can measure you strength and weaknesses as a businessman/businesswoman. Secondly, the materials you need to use. You can't even start a business without the materials. Third is time, a successful business has a working hard businessman/businesswoman whom value most of their time, spend their time in precious things that can improve or even enhance their business. And most especially is the money, you should be wise in handling or managing because we all know that money is important thing in business. You need to invest a lot of money for the success of it.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: AmXProX on October 28, 2017, 04:20:52 AM Important things that you needs to consider when starting a business.
1. Capital - need to have a capital to start the business and even a reserve for the buffer just in case. 2. Market - you need to have a good market for a successful business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Ahiaba on October 28, 2017, 04:46:38 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Some of your point are something one need to take into consederation before you start a business although not all your point are necessary at begening of a business. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value First thing to consider is capital followed by your knowledge about the business, location for the business as to whether is close to the buyers or market and raw material, feasibility on whether the business is worth doing or not and the lastly point is good marketing strategies of the business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Asmonist on October 28, 2017, 04:20:33 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value These are helpful ideas. I'm planning to have my own business soon. I believe in doing business it requires a lot of perseverance and dedication. Its like your own self that you want to flourish and sustain. As of now I'm still working on my profession and everyday is always a time for me to learn and grow that I may able to apply it soon in my future business. I want to have a business that is something so significant to me or something personalized business that I can relate or loved to do. I guess its also one of the main thing to consider. Something that I love to do. The passion in doing business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Palmerson on October 28, 2017, 04:39:18 PM For any business there are no universal rules. In the success there's always room for luck. All the options are incalculable. Now many people think that if you would have kept your coins in 2010, now would be millionaires. I think that it is not. The price of bitcoin rises due to speculators. There is no certainty that until they bought all the coins in those years had they not raised the price so high.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Lykslyks on October 28, 2017, 06:32:38 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value For me, this is not an approlriate standards when putting up a business, you need to invest your money although it's risky because no one will finance you. Work hard? Of course you obviously need to do hard work to broaden your market, and to earn clients to invest in your firm. I agree with the idea of using the latest technology, because by this way you can compete to your competitiors in a fair competition. Realistic, you will surely fail with this one, your considerations in starting a business is a trash because it is full of what you think needs to be considered. You need to have business plans, your strategy in promoting your business, your business policies should be implemented in order for the employees to know the rules and regulations, and you need to have vision, mission and core values of the company. Lastly, it's not about communicating with your customers. You should've known who are your target market. I suggest that before opening a business, read some books or try searching online what are the things that could possibly help you in putting up a business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Naughty Princess on October 28, 2017, 09:44:15 PM Things to consider before starting a business first the money you invest..you need to be sure that your business will return your investment and second is the place where you put your business.. Consider all the aspects of building up a business with sufficient amount of money to fund it and also the people who your going to serve with your products and services. You need to know if the market needs that kind of business, if it will help everyone. And what is the advantages of your business to other competitors in the industry.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Bagaji on October 28, 2017, 10:37:35 PM Some of the major factors that need to be considered before you start a business are as follows. Capital is very important for without capital one cannot set up a successful business, location of the business, market feasibility study in relation to the business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: LogitechMouse on October 29, 2017, 02:36:36 AM 1. Do not invest your own money I agree with the ones you said but one thing to consider is the location I think. Find a location that have many customers around. Even you have that 6 things to consider if you are starting a business in a place where you don't know the location, its useless. So before you start a business, find a good location where you will start your business. :)Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kidmat on October 29, 2017, 03:14:01 AM Some of the major factors that need to be considered before you start a business are as follows. Capital is very important for without capital one cannot set up a successful business, location of the business, market feasibility study in relation to the business. Absolutely yes there are many things to be consider before starting a business; capital and location ofcourse. In order to be a successful in business it is also important your location and marketing strategy to attratct more investors. By these way you can have more investors. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: cpfreeplz on October 29, 2017, 03:23:59 AM Using someone else's money is such a luxury. It's naive to think everyone would have that opportunity. Are these your guidelines to a bitcoin business? It seems far too generic. Use tech? Well obviously lol.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Genemind on October 29, 2017, 03:36:36 AM Don’t forget one of the most important of all, marketing strategy. I believe that in order for a product or service to be successful the people must be aware of it, to attract more buyers or customers.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: detector on October 29, 2017, 03:40:26 AM After I know bitcoin, it's change my life a a bit. Yes , bitcoin makes me richer $ 5000 over 3 years and I just figure this forum out that I'm able to earn bitcoin even more.
I'm try to open some franchise like Hoka Hoka Bento at canteen with my bits profit because I seen a good prospect ! Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Yamifoud on October 29, 2017, 03:44:53 AM Things to consider before starting a business first the money you invest..you need to be sure that your business will return your investment and second is the place where you put your business.. The assurance of having return from your investment at first is just only 30%, because the rest will falls into expenses. One year from the start, investment is not gaining at all. Best marketing trategies are very vital things in running business, as I will continue for another years that's the time your earned more.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Rufsilf on October 29, 2017, 03:55:09 AM Before you start your own business, you should know first if you are doing it with a good analytical thinking. You need to analyze things first before doing anything because if you will not do it with a good analytical then there is a higher chance that you will not make any good outcome from starting a business. So if i were you, i will do analyzation first.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Sidas_Crew669 on October 29, 2017, 04:14:07 AM Things to consider before starting a business first the money you invest..you need to be sure that your business will return your investment and second is the place where you put your business.. Consider all the aspects of building up a business with sufficient amount of money to fund it and also the people who your going to serve with your products and services. You need to know if the market needs that kind of business, if it will help everyone. And what is the advantages of your business to other competitors in the industry.Exactly once. Indeed before starting a business the main steps that we have to do is analyze all the things there are in it. Because the business is not an easy thing to do, because a lot of things that must be thought of the complex by the businessman if not then everything will end in a big loss. But of all my business category analysis, only marketing that has always had a lot of enthusiasts. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Ctn on October 29, 2017, 04:33:01 AM Yeah some good points but too much honesty never pays the electricity bills. Getting partner is not as easy as we think because we are talking about money here which doesn’t come free. The mutual understanding is first aspect if I want to make business with someone. Honestly speaking last point of your guide pokes me little more than others. Sell excess and not the price, that’s correct but that’s also very difficult to achieve and that’s why people often fall for tricking the prices and try to make the profits from less sell more price. But that’s upto how your business is and it’s nature too. Good read though.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: selectaselectine on October 29, 2017, 04:41:15 AM You have to consider your market, the availability of the products you need, location, and ofcourse the profit. Since you're starting a business, you need to set a goal on how many should be sold on the first quarter and so on so that you can control the expenses.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: moanamakeway on October 29, 2017, 05:01:58 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Your post is very interesting! I for myself am wanting to start up a business. But I am considering to put up a food business. If I am to put up a business like this, I want it that I am familiar with how it operates and the people I want to cater.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value My advise to business minded people like me: choose your passion. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: valentinen39 on October 29, 2017, 06:04:09 AM Many things to consider before starting a business..consider first your capital..you have much money in order to run your business..the product into days market should also be consider..also the better place should be plan etc,..etc.. :-* :)
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Bitcoinjheta on October 29, 2017, 06:26:07 AM Many things to consider before starting a business..consider first your capital..you have much money in order to run your business..the product into days market should also be consider..also the better place should be plan etc,..etc.. :-* :) Before starting a business we should first conduct a feasibility study as to how we gonna earn from that business and if its location is accessible enough to your target market. Also we must consider if we have enough capital to run the business including the grace period during opening days since it will really not get high income right after the operation starts. There should be marketing and adjustment periods where in you will introduce your product but it is more advantageous if prior opening you already have marketing approaches. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: maydna on October 29, 2017, 10:00:28 AM Many things to consider before starting a business..consider first your capital..you have much money in order to run your business..the product into days market should also be consider..also the better place should be plan etc,..etc.. :-* :) Before starting a business we should first conduct a feasibility study as to how we gonna earn from that business and if its location is accessible enough to your target market. Also we must consider if we have enough capital to run the business including the grace period during opening days since it will really not get high income right after the operation starts. There should be marketing and adjustment periods where in you will introduce your product but it is more advantageous if prior opening you already have marketing approaches. the most important that we should consider is preparing the money to start a business if we want to start in offline business but if we want to start in online business then we can start with free one. we need to determine what kind of business we want to start and what we want to use so we can figure out what we need to do. there will need a lot of things to prepare before we can start our business and we need to spend our time to study what business that might be work for a long term. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Chanock on October 29, 2017, 12:07:32 PM There are a lot of consideration when you put up or start a business. Yes your analysis is true and all of your statement is need to considered. But mental aspect is the one consideration you need to do because all of your unexpected to your business will affect your mental preposition in business. Especially when your capital is not to big and you are expecting that you are gaining with high profit but you get failed to get it. Another consideration is your market place and what people needs including your items price is affordable.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: d1ceplayer on October 30, 2017, 08:45:36 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Everything you listed there are things that are not only faulty but also impracticable taking the first one for example if you have a business you yourself don't invest in, how exactly do you expect others to invest in you that would entirely a gamble. Any right thinking investor, would want to see if this individual even believed in this project but if that cannot be established, what is now the drive to run with? People don't invest in dreams but actions practicable and running already. The same is here in bitcoin. Although it is a currency but still needs some search about the market, the value, predictions of the future of bitcoin. So you will be relaxed to invest in bitcoin. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mOgliE on October 30, 2017, 09:37:11 AM I cannot agree with you on sooo many points here!
1. Of course you have to invest your own money. Maybe not a 100% but if your goal is to make money with your business, then you need to possess it. Going only through debts is way much riskier! :-\ 2. Indeed you have to work hard. But you must also be able to take a step back in order to consider your environment and the changes that may affect your activity. 3. The latest technology is not always a great choice. Biometrics for example are seen as the latest fashion, when actually the traditional custom officers is much more reliable 4. Stick to the delay you have imposed yourself. If it is too hard, then delays are unrealistic. 5. In the same idea, you should be realistic regarding all matters. 6. As for the price, it is highly depending on the field you are operating in. In fact, your list is quite similar to the SMART rules, used in management. Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-constrained! ::) Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Wagako on October 30, 2017, 10:50:26 AM 1. Do not invest your own money I've learned during my economics subject that putting a business you must have SWOT anlysis. You must consider the Streghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat. With that i know that you will be successful with your businessSince most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Razick on October 30, 2017, 11:51:31 AM I cannot agree with you on sooo many points here! 1. Of course you have to invest your own money. Maybe not a 100% but if your goal is to make money with your business, then you need to possess it. Going only through debts is way much riskier! :-\ 2. Indeed you have to work hard. But you must also be able to take a step back in order to consider your environment and the changes that may affect your activity. 3. The latest technology is not always a great choice. Biometrics for example are seen as the latest fashion, when actually the traditional custom officers is much more reliable 4. Stick to the delay you have imposed yourself. If it is too hard, then delays are unrealistic. 5. In the same idea, you should be realistic regarding all matters. 6. As for the price, it is highly depending on the field you are operating in. In fact, your list is quite similar to the SMART rules, used in management. Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-constrained! ::) 1. Agreed. I do not like the idea of using debt to start a business. Instead, work and save some money and then use it to start. 2. In other words, you must be adaptable to constant changes in your industry. 3. Not really... in most case, new technology is better for business. 4. It is better to overestimate how long something will take then underestimate. 5. Obviously... 6. Again, obvious. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: rocketbits on October 31, 2017, 09:14:07 AM 1. Do not invest your own money All the points you stated are very important in starting a business.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value But I think the most important point is 3. Use the latest technology. As the world is growing there is more and more demand to the new and latest technology which can make our living more easy and convenient. Technology used in the business is will give a great chance of increasing the business and give the user a new way to think and manage things. Technology plays a very important role in this as people love new technology. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: innocent93 on October 31, 2017, 08:57:53 PM The hardest thing is to be your own boss. Every one has a different work style, but if you want to start a business, a provider for emploings then you must know in what you are going to step in because everybody involved depends on you.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: zigroud on October 31, 2017, 09:02:47 PM The hardest thing is to be your own boss. Every one has a different work style, but if you want to start a business, a provider for emploings then you must know in what you are going to step in because everybody involved depends on you. I have to agree. Starting a business means taking responsibility for other peoples' bread and butter, making sure they can eat at the end of the month. If you cannot manage yourself and be your own boss, good luck managing a business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jhonjhon on October 31, 2017, 09:39:13 PM The hardest thing is to be your own boss. Every one has a different work style, but if you want to start a business, a provider for emploings then you must know in what you are going to step in because everybody involved depends on you. I have to agree. Starting a business means taking responsibility for other peoples' bread and butter, making sure they can eat at the end of the month. If you cannot manage yourself and be your own boss, good luck managing a business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Viscera on October 31, 2017, 10:57:38 PM Do not put all eggs in one basket, because not all business are in profit sometimes their you lose sometimes you get profit it depends on your daily sales. Be a leader of your own company,respect your employee give them a positive things in life. Inventory of goods and counting sales in daily basis.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: gredisgold88 on November 01, 2017, 12:07:04 AM #1 is not always an option for people. It does help though since the corporation is a separate entity. #2 this will be the main pain in the start, especially if really have a small capital. Still, don't be stingy. Outsource what you can. #3 should be. Any advantage would be useful. And you don't even have to be a tech startup. It can be even be the draw, like those restaurants where you order from touchscreens on the table and a little "train" delivers the food to you. #4 ramen #5 only if what you are offering is not entirely new. Keeping an eye out at would be competitors would be useful coz you wouldn't want to go all out against established businesses, at least not at the beginning. #6 watch out for economy of scale. Larger business can offer physical products cheaper and you'd have a hard time making cheaper stuff with the same quality. Find a niche. Obviously irrelevant for products like software. sarcasm, it is true as it should be, but how do you put ramen for number 4. start a business with the right capital, and have a produce high quality. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Tsugihara on November 04, 2017, 02:43:35 AM 1. Have skills
If you only have a few skills, you can partner with someone with complementary skills. 2. Have additional plans and functions If you are going to start a company, you must want something better to run a business. That means you will have more efforts made only from the main company. 3. Realize business growth Perhaps you are contemplating entering the business world because you are excited about doing the main job in business. You have to be passionate about it. However, you must remember, if the business is successful, it will grow. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Lynchfondu on November 04, 2017, 02:47:56 AM 1. Have a clear and concise market making plan.
2. Limit debt as much as possible - a capitalist economy favour's top and bottom line growth. 3. Know who your shareholders are, and respect them. 4. (probably the most important rule) Work extremely hard. 5. Have fun! Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mr_enoc on November 04, 2017, 02:48:21 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value When putting your own business, money, skills, knowledge, need to be dedicated, those are the most important qualities that will be needed when you are planning to have your own business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kemarit on November 04, 2017, 03:40:50 AM I have already a business and here's my call on some of your points, although its offline, but I can still chime in:
1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. I started with no partner, except my wife. Apparently, she can a job offer after a few months of opening our business so I now carry the burden everyday. The funds was from my last pay I got from my job. We took the risk, years ago so I think I got 'lucky' and didn't go bankrupt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. There is no question that you have to really work hard in order to succeed. Thing's you thought you can't do before, but when all is in the line, you gonna do what you gonna do. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. Of course you have to take advantage of every opportunity and technology is there to at help you to reduce the cost. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. Time is very important as well. You have to have the proper stocks in time and you need to check everything is their is a stock otherwise you don't know when the customer will order and how many. So manage your time wisely and always order on time. Contact your suppliers if you are think that your products will gonna sell. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. My business model is simple, well its the most practical model so I think that what it makes successful. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value As I have said, I just got lucky because the market I'm in is not yet saturated although their is competition. If my supplier says that they are going to increase, I increase my price as well but its on a level that my customer can still buy it despite the competition out there. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: SushiMonster on November 04, 2017, 05:46:55 AM Also considering Jack Ma's advise in seeking business partners.
Do not make your friends your business partners, choose a right business partner and make friends with them in the long run. Take time to read Jack Ma's interview, he's knowledgeable at business and gives some great pointers for starters. My favorite one is to stay focused and always get inspired in everything that you do. :D Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Dainye_dyep on November 04, 2017, 05:51:53 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. Well this hepls a lot but for me the most important thing if you are trying to have a business I think is the dedication toward it, I think if you are really dedicated for there's no thing will stop from doing it, what I am trying to say is pursue whatever you really want , always tend to be consistent in every step of your business for you to be successful. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: bhabygrim on November 06, 2017, 03:11:38 PM The only thing that you should do before starting a business is study the business and learn the things that you may do in your business that can result for a higher profit in the future. Starting a business is good and it is not that risky unless you don't know the things that you need to do before and during your business. There are things to be considered before starting up a business. First, we must be sure about our capital. Be sure to have a capital that is enough to buy all the things that is necessary to start. Next, choose the best location where in people will love your product because it fits their needs. Hardwork is also a factor to be considered for your business to be successful. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: pdavidp on November 06, 2017, 03:31:58 PM well you should consider a lot of things, hard work, sleepless nights and a lot of risk. but i think the most important is to have right team around you.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Oilacris on November 06, 2017, 03:34:40 PM well you should consider a lot of things, hard work, sleepless nights and a lot of risk. but i think the most important is to have right team around you. Having a right team is much really better compared on you are just doing it alone specially if you do plan on bigger projects but if you do aim for small ones then doing it alone isnt really bad either as long you do know on what you are doing. Hard work and proper planning would always be tied up when it comes to business.Always set up back up plans incase of unexpected things to happen.So that later on when you experience such thing you are already prepared on what you would gonna do.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Lieldoryn on November 06, 2017, 03:38:50 PM Also considering Jack Ma's advise in seeking business partners. If a business founded by several people that there is always a risk that partner will have different points of view on the development of joint business. This leads to quarrels and can significantly reduce efficiency or even lead to the collapse of the business. It seems to me that you should always develop your project independently.Do not make your friends your business partners, choose a right business partner and make friends with them in the long run. Take time to read Jack Ma's interview, he's knowledgeable at business and gives some great pointers for starters. My favorite one is to stay focused and always get inspired in everything that you do. :D Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: bitcoinmaniac52 on November 06, 2017, 04:45:55 PM Some things to consider when starting a business is if you are really solving a problem that a lot of people can benefit from. There are too many people starting a business thinking they can make a lot of money from it. The vast majority of new business's fail because of this mentality. If you do not have a solution that is unique and helps a lot of people you will eventually end up failing.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: dancingnancy on November 06, 2017, 05:08:02 PM Before you start your own business, you should know first if you are doing it with a good analytical thinking. You need to analyze things first before doing anything because if you will not do it with a good analytical then there is a higher chance that you will not make any good outcome from starting a business. So if i were you, i will do analyzation first. Being analytical has it's own part, but actually investing money is the more important important latter. Knowledge is is crucial fit long term running of the business also a fixed mindset is required to be able to tackle competitors in the market. I think being realistic should be the first step as it's more important than speculating profits and actually working of business activities. We should understand whether it's actually possible to run a business or not.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Spain2000 on November 06, 2017, 05:21:50 PM Before starting a new business we should consider the followings things like for better business you should have a patience and the art of satisfying your clients or customers. The second reason is the idea should match with the ethics and tradition of the society. The most important thing is to select an appropriate market for the goods and services where you want to offer.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: salterious on November 06, 2017, 05:34:35 PM Sure all of those are things you should consider before starting a business but the #1 thing you should have before beginning a business is a business plan. If you dont have this then GG you are a dead duck walking ::)
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: kiloiko on November 11, 2017, 07:46:46 AM well you should consider a lot of things, hard work, sleepless nights and a lot of risk. but i think the most important is to have right team around you. Efforts are always there when something new is planned and you need to work out on it day and night. There you may have hard times coming along the way but these hurdles make your way easy and give you more experience that can help to draw a better architect of work in your successful way. Learn and learn, even you know it already, again learn and get experience from it.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Hamstead on November 11, 2017, 08:30:29 AM well you should consider a lot of things, hard work, sleepless nights and a lot of risk. but i think the most important is to have right team around you. Efforts are always there when something new is planned and you need to work out on it day and night. There you may have hard times coming along the way but these hurdles make your way easy and give you more experience that can help to draw a better architect of work in your successful way. Learn and learn, even you know it already, again learn and get experience from it.As we go into business industry, see to it that you are ready for a loss because in business not all are gaining. Sometime we consider also the trend and demand of the market place as it take a big factors and basis of what is the outcome on this project. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lienfaye on November 11, 2017, 09:21:15 AM This is very helpful thread for someone that are trying to start a business. Im an owner of a gadgets and accessories business for 5 years now and the first thing that i consider when im just planning to build one is what i really like. For me its important to know your passion because it will reflect in your business on how you handle and familiar with it. Its also important to know what might your customers like so you can serve them well.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: karnwillbit on November 25, 2017, 04:57:18 AM well you should consider a lot of things, hard work, sleepless nights and a lot of risk. but i think the most important is to have right team around you. Your idea is highly appreciable to me but I would like to add that honest team plays very important role in advertising, publishing and developing your business as well as there is no substitute of hard work, loyalty and devotion to your job. Further more risk is an important factor affecting the business and I would also like to add that a good leadership qualities in a business man is very important.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Persiville on November 25, 2017, 05:02:31 AM This is very helpful thread for someone that are trying to start a business. Im an owner of a gadgets and accessories business for 5 years now and the first thing that i consider when im just planning to build one is what i really like. For me its important to know your passion because it will reflect in your business on how you handle and familiar with it. Its also important to know what might your customers like so you can serve them well. Yes as far as I notice, that is also one of factors that can give impact to your business. One of my friends told me that, before you actually start a business, you consider the risk, all in all they said here, and one more thing, you cannot run business by yourself while you are just a beginner, seek help and advises, try to find business coaches to help you manage your portfolios and your plans, but the final decision needs to be done by you. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lol1yatme on November 25, 2017, 06:06:42 AM Also considering Jack Ma's advise in seeking business partners. If a business founded by several people that there is always a risk that partner will have different points of view on the development of joint business. This leads to quarrels and can significantly reduce efficiency or even lead to the collapse of the business. It seems to me that you should always develop your project independently.Do not make your friends your business partners, choose a right business partner and make friends with them in the long run. Take time to read Jack Ma's interview, he's knowledgeable at business and gives some great pointers for starters. My favorite one is to stay focused and always get inspired in everything that you do. :D Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: applenap on December 02, 2017, 12:34:47 PM Create a marketing strategy. Focus on that strategy to ensure your plan will flourish. Be realistic with your aims and as much as possible never be involved with debt. Be dedicated and committed to your pursuit, this is not for the faint of heart.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: thecoder2017 on December 02, 2017, 12:54:56 PM It's very hard to start a business of your own it's very risky so before you start study first the business you want to open look for a good location and select the right business that is new to the public.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kokoy on December 02, 2017, 01:12:38 PM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. You know it doesnt always about the profit you can instantly get, but a great entrepreneur think about what do really matter. Since you are puting your own money in your business I think having a business plan is great technique to lessen the unwelcomed event that you may encountered. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Gladiator25 on December 02, 2017, 05:52:08 PM For my own opinion there are 6 things to be considered before starting a business. First is money. In starting a business you need money, because it is your starting point for buying your raw materials for your product or services. Second is self-confidence and courage. In starting a business self-confidence and courage lots of them, because it is your own money to be wasted if your business doesn't succeed. Another to be considered before starting a business is your competitors, because if there are so many other business out there your competitors will bring you down because they are the first who builds that business in your area. Another is trusted persons to be working with, you need to be aware of who you are hiring in your business, because there's a possibility to fool you. Also in starting a business you need a business plan, which can help your business to be successful. Lastly, equipment or tools. It is also important to consider your equipments and tools, it is one of your foundation in making your products or services easily.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Chrystora123 on December 02, 2017, 07:03:25 PM 1. Do not invest your own money = really, we better find a partner at the time will start the business ...
2. Work hard = hard work alone I think is not enough, we must work smart as well so that business that we will start to run smoothly ... 3. Use the latest technology = we do have to utilize all the latest technology to start our new business ... 4. Respect the time = this is important too 5. Realistic = lol, I agree with this, do not be too much fantasy 6. Sell excess, not price = this is the most important of all, in my opinion, do not sell the price, but sell the quality ... Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ross09 on December 03, 2017, 02:42:19 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. there are lots of things to consider before you start your business ..you have to consider what are the demands of community you have to search for every detail... search for the ideal place ...and for me one most important thing to consider is start a business depends on the things you love..like me I love to cook so I am planning to start a small business in food industry...ofcourse capital is given that's the first that we need to consider... Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: entrepmind23 on December 03, 2017, 02:58:46 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. It depends on the situation. You are just starting your business so the one that will trust you first is family and friends so you will end up in a sole proprietorship or partnership and you will end up investing your own money as part of capital. It's hard to set-up a corporation if you are just starting a business. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. Well as what they say, if you decide to be an entrepreneur, you will be working hard more than you are an employee. You leave your job working 40 hours a week for someone else to work on your own 100 hours a week. It definitely will be harder but it will be rewarding as well. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Sled on December 03, 2017, 03:02:42 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. there are lots of things to consider before you start your business ..you have to consider what are the demands of community you have to search for every detail... search for the ideal place ...and for me one most important thing to consider is start a business depends on the things you love..like me I love to cook so I am planning to start a small business in food industry...ofcourse capital is given that's the first that we need to consider... Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: L00n3y on December 03, 2017, 03:30:39 AM 1. Do not invest your own money First thing first, one must consider before putting up a business is the feasibility of the business itself. Can it be done or can it be achieved? The most important one is the capital. It is not enough to have a capital taht you can start with but one must also have an extra money for emergency purposes. Expect to incur losses on the early stages of the business and one must have the capacity to fill up this losses.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: cherrymobile on January 19, 2018, 09:50:48 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Think all your needed , Planned ahead specially those the person you wants to be a partner in the business. Think of all the expenses you will going to spend.Do and love your passion thats the best thing you can do for choosing your own business.Work hard and put your heart and mind when starting a business. Not all the times you will at the top consider everything might happens to your business.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: djangocoin on January 19, 2018, 09:55:39 AM I would also add: consider if there is actually a real demand for the product/service, and also is the market already saturated with it and will you be facing stiff competition.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: dammang on January 19, 2018, 10:28:45 AM 1. Do not invest your own money first of all you have enough money to start a business then a employee that you trust even if you leave that business to him you know that your business is in good hand,Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value the place that you stand your business, then be sure that you know or you have a skills to start that business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lionheart89 on January 19, 2018, 12:44:11 PM many things to keep in mind before starting a business:
1. Do As Your Interest 2. prepare mentally 3. Learn the selected franchise 4. Choose the right place of business 5. think about additional promotions 6. hard work and creative thinking. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Paopao on January 19, 2018, 02:33:05 PM Someone starting a business must have an idea and must dare to take a loss therefore before starting a business we have to see our business first or the factors that make our business more advanced slah only factor location and what business you think is in tune people in.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mgwm on January 19, 2018, 02:34:05 PM You need to know who is your target market in your business and you need to sure the place of your business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: tienigarazz on January 19, 2018, 02:44:42 PM Before starting business, you need a capital. You cannot create a business without it.
Next is the idea, you need a good idea. It must be attractive, and many more. All those factors are things to be considered in starting business. It is too risky. So you have to be patient, always think positive, be wise, and work hard. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: meliodas on January 19, 2018, 02:51:56 PM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. There are things to consider before putting up a business. First, you must be sure that you have enough capital to sustain the needs of the business that you'll going to start. Next, be sure about your product. Make sure that your product will produce a good profit. Consider also the location of your business, make sure the the place of set up will be good for suitable for your business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: micloop on January 19, 2018, 06:53:34 PM I was talking about business with a friend these times and we finished talking about how important is the "how you do" rather than "what you do". The process is more important, I guess. Because it can determinate howw far you'll go, how high you're gonna fly.
if you have a company that consumes all your time, you can't do anything else and all your profit has to come trough this company. But if it consumes a lil bit less from you, you can do something else that can make an extra profit to you. That's my point of view. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: heninur on January 20, 2018, 11:56:33 PM I think the first thing to be prepared when starting a business is
1. Capital preparation, if you do not have enough capital, I do not think first start a business because it will hinder the business to be started. 2. the amount of labor, before starting a business to think about first who will work, can you work alone or you need others to help each other. 3. How to market, no matter how good your business is if not supported by good marketing it will be in vain 4. a strategic place to do business 5. profit, every job or business has the same goal that is profit, if we do not see profit from business that we run of course very risky. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: zhea on January 21, 2018, 12:27:12 AM The first thing to consider before starting a business is know your market or customer because they are the most part of your business, coz they are one of your backbone whatever businees you may have, without your customers then your business wont exist. Next is the location it is important that every business aspirants would see to it the importance of location where they want to put up their business if it is accessible to the market or the patronizers can easily remember where your business is. Lastly the products that you can offer to the customers that they can enjoy and they are being satisfied of it.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: francisvien on January 21, 2018, 01:49:30 AM First Do your research. You want to make sure you understand the industry you'll be involved in so you can dominate. No matter how unique you might think your business idea is, you should be aware of competitors
Take care of the legal aspects. Choose legal structures. Map your finances. Starting a business requires money that you likely won't have right away, which is why it's encouraged to seek capital. Hire help. Starting a business should not be an independent journey, no matter how tempting. Hiring help along your journey will set you up for success. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ihsanskanzaone on January 21, 2018, 03:24:53 AM first you have to do market analysis whether the coin you are going to buy has high market competitiveness because we will not know in the future it turns out the coins you buy will be garbage. Use capital initially is not too big but your knowledge and experience will get many benefits because many people start with big capital but even loss.
You should be able to think ahead and be able to take the right steps is a very important thing in your success so you need more updates about market movement information so you can make the right decision. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: dogz12 on January 21, 2018, 04:06:45 AM 1. Do not invest your own money The feasibility of the business is the first thing to consider in putting up a business. Can it be done or is it viable? Since profit is the main reason why put up the business, will the prospect bite or buy the products or services you have to offer them? The last and i think the most important thing to consider is the capital. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Damsel_7 on January 21, 2018, 04:32:16 AM Before start operating a business consider your:
1. Manpower- ensure enough manpower to do the tasks and knowlwdgeable about the business 2. Equipment/Machine-if the business needs those ensure functional and in good condition 3. Materials- intact, complete and available 4. Location - consider its being strategic and marketable Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: nirmalaayi on January 21, 2018, 04:35:26 AM you may to add in your list is start bussines from what you like, so you can enjoy that bussines.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: t2yax on January 21, 2018, 04:39:14 AM The number 1 that you have to consider for starting a business is your CAPITAL. For me, when you are investing give your 101% effort, every ideas you have give it but dont give your 101% of your money, because in business you should have Plan A, and Plan B. Plan A if your business will be okay and the plan B or back up plan is when it will not be ok, So if you are not putting your whole money in a 1 business,. lets say it doesnt go well then atleast you have your other money together with your back up or Plan B.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mezzaluna on January 21, 2018, 04:40:08 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Your analysis are on point. But I would like to add <b>innovation</b>. Sure making something new is hard, but learn to innovate. What are the things would you like to change for a certain product? What can you improve? Do you think it will click on the mass? Making something from scratch is for people like Thomas Edison, but everyone can be innovative. People like new things, unless it's stupid. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lili song on January 21, 2018, 09:07:58 AM When you setup business you must consider about market, products, and networks. For me that 3 thing is main power for business.
As you see now market almost 100% is online, and buyer can search and get their products easily and fast. If possible you also can collaboration with others company, to make your business get stronger. Your business not must increase innovation side, but must have endurance, so your business can stay for a long time. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jaaeeeyyyy on January 21, 2018, 09:16:41 AM As a student we have tackle a short topic about entrepreneurship there are P's to consider to this.
Place- where you want to start your business, for crypto obviously on the internet or world wide web. People- your customers to be offered by your services or product. Product- This is the quantity that can be obtained by your customers. Price- the set and volatile value of your product. This is what i learned i hope it will help you. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Cinemo on January 21, 2018, 09:42:48 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Starting business is not easy. First think all the expenses your needed , the place you are going to put it , balancing your time , choosing a person that you are going to work with. When your going to do a business make sure that you are passionate about it.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Razick on April 19, 2018, 12:19:35 PM When it comes to starting a business start up capital is important but as you said not using your own money and seeking partners is good but it is not often that you find people who are willing to invest in a startup so you at least have to have your own capital to start with and so when you start seeking a partner they will see how serious you are and will be more inclined to partner with you. Another thing to consider is time, start ups eat up a lot of your time, even more than your 9-5 so you have to be willing to sacrifice time in order to make it work.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: [As] on April 19, 2018, 12:29:03 PM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. You want to make sure you understand the industry you'll be involved in so you can dominate. No matter how unique you might think your business idea is, you should be aware of competitorsTitle: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: chel0 on April 26, 2018, 12:25:56 PM Above mentioned are all significant things to consider when starting a business including the mental ability being added by one of our friend here in forum. And to make it complete, I want to add up two things.That would be Patience and Prayer.When having a business you can face different persons with different attitudes so you have to be patient in dealing with them.And lastly, Prayer which is the most important thing to be considered in planning or even starting a business since everything in here visible or invisible are all GOD's creation.So we need to Pray asking for HIS blessings to have a successful business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: vinz7229 on April 26, 2018, 01:05:22 PM Things to consider too are: Location because with less people, expect a day with no costumer. Business that an owner is good at like selling in demand stuff( food, water, service), although you have many competitors, if yours are the best then costumers will come back again and again In addition to that, make a survey regarding of your product that you want to introduce in the market, that is the most effective way of marketing cause you will know if your product is good or not, same with Bitcoin before entering in Bitcoin world make sure that you have an idea how does it goes so it would not hard for you to understand all terms here in Bitcoin world. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Ayaah on April 26, 2018, 01:15:41 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value just would like to add; whatever strategy works, continue with it. never change strategy unless it doesn’t work. you can always come up with a new idea. always make sure to stay positive. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: rc411 on April 26, 2018, 01:16:35 PM I don't agree with number 1. Having a co-owner is a very wrong move. They can interfere with your decisions and can do stuffs that would cost you lost. Or maybe this just applies to my country. Since my country is composed of scammers and traitors.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: H0USE on April 26, 2018, 01:20:00 PM 1. Do not invest your own money I think you have highlited most of the key features neccesary before starting up a business.But you must complete knowledge about the business you are going to start and have big heart which will help you to face losses.You should have a good managerial team behind you which will help you to make effective decisions and have a sound capital with you in case of emergency.Beside this you have mentioned all the important points.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Lomberjack on April 26, 2018, 01:22:21 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Some things that you have stated are really taking into considerations for the best starting up of your own business. For you to be able to have a successful business, you must think wisely on how you will spend your money into taking up a business that will make you earn valuable profit which is good for your own sake. Sometimes taking up risks are widely associated so better do decisions you have think a lot of times so you will not regret those decisions of yours in the near future.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Gabash on April 26, 2018, 01:45:40 PM 1. Do not invest your own money ...I think there's a lot of things to consider before starting a business and different strategies, but most successfull people shared their knowledge regarding on business. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value 1.knowledge 2.planning and preparation 3.confidence and patience 4.capitalsm...it can be effort or money. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: renggileh on April 26, 2018, 02:01:55 PM Before you start your own business, you should know first if you are doing it with a good analytical thinking. You need to analyze things first before doing anything because if you will not do it with a good analytical then there is a higher chance that you will not make any good outcome from starting a business. So if i were you, i will do analyzation first.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: butcherme on April 26, 2018, 02:26:06 PM I think you should consider what people wants and what they need ,
And also the price of your product must be budget friendly and something trendy. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: babala on April 26, 2018, 02:54:28 PM Some things to consider before starting a business, First is good planning, you need to plan all the things first so that it will guide all through out your way, Second things to consider were your resources, one is your capital, you need money to buy goods and properties that will use in your business. Second was your human resources who will run your business and also the employees you will hire.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: galkinig on April 26, 2018, 03:07:19 PM You gave some good suggestions but I do not like the idea of partners. I have seen that in most of the cases it ends badly thus affecting the business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: avdeeva on April 26, 2018, 03:18:12 PM Regarding the price aspect, I do not think that you can really convince a customer to pay more than average price these days. There is so much competition and people are ready to provide same service for cheaper.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lixer on April 30, 2018, 08:00:14 AM Some things to consider before starting a business, First is good planning, you need to plan all the things first so that it will guide all through out your way, Second things to consider were your resources, one is your capital, you need money to buy goods and properties that will use in your business. Second was your human resources who will run your business and also the employees you will hire. Before starting a business certain things are necessary to face the challenges out in the market and only with limited knowledge one can not step in even. Rather wasting your time in doing other business that is you think time wasting then before step in to Bitcoin learns about it. Take your own decisions according to the market and principals. These days Bitcoin is the most rated business among all the other businesses.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: saifanik on April 30, 2018, 08:22:13 AM Yes, there are some things that are considered to start the business.But first have to know the business knowledge and good strategy.Besides patience, intelligence, capital, devotion, timelines should be accompanied.And the business needs to be done so that the loss can be overcome.And be smart also.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: redcucumber on April 30, 2018, 09:05:49 AM First you need to consider what kind of business you will put up because you need to know more about this than your employees in other words this must be your expertise so you know the front and back of operations, next is the place of business because each place has different customs people want their you need to consider what they want and their status of living this involves your pricing, volume and choice of product.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: dammjoshconcept on May 02, 2018, 11:29:15 AM You need to consider the following things
1. Consider the environment 2 consider the consumer /customer if they are readily available 3. Consider the means of transportation if the location is easily accessible or not 4 money is also an important thing. You av to consider the capital you have and capital you will spend Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: squog on May 02, 2018, 11:34:23 AM I guess i agree and what you said is sound. But then again it's all about timing and the creativity of a product or service. You could say that you don't sell ice in Antarctica type of deal. Another tip is, don't gey into business with your friends. I guess alot of business that started out amongst friends didn't workout.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Cutieh01 on May 02, 2018, 11:37:49 AM Things you need to consider before starting a business is the capital, the location of the building that you are planning to built your business, the customers, the number workers, and etc. Actually there are lot of things to consider before starting a business, the nature or type of business you are going to start. The location if it is accessable to costumer, study the pros and cons and the most important is the capital. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Indai24 on May 03, 2018, 03:40:38 AM Things you need to consider before starting a business is the capital, the location of the building that you are planning to built your business, the customers, the number workers, and etc. Actually there are lot of things to consider before starting a business, the nature or type of business you are going to start. The location if it is accessable to costumer, study the pros and cons and the most important is the capital. I agree, we need to conduct a feasibility study first prior starting a business. A lot of things to consider like the people, places, product, and price. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mary0919 on May 03, 2018, 03:52:11 AM 1. Do not invest your own money For me before you start a business try to consider first if it is worthy or if this can gain you financially and most of all that nobody would get hurt because of your business this things should be considered since it is very good if we can be rich having business without hurting people meaning we did not scam anybody so we have our business legally. Things should be hurtful at the start because you will not recognise at first with your business but later on as people knows about the good faith in your business they will support you and that is the time of your success.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lokanot0 on May 03, 2018, 04:39:42 AM I may not agree with you on number 1.Yes, having a partner would ease the problem on the start-up funds, it is impossible to say that there will be no arguments with your partner in terms of decision-making, this is were the problem starts on most business failures. Therefore, in my own opinion it is better to start a business on your own.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: carlisle1 on May 03, 2018, 04:48:01 AM 1. Do not invest your own money I disagreed on this,at start you must do it youre self so if ever you don't succeed atleast theres noone to be blame,and better start in small business for smaller risk but bigger the chance of learning,thats the essence of being businessmen Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: maydna on May 03, 2018, 10:38:41 AM first thing is we need to determine how much money we want to use for starting a business and what kind of business that we want to create, who will be managing our business and how we can spend our time to control and run that business. this is important because we want our business to works and give the best service to our customer so our business can grow. besides that, we need to think about how we can promote our business and how much money we need to spend on promoting our business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: shelimy on May 06, 2018, 06:34:17 PM The assurance of having return from your investment at first is just only 30%, because the rest will falls into expenses. One year from the start, investment is not gaining at all. Best marketing trategies are very vital things in running business, as I will continue for another years that's the time your earned more.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: omfg.xekcep on May 06, 2018, 06:53:47 PM It sounds great but where is your concurrent advantage, an idea? If everything were so simple that most of active people would be businessmen but it is not so. There are not a complete guide or a comprehensive reference which covers all aspects of difficulties. I consider that business is a war.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ttking on May 07, 2018, 11:59:00 AM Before you get started, you should learn the basics, conduct market research, find out what it is better to invest in and how long you will need to wait for the profit. after you weigh all pros and cons and take into account all smallest details, you will be able to start
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: syamster on May 07, 2018, 07:37:29 PM Before you get started, you should learn the basics, conduct market research, find out what it is better to invest in and how long you will need to wait for the profit. after you weigh all pros and cons and take into account all smallest details, you will be able to start Exactly don’t start using bitcoin with blank mind at any cost, first make research and learn about using bitcoin accurately. Always try to choose long time investment and long time trading. never neglect even the small point which can help you making profit, search about market demand of that thing you are going to start business, try to choose something well demanded before starting your business.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mel1978 on May 07, 2018, 08:06:14 PM 1. Do not invest your own money This is quite a good idea since it can give a good returns of you but you need to take into the consideration that you have to give a capital because in building a business if you want to have a good profit you need to put a capital of course that is your business so you need to work hard for it. This is only for my own opinion. One thing if I build a business it is good to have on our own not to have partners it just ruin our business.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: shiki3226 on May 07, 2018, 10:39:43 PM In starting a business, you have to first decide which kind of business would you want to establish. Businesses such as food would be a great option.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: gurang on May 08, 2018, 12:53:29 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Good opinion, I just want to add that you also need the knowledge to work it right and to overcome it, good strategy and know it if you love your businessSince most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Jessy Mediola on May 08, 2018, 01:44:17 AM 1. Do not invest your own money That is a good idea. But first you need to think what business you would like to start. It mudt be profitable. You must have plans for thay not only plan a but also plan b,c,d and so on so in case the plan a doesn't work you have many plans to guide. Have a budget for that business. And work hard for it.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: tianok21 on May 08, 2018, 02:02:09 AM Entering in business world is lot of consideration.
First, is High risk to all aspect; Second, is place or location where you put your business; Third, acceptance of people to you product and business offered; Forth, future of your buseness; Fith, mental aspect; Six, Physical aspect; Sevent, Finacial capacity and capabiltiy; And, many more you need to consider. This are basic consideration when you putting a business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Babatunde1989 on May 08, 2018, 02:03:15 AM One of the major factor before starting a business is time factor and capital.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: kalawang on May 08, 2018, 02:19:04 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. theres a lot of fundamental that we can consider before we start a business. just like be organize on all of your things. then you should be a money saver. you must earn a lot of money of some reason. example you are in crucial moment.the unexpected expenses. you must make own research about what you will sell. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Agnitayo on May 08, 2018, 02:34:00 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Wow. This is great ! What you have listed above about the things to consider are true. Especially the number 2. Working hard is the primary key to success in businesses or jobs. We have to be persevere because that's where good things start. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: arthotdog on May 08, 2018, 04:43:50 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Why need to seek for partners?because if we fails theres someone to blame with?lol i am in a business but i started on my own,with the help of my wife I succeeded and now doing great while no other partners around.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value One of the major factor before starting a business is time factor and capital. Its not about the time and capital,but about the knowledge in that business,because how c we manage the business good when we know nothing aobout this Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Uno17 on May 08, 2018, 05:01:07 AM First of all you must be familiar with the kind of business you want to start to, it should be at your interest and passion too so that you are always inspired and motivated to work hard everyday, and course you must be prepared also on how to run your business from budgetting to marketing lines and proper management, in that way, you can easily see the road to success
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: webdevmastery on May 08, 2018, 05:55:24 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. Actually, you just need a decent amount of capital in order to start but if you want your business to grow then you should have the best idea or concept in order for the consumers to avail your services or to be interested in your platform. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: justspare on May 09, 2018, 10:01:44 AM First of all you must be familiar with the kind of business you want to start to, it should be at your interest and passion too so that you are always inspired and motivated to work hard everyday, and course you must be prepared also on how to run your business from budgetting to marketing lines and proper management, in that way, you can easily see the road to success In success of a business, what really matters is market which someone is targeting and where he is establishing it. A person who wants to start a business of fast foods but open its shops in areas where either people don’t like eating such stuff much or there are already many well established competitors that are largely trusted by common public. Other than this, my advices would be the same as yours.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Gyugita on May 09, 2018, 10:07:18 AM Thanks for your information.
I think what you say is true. many things to consider in starting a business. if you want to successfully do business honestly, prioritize the service of the results. if the service is good then the results will follow. profit loss is also taken into account. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Pejoh Asu on May 09, 2018, 10:24:31 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Everything you said is true and right, in business the most important thing is to focus on our goals and do not despair when losing, make a loss as a lesson for success and profit.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Brangos99 on May 09, 2018, 11:02:50 AM The most important thing before we run the business, of course we need capital to start. This capital can come from various sources, for example from own savings, loan capital, or from investors. Knowing the need for capital will be better because we already estimate the initial cost and business operating costs, so you are not confused in managing business finances.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: chickenfried12 on May 09, 2018, 11:08:57 AM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: yonjitsu on May 09, 2018, 11:28:37 AM The most sweetest thing one can start a business is having it financed from a money that is acquired for free. What i am trying to imply is that since bounty campaign can make you earn bitcoin for free through your bounty token rewards, then you can already have a capital for you to start a business. So when you have already the money, planning and having a business plan is already essential.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kambala07 on May 09, 2018, 01:30:58 PM Surely starting a business is not easy, there are many things that need to be prepared before starting a new business. The following are some of the things that should be considered for your business preparation considerations:
1,type of business entity 2,Your Largest Competitor 3,Target Pas 4,Business Plan Mature 5,Company Name 6,Source Funding 7,Certification and Document Legal Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: zarados on May 09, 2018, 01:54:17 PM the most important thing before starting a business is the ability to be able to motivate themselves in the face of all obstacles and temptations while running the business. Because starting a business will not be as smooth as we expected, because the law of the jungle also takes place in the business world. Who is strong is he who wins, and who is weak will be eliminated. If you have a little creativity and motivation, you should start learning first.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: pernah ada on May 09, 2018, 02:02:04 PM for me the things that need to be considered in the business is to prepare capital, marketing, profit and loss business, risks in business, and business competition.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: yoseph on May 09, 2018, 02:05:07 PM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: MorganFreemanBeard on May 09, 2018, 02:06:11 PM Create a marketing strategy. Focus on that strategy to ensure your plan will flourish. Be realistic with your aims and as much as possible never be involved with debt. Be dedicated and committed to your pursuit, this is not for the faint of heart.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Destnhel on May 09, 2018, 03:10:16 PM Do study or maybe make some research about business. Make plans and list all the needs. Set your mind for your goal to make thing complete. And most important is financially prepared to make your business become real and successful.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Elips1 on May 09, 2018, 03:23:38 PM 1. Do not invest your own money ,,,Usually, in doing any business, we should prepare for everything, like you had mentioned above and the common things are the knowledge and the capital amount for the business. Actually, preparing is the best strategy for any plan that we wanted.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: newgal2017 on May 09, 2018, 11:23:52 PM You should assess the status of the economy first hand. Create a business plan, with the complete idea of what your business would be, your staffs, your target market, location, the competition, your knowledge and expertise in the industry where your business is align, how to legally structure it, the financing which total project cost and emergency funds should be included and prepare techniques to make people draw their attention to your business because marketing strategies are essential in this world full of entrepreneurs. Also, keep in mind that your business shall grow, expand and upgrade.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Faxmate on May 10, 2018, 01:07:36 AM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Vinz1978 on May 10, 2018, 04:29:36 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value To start a business, you should have your own money. Do not borrow from lending institutions or from people with interest. What if your business didnt work well? How will you pay your debts? Next ask yourself, are you ready to have a business? Are you ready to face any risk or problems you will encounter as a businessman? Know your passion and interest as your guide to what kind of business you will put up. Ask for experts advice. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: maydna on May 10, 2018, 04:59:02 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value To start a business, you should have your own money. Do not borrow from lending institutions or from people with interest. What if your business didnt work well? How will you pay your debts? Next ask yourself, are you ready to have a business? Are you ready to face any risk or problems you will encounter as a businessman? Know your passion and interest as your guide to what kind of business you will put up. Ask for experts advice. money is the most thing that we should have before we starting a business but I think there is any business that will not require money to start. and if the business related to our real life, then yes, it needs money to start. but if the business related on the internet online, then I think there is any business or jobs that don't need money to start except the internet connection. there are a lot of things that we need to prepare to start a business in online or offline and we need to have money just in case if for some urgent situations. before we started, we need to take a look the opportunity of what kind business type that we want to start, is there any chance for us to grow our business, and how about our competitor and the market of the product that we want to sell. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: TiffanyLien23 on May 10, 2018, 05:15:44 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value First of all, you said that you have to start your business without investing your own money and rely on partners contributions which is not possible for all those trying to start a new business because when it comes to money no one will trust you to invest his money. The other point is the one about working hard, maybe at the beginning of your project you have to do all the work by your self, but you have to think about the time when you start making good income and enjoying your time as well. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: gabmen on May 10, 2018, 01:30:45 PM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Exactly. If you have much interest in what you're doing then everything will comr smoothly and naturally. Don't force it. If you can, deal in a business that you're fond of. It's going to be a lot easier. Don't think about the profit first since that will eventually come if your business grows Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: malbano2099 on May 10, 2018, 01:39:27 PM You must also add here that lean on the Lord is the best thing to do, ask him for everything that you do and ask him if your idea will be great or nah. I'm sure, if you trust in the Lord, everything will be succeed
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: kisscoin on May 10, 2018, 01:50:02 PM I think given this topic the analysis is too superficial! You can invest your own money wisely, you can spend a little time and get a good project. The main thing will depend on the profitability of your idea and the demand for it! Good luck!
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Ryanpogi on May 10, 2018, 01:56:18 PM The simplest answer is to check that you study carefully so that you will not be able to side by side in your every decision.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jennygamilo on May 10, 2018, 05:08:18 PM Well, you should think about the situation before you start your business, for example: is my money enough? , is the business I'm about to do in the present day, should I be out of place to see the products I have ?, and one would think if you could spin the money you now hold
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Odebode5 on May 10, 2018, 06:45:14 PM To start a business the followings needs to put into consideration,namely: location of the busines, addressable customers, marketing strategy, etc
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ajeef on May 10, 2018, 06:49:50 PM Even if this post was published 2017 I don't know why but I haven't read it is most realistic and interesting post that I've read today. I'll be starting my own bussiness soon, so I really enjoy reading this post and comments here.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mimienamphine on May 10, 2018, 07:48:44 PM Many people now want to have their own businesses but they do not have brilliant ideas about starting and running a business.Business has a lot to do than just desiring for the flashy aspect.You need to have a clear concept and be willing to make millions of sacrifices to be able to get the business on the feet.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Dudeperfect on May 11, 2018, 04:17:15 PM Definitely, these are the useful tips, we are living ina 21st century and now things are going to transform like never before. The process of transformation will start with the evolution of Industry 4.0 and that would be the biggest challenge for the unskilled people. In this new era, money would not be the prime factor of business, in fact, money would not be the actual money, I believe that knowledge/information would be a new form of money. Thus, we will see most of the business will not follow the traditional models of making money and the new experiments are going to disrupt the economies around the world and let's hope, it will bring a positive impact on our lives.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Pemburu dollar on May 11, 2018, 05:46:18 PM you may to add in your list is start bussines from what you like, so you can enjoy that bussines. I think starting a business is good and not too risky unless you do not know the things you need to do before and during your business. The only thing you should do before starting a business is to learn business and learn what you can do in your business that can generate higher returns in the future. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: nilstairsa on May 11, 2018, 06:47:38 PM I think you should open an youtube channel regarding btcs and their applications. You are good at explaining for sure
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: neonshium on May 12, 2018, 04:45:31 AM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Scavagers on May 12, 2018, 05:02:40 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Before starting a business, you should have knowledge to run a business. You should know that there are always competition in the business world. Even if that is a small business, you can succeed if you know how to deal with challenges. You should have swot analysis, you should maximize your strengths and anticipate threats to your business. You should also know where is your weakpoint so that you can prevent that as early as possible. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: candra raditya on May 12, 2018, 05:21:47 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Before you start doing business, you must make an analysis first, because by making a first analysis is very good for your business, and can help to the success of your business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Mr.ZODIAC on May 12, 2018, 07:15:11 AM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: btc78 on May 12, 2018, 08:46:23 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value I love the idea of Seeking a friend or partners atleast if you failed you have someone to cry for together . But nice views on opening a business,i guess you a good business in real life op?would you share some business type to open since you have a experience on those?im planning to invest but im not that good about it Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: KingdomHearts on May 12, 2018, 09:46:37 AM if you are doing a job you do not know You should accept that you are taking the priority risk then the work and the history and the sales policy The lower the prices of our business should be so high that you are always in a job you do not know is inevitable That’s why there is a saying that goes on to say that when your hobby is a business you can make it a success because you are always happy doing something that you really love.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: bachus on May 12, 2018, 05:53:20 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn!
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: yoseph on May 12, 2018, 06:00:52 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn! Most businesses are successful because the people saw a need in their society and decided to meet it and when that happens, you see that everyone needed that product or services always patronize it.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jpnl0008 on May 12, 2018, 07:04:37 PM In the first place, how about we take a gander at what every single effective business do:
1.Successful organizations have items and administrations which fulfill a need. Individuals should have the capacity to call individuals when they aren't home and need to have the capacity to browse email in a hurry. Apple and Samsung fulfill this need with their cell phones Individuals need to sustenance and drink to survive Ranchers and supermarkets fulfill this need Another case is a sure sort of eatery that you think may be fruitful in a specific zone. Imagine a scenario where before, a similar sort of eatery has bombed in the area you need to attempt one. For what reason does it bode well to open another up of a similar assortment in a similar place? 2.Successful organizations are beneficial Your opportunity is significant, and furthermore your cash is additionally important. In the event that it costs $5 to make or accomplish something, and you can just offer it for $2, it won't work out. Similarly, in the event that it takes 10 hours to make or help out $3 and you just can offer it for $4, at that point it won't not be justified, despite all the trouble. 3.Successful organizations have items which can possibly speak to numerous It's a considerable measure less demanding to influence your business to work in the event that you have an objective market of 10 million individuals versus 1,000 individuals. 4.Successful organizations are in business sectors where they have an edge and the abilities to succeed Center is enter in anything a man or business does. Attorneys wouldn't begin doing charges since they don't know bookkeeping laws. That is the thing that bookkeepers are for (and the other way around). For instance, relatively few organizations are endeavoring to fabricate web indexes on the grounds that Google makes such an astounding showing with regards to ordering and serving seeks (and to get the point where an organization may even have a shot, they would need to burn through a huge number of dollars to get the correct ability, equipment and programming set up. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: equestrianbucking on May 14, 2018, 12:17:18 AM Its better to keep in mind that you are here at uncertainty and prepare yourself as it is. You should be mentally prepared for any shocks.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Cinemo on May 14, 2018, 01:42:22 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Maybe we can add the know what yoe NEED and what you WANT. So we can manage our money better. You can master you skill especially how you create your products so you can assure that you are giving the quality and the best products that you can give. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: feehannah on May 14, 2018, 01:58:35 AM I think most important things to consider are "your target customers and what you sell."You always make sure that your products you have plan to sell should have customers who will buy it. Also,you should study first if there is a market for it before you begin.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: brokeroutriggerR on May 14, 2018, 02:12:46 PM You should first learn to distribute your money to best baskets and then try to learn the exact time of releasing your money.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: acheampong64 on May 14, 2018, 04:10:25 PM Well we should also not forget that one needs to get to know the target market, their preferences and also the gap available to fill. You can do what everybody does but it should be very unique. You just don't start anything. And I love the point saying not to spend from the business capital but from profits. That's good
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: rainezerr on May 14, 2018, 04:15:11 PM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. Everything is really important but you really need to have a great idea if you want your business to bloom in the future because people will only believe you if they are attracted to your platform and services. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Shinvenice on May 14, 2018, 04:22:30 PM Some things to consider is the customers needs things, foods etc. Research some goods idea and have plans. Make sure to put in all you wants and be sure to make it safe for all. Last is financially prepared.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: redshiftexpensive on May 15, 2018, 01:52:01 PM Without efficient risk management techniques you should keep away from this system.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: btcdevil on May 15, 2018, 03:30:27 PM The main key of a business is patience, because which ever business you start the return will start to come after six months or more. So you can expect profit immediately. Apart from that you have to be giving your full time to business and add new ideas and marketing strategy so that your company name and products get more awareness in the market. This will boost your business development in a positive way.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jasramos on May 15, 2018, 03:40:10 PM sacrificing time and sometimes own money.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Odebode5 on May 15, 2018, 03:43:07 PM Many thing needs to be considered in setting up a business, location of the business, market target and so on.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Similificator on May 15, 2018, 04:27:30 PM I believe that these are the best things that a person must really put into his mind whenever he want's to start his own business. People nowadays just go in and jump into anything without even thinking too much about it. I think that if people only were thinking like the op, there would be lesser people that would be suffering bankruptcy. Sad thing is, not everyone is like op or has what it takes to stick to this plan. Which is probably why there are only a few people that are rich.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: MGBloomz on May 18, 2018, 01:46:57 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Before you start doing business, you must make an analysis first, because by making a first analysis is very good for your business, and can help to the success of your business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Godexists on May 18, 2018, 02:02:38 PM before you start a business think of location and your market strategy.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Cherylstar86 on May 18, 2018, 02:07:25 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn! Most businesses are successful because the people saw a need in their society and decided to meet it and when that happens, you see that everyone needed that product or services always patronize it.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: nara1892 on May 18, 2018, 02:34:40 PM Some business tips that I know, and I've been practicing since the age of 16 years, this works well. That is :
1. Never to owe, even if once, don't do it, invest with what you have. 2. Know your talents, learn, and start a business with the talent you have. 3. Find an opportunity. because success starts from lucky, lucky = talent + opportunity is accompanied by hard work. 4. Do not use all your money for a business, leave 50% to back up when your business fails or needs a sudden fund. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: BeGoods on May 18, 2018, 02:58:45 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn! Most businesses are successful because the people saw a need in their society and decided to meet it and when that happens, you see that everyone needed that product or services always patronize it.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: carlisle1 on May 18, 2018, 03:06:52 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn! Most businesses are successful because the people saw a need in their society and decided to meet it and when that happens, you see that everyone needed that product or services always patronize it.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: meatballsset on June 07, 2018, 05:14:06 PM Important things that you needs to consider when starting a business. Capital - need to have a capital to start the business and even a reserve for the buffer just in case. Market - you need to have a good market for a successful business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: anavir on June 07, 2018, 05:41:45 PM Before starting a business you have to know first your expertise.It is important that you know will and how to handle your business.Next is location ,it should be easy to locate.And of course, capital.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: camelson on June 07, 2018, 05:49:29 PM I would add from my own experience of business owning, never think that you have already agnowledged everything and you dont need to learn! Most businesses are successful because the people saw a need in their society and decided to meet it and when that happens, you see that everyone needed that product or services always patronize it.I think best option is to first think of the idea then identify the target market, Look at the competitor who are already in the market with some what similar or related products. Then devise marketing strategies accordingly. First question should be, why customers buy your project, what's new you are offering to the customer. I think a completely analysed and well targeted product has a very low chances of being rejected by the buyers. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Kapee on June 07, 2018, 07:00:29 PM Before a person can start his or her own business, there should be the ideal love for the work you have planned setting up. You got to be courageous in taking any decision that will help in uplifting the business. Also you must be a very hardworker, that is, you got to put much effort in the business so it does not collapse. I think you can also avoid autocratic leadership style because it tends to suppress the opinion of others
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: totaleclipseofthebank on June 07, 2018, 07:06:18 PM Important things that you needs to consider when starting a business. Capital - need to have a capital to start the business and even a reserve for the buffer just in case. Market - you need to have a good market for a successful business. I agree with you. Capital is extremely important to the businessman. If you don't have a good capital, it is hard for you to maintain your activities. Moreover, your business needs to have a good market. If no one loves your product, how can you sell them ? Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Topaz72 on June 07, 2018, 07:39:32 PM Important things that you needs to consider when starting a business. Capital - need to have a capital to start the business and even a reserve for the buffer just in case. Market - you need to have a good market for a successful business. We need money or capital to start any business as if we will not have anything to invest then how will we start it, after that we need to find best market to invest so I think nothing can be better than bitcoin right now, so after that we will need a lot of patience to hold it and let the market grow as if we will not let it grow we will not earn good profit.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: bearexin on June 09, 2018, 05:45:44 AM Before starting a business you have to know first your expertise.It is important that you know will and how to handle your business.Next is location ,it should be easy to locate.And of course, capital. Having a sound knowledge about the business in which you are planning to invest your money is the most important and the foremost task to do as this is something which will give you a clear picture of the type of business and then based on which, you will then be able to make some better decisions and strategies in the future. do not jump into nay such business which doesn’t seem interesting to you.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: apolonio on June 09, 2018, 06:10:45 AM The most important to consider is the MONEY or the capital that is needed to build up your own business. And the other factor to consider is the place where to place it and the product that is in demand in that place. Then the plan in the long run for your business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: bitcoin31 on June 09, 2018, 07:26:15 AM That's very helpful to ud who want to get more information and knowledge about how to become a successful. But before invest ans make a decision make a research about the coin or any business you want and you plan and back up incase you failed you have support and you have high chance to recover.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: BitcoinMarketer39 on June 09, 2018, 07:28:25 AM The only thing that you should do before starting a business is study the business and learn the things that you may do in your business that can result for a higher profit in the future. Starting a business is good and it is not that risky unless you don't know the things that you need to do before and during your business. The concept of your business is the most important thing in your company because in this way, the investors will be going to choose if they think that they will get something back on your services so planning is very important in starting a business. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: avtonomro on June 09, 2018, 07:56:24 AM I do not agree with the first point. I will never take the risk with someone else money as it will limit my decisions.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Rosilito on June 09, 2018, 08:02:40 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Indeed, all of would really imply. Once one of the factors doesn't met it would be tough for a business to run. In addition, when you are running a business always set a mind of an entrepreneur, business man always want the profit even though the product itself doesn't have a quality while an entrepreneur depends upon the product's quality and its individual contribution to society once it became succeed I guarantee that it will be for lifeline and won't be forgotten easily. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Umar001 on June 09, 2018, 08:14:43 AM They are keys things you need to know before you start up any business virtue, (1) business ideas, You must know the type of business to do, or invest in, and knowledge about things, (2) ready to take risks, the high the risk the high the return, (3) risk only your own capital, not someone else capital,( 4) be sure of what you are doing be bold and have a confident.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Xtez on June 09, 2018, 08:22:37 AM You need to be aware of:
1. Your market (Target Audience) 2. Correct advertising 3. It will take alot of time. Do not expect instant results 4. Do not give up on your ideas (IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH OTHERS) 5. Know your team INSIDE OUT. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: maydna on June 09, 2018, 11:07:40 AM You need to be aware of: 1. Your market (Target Audience) 2. Correct advertising 3. It will take alot of time. Do not expect instant results 4. Do not give up on your ideas (IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH OTHERS) 5. Know your team INSIDE OUT. you are correct. besides that, we need to know who is our competitor and how we can give more good services to our customer so our customer will move to our business and buy some product in our store. we need to have a plan and strategy to make our business grow from time to time so we can expand our business to a new level and reach more customer in the future. maybe it will be difficult for the first time, but I think if we keep trying, then we can get success like the others. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: arinalwa on June 15, 2018, 10:00:04 AM You need to be aware of: 1. Your market (Target Audience) 2. Correct advertising 3. It will take alot of time. Do not expect instant results 4. Do not give up on your ideas (IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH OTHERS) 5. Know your team INSIDE OUT. you are correct. besides that, we need to know who is our competitor and how we can give more good services to our customer so our customer will move to our business and buy some product in our store. we need to have a plan and strategy to make our business grow from time to time so we can expand our business to a new level and reach more customer in the future. maybe it will be difficult for the first time, but I think if we keep trying, then we can get success like the others. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Question123 on June 15, 2018, 10:18:22 AM Many people did not have plan or can't apply this characteritics before starting business or anything. Thse characteristics is very useful when you have business or invesment to any ptoject. You can apply this characteristic you can become successful or you will reach your target profit. Better to have also unique startegy to earn more money that you know will works for your business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Tigorss on June 15, 2018, 10:25:20 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value 1. Not necessarily. Greater risk, greater reward. 2. Obviously. This is the number one factor to success in any business. 3. No-brainer. Look at what happened to Blockbuster. In 1 decade they lost everything to Netflix. 4. Time is of the essence. It is the most important thing we have. If you do not respect your time, and think about starting a business, you better think twice. 5. Nothing hurts a business more than overestimating goals. It is better to slightly underestimate and over-achieve than always overestimate what can be done and constantly under-achieve. 6. I was thinking of this the other day. I always used to compete on price, and wonder why my competition could sell at higher prices... usually WAY higher. And the other day I was in a supermarket that sold the same thing as Walmart but 10% more expensive and wondered why do people shop here? But there I was... Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: adpinbr on June 15, 2018, 12:52:05 PM 1. Do not invest your own money You should also add the importance of the location of the business. Know your competitors and your neighbourhood so in that way you know what's their most need and want. You shoulf study people well (this is a form of marketing strategy where you also have to specify your target audience or consumers.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: yousbabtle on June 16, 2018, 05:59:55 AM You need to be aware of: 1. Your market (Target Audience) 2. Correct advertising 3. It will take alot of time. Do not expect instant results 4. Do not give up on your ideas (IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH OTHERS) 5. Know your team INSIDE OUT. you are correct. besides that, we need to know who is our competitor and how we can give more good services to our customer so our customer will move to our business and buy some product in our store. we need to have a plan and strategy to make our business grow from time to time so we can expand our business to a new level and reach more customer in the future. maybe it will be difficult for the first time, but I think if we keep trying, then we can get success like the others. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: i_iz_vins on June 17, 2018, 03:26:42 PM 1. Do not invest your own money I have learned when I was high school that if you want to start a business or become and entrepreneur, you should remember the acronym SMART. Stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. Before starting a business, you should refer to that acronym and that can become as basis if you are ready to start your new business. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Soots on June 17, 2018, 04:21:34 PM Many people did not have plan or can't apply this characteritics before starting business or anything. Thse characteristics is very useful when you have business or invesment to any ptoject. You can apply this characteristic you can become successful or you will reach your target profit. Better to have also unique startegy to earn more money that you know will works for your business. I think it should be right timing in the same time and place with the enough funds to be needed. Business is what we all aim for a lifetime source of income. We need to consider the good time and the place weere we want to start our business. Most importantly is know the business you want to have. Ask advice from different people to have some ideas remember many heads are better than one. Lastly checked your funds if its enough to go for business without hassle and can finance the whole project you want to start.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Daniel91 on June 17, 2018, 04:31:29 PM I started real business a whle ago so here is my experience.
First, you must have concrete idea or vision about product or service which can help your clients. Next step is to check out legal aspect. where to register company, what kind of company etc. After that, you have to find right people and build good team. Financing is very important and finally marketing. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: crypto90 on June 17, 2018, 04:45:15 PM Most of it is true. But the last one isn't really true. It depends on the business and the niche. Also before you start it you'll need to put it all "on paper" make a business plan and do some real financial projection, I honestly recomand that you use real and even pessimistic numbers for the financial projection, be as objective as you can or better yet hire an expert to do it for you and cut the profit numbers he gives you to half to be as pessimistic as you can and see if it is still worth it and what can you do to optimize your profit. There are a lot of financial analysts out there that can really help. Some even over the internet and some aren't that expensive. It does require some work and data gathering (the ones I did took more then you can imagine for small projects). All in all you need to be carefull and be careful especially if you can't aford loosing
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: kristineirene on June 24, 2018, 09:43:34 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Your analysis is very good, it seems this is complete to be a consideration when we invest money. actually a lot of things that we must prepare when investing our money including the risk of analysis.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value One things to always remember treat the employees like you're own family.Because for having a business is not a easy job there is a lot of things that you need to be considered but you need to start it to have enough funds and patience Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: sepeda karat on June 25, 2018, 03:26:23 AM I think most important things to consider are "your target customers and what you sell."You always make sure that your products you have plan to sell should have customers who will buy it. Also,you should study first if there is a market for it before you begin.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: s2sallbygrace on June 25, 2018, 04:08:36 AM In starting up a business I think you have to consider your target market. Make some surveys in different places or in social media Before putting up a business plan plan. Think of different ideas, concepts or even ask a family member for some good ideas that might help you in the long run. Most importantly make sure you have the capital for your business, and also consider the location of your business. You can also ask ideas
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: mackhoy on June 25, 2018, 04:12:10 AM 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. These are the best pointers to consider in starting up a business. I believe that these 3 are the most important and basic step to consider if you will start up a business of your own. Being realistic always creates a real profit over a profitable plan, it makes sense anyway. Would like to try those in starting up a business by the way and see how it will help me in creating a success. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Pattart on June 25, 2018, 05:12:08 AM You need to be aware of: 1. Your market (Target Audience) 2. Correct advertising 3. It will take alot of time. Do not expect instant results 4. Do not give up on your ideas (IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH OTHERS) 5. Know your team INSIDE OUT. you are correct. besides that, we need to know who is our competitor and how we can give more good services to our customer so our customer will move to our business and buy some product in our store. we need to have a plan and strategy to make our business grow from time to time so we can expand our business to a new level and reach more customer in the future. maybe it will be difficult for the first time, but I think if we keep trying, then we can get success like the others. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: BitProCoin on June 25, 2018, 05:54:01 AM Regarding the price aspect, I do not think that you can really convince a customer to pay more than average price these days. There is so much competition and people are ready to provide same service for cheaper.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: The_Dark_Knight on June 25, 2018, 07:06:47 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Your first point is not possible most of the time, after all if you want to invest the money of other people then you need to prove that you are the kind of people they can trust with their money and that you can multiply their money as well, and if you have no experience doing that no one is going to give you their money, so at least when you are starting out your journey as a businessman you have no option but to use your own money.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Limar0 on June 25, 2018, 08:32:06 AM A lot of things are to be consider in starting a business.One of those is what type of business you are creating,is it in demand or not?Second is your location of choice whether it is accessible or not.And finally is how much capital you will be needing to start a business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: SirEGB on June 25, 2018, 08:55:26 AM The most sweetest thing one can start a business is having it financed from a money that is acquired for free. What i am trying to imply is that since bounty campaign can make you earn bitcoin for free through your bounty token rewards, then you can already have a capital for you to start a business. So when you have already the money, planning and having a business plan is already essential.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Daniel91 on June 25, 2018, 09:02:00 AM From my own experience, before you start your own business, you have to consider several factors:
1. If demand for your product or service exist. 2. Clear idea and plan. 3. Finance 4. Market 5. Programing, technical work etc. 6. Legal matters It's very difficult to start and run successful business. I heard that maybe one third of new businesses collapse in first year. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: gurang on June 25, 2018, 09:51:01 AM the most important thing to consider when starting a business are the market, your capital, and the profit that you'll receive. you should think wisely and you must have that to handle your business before you start to handle it correctly so you can do it well and to overcome it without regret because you finish it based on your methods.Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: basyang on June 25, 2018, 11:28:00 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value In my opinion about you stated about are these: Number one Why would you not invest your own money? typically you have to use your own money or else no one will trust in your business and for sure they would think you are a scammer. Number two Working hard is all we need to accomplish our job and to earn money. Number three You need to use a new technology because you need to keep up with other businesses. Number four You need to have a time management in all of your works Number five If you want to build a business you need to go with the trend so that many people can relate to it or appreciate it. Number six Learn to know your customer better and that is a key to your success in the industry. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: jovs on June 25, 2018, 11:52:23 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Sometimes, business guidelines for success is essential, but it does not mean that it really applies in any kind of business you do or planning to put up. If you are really looking for a successful diversification of investment, trust your natural senses while expanding your knowledge on how to multiply your profit and become a productive citizen. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: cluit on June 26, 2018, 09:30:35 AM 1. Do not invest your own money LOL… do you know that you just made a very funny comment? 😂How can you say that we shouldn’t invest our own money to avoid going bankrupt? If we don’t invest our own money in starting up a business, then whose money should we invest? If you invest another man’s money and it happens it be a failure, then you’ve gotten yourself into debt and a very big problem, so I’m sorry for you. Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value You shouldn’t be saying that. First thing you have to do when starting a business is to consider the kind of competition you’re putting yourself into and knowing whether you can be able to cope with it. If it’s something you can’t cope with, then quit. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: gamalzour on June 27, 2018, 11:00:13 AM 1. Do not invest your own money You should also add the importance of the location of the business. Know your competitors and your neighbourhood so in that way you know what's their most need and want. You shoulf study people well (this is a form of marketing strategy where you also have to specify your target audience or consumers.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: maydna on June 27, 2018, 11:11:41 AM and don't be afraid if somehow you cannot make any profit and still try no matter how hard. and if you can do this, with all of your experiences and your skills, not take too long to make a profit and even I am sure that you can make a big profit. making business is really difficult especially if this is our first time to create a business that might be different than the others because we need to analyze the market first, decide the capital that we want to use, how long we can work on our business, makes a strategy to attract more people to come to our business and etc.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ScottDominic on June 28, 2018, 06:40:17 PM I think the most important thing is whether this business will become fruitful or not.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: TonyCallahan on June 28, 2018, 06:47:41 PM thanks for this information and hoping this it would be helpful for everyone.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: royalfestus on June 28, 2018, 07:22:41 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. Of all the business idea on the list, am struggling to accept the idea of not using your money, at least to certain percentage. What will be the risk the business owner is taking? If he can put his money. A reasonable investor except for ICOs will expect a level of sacrifice from the inventor or startup owner. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: cross_over100 on June 28, 2018, 11:21:27 PM Factors you need before starting a business are you need a capital or money, location when you put your business, plans or idea what kind of business you want. After that you need a work hard team for the growth of your entire business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Phaal on July 01, 2018, 12:06:23 PM Do study or maybe make some research about business. Make plans and list all the needs. Set your mind for your goal to make thing complete. And most important is financially prepared to make your business become real and successful.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Julth on July 01, 2018, 12:32:04 PM The simplest answer is to check that you study carefully so that you will not be able to side by side in your every decision.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Cebonk on July 03, 2018, 05:05:26 AM Modal , tempat usaha dan kerugian.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: edzleochico6 on July 03, 2018, 07:58:12 AM You are not going to know everything.In fact, you probably won't know anything when you first start. Start anyway. When I first got into real-estate investing, I had no idea how to buy a property, rent a house, or evict a tenant. I figured it all out "on the job." You will too. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: ololesia on July 03, 2018, 08:03:11 AM Working hard is the main point I think
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Exeus on July 03, 2018, 08:21:42 AM 1. Do not invest your own money Your analysis is very good, it seems this is complete to be a consideration when we invest money. actually a lot of things that we must prepare when investing our money including the risk of analysis.Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: lakana on July 13, 2018, 08:23:55 AM Some things to consider before starting a business:
1. Products The product you create needs to directly meet the needs of customers. Do not be confused by adding features or messaging to the product. This can distract customers and dilute the value of the product you bring. 2. Time Each market has a certain life cycle, and the opportunity does not last long. In the early stages of a new market, you will be very easy to join. But getting too early is also a risk. If the potential of the market has not been determined, you will fail, or be unprofitable after many years of operation. 3. Competition Fierce competition and saturated markets have made the situation worse for new entrants. This is a common condition in the second half of the life cycle of the market. That is also why you should focus on the market at an early stage. Then you will have many opportunities to develop differentiated strategies for your business. 4. Finance How much initial investment do you need to develop your product? Do you anticipate the difference between payables and receivables? Both of these represent the financial risks that you need to weigh and compare with the expected return. 5. Personnel If you consider this a fierce battle, are you confident enough that your warriors can win? If resources are limited, you should ignore the front lines without enough confidence and preserve the personnel for the next opportunity. Build a core team that understands the customer. Beside that, you also need a good specialist who can design the product that exactly meets the needs of the user. Consider whether you have established good relationships with suppliers and distributors to remain competitive. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: hbxin on July 13, 2018, 01:20:25 PM In fact, you don't have to think too much. If you want to think about it but don't implement it, you can only think about it.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Osaaah on July 13, 2018, 01:35:45 PM 1. Do not invest your own money Since most businesses are risky, seek partners. So, if things do not go all the way, you will not go bankrupt because of the start-up funds, and not pursued debt. 2. Work hard If you are not willing to work hard, overtime, forget personal gain and health, then entrepreneurship is not for you. At first, you definitely will not be able to pay employees, even if the employees are cheap. So, your employees are your own. 3. Use the latest technology New technologies such as software and data storage with small companies are able to compete with large companies. Take advantage of low cost technologies on the market. 4. Respect the time Rate the money in your time, for example Rp20 thousand per hour. This will help when you have to make a decision: If a store charges Rp10 thousand for shipping every week, and it takes you 2 hours to go to the store itself, then pay for the postage from the company, because it is cheaper. 5. Realistic When creating a business model, look around and look for a successful example of the business model you want, then learn. If you can not find, whether you are an incredible genius, or your business model will not work in the real world. 6. Sell excess, not price You start a business, you are naturally frustrated marketing it. But, if you compete on the price, you will end up selling at barely or even under capital. Master the skills of communicating with customers, to explain that your product price is higher because it has a better value i wish to start an bakery and these are few things i have considered. An adequate start up capital 1. to help me secure a land/place for my bakery 2. to purchase my raw materials and equipment 3. to purchase my oven 4. to hire workers 5. to pay bills 6. to support the business in case of bad market with this on my mind and in written, i am ready to get my capital to commence my bakery. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: JohnLowry on July 14, 2018, 05:57:33 AM thanks for sharing this valuable things because it is really helpful for us.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Leo_Wolf on July 18, 2018, 11:26:46 AM Not more than once a month. I think this is a harmless pastime for my health.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: uchechiboy on July 18, 2018, 01:36:25 PM At first sating up a business is difficult especially if it is your first time in doing something like that, first things to consider in starting up a business are: the market, product, location and the economy, the type of business you what to enter into,how it works ask about it from those who have already be in it before you,before going into it.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Stervyatnik on July 18, 2018, 02:46:13 PM The main thing that you need to understand in this case is that the invested money can not always pay off immediately, and here the main thing is not to lose your head!
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: luckerders on July 19, 2018, 12:56:09 AM Try to improve the visibility and ranking of your website through SEO optimization.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: meklinks4 on July 19, 2018, 01:08:20 AM #1. i'd preffer you saying; do not invest all your money i.e. start small.
It's necessary that you'll go into something that you're passionate about so that when it gets tough, the passion will keep you going. Give substantial monetary and time investment on sales and marketing activities; coz that is one of the parameters that drives business profitability Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: cleimor4e on July 19, 2018, 01:26:51 PM Use social media to promote your business. Online marketing is the most important part of the business.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: trakatalopp on July 20, 2018, 01:22:15 AM Market research is the very crucial step in deciding business development strategies.
Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Salty yor on July 20, 2018, 01:42:20 AM Find an opportunity that matches your skills and passion.
because Passion is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when you're opening a business or starting a franchise. If you aren't passionate about something you're doing all day, chances are it's going to fail. Title: Re: Some things to consider before starting a business Post by: Salty yor on July 20, 2018, 04:12:23 PM Do you have the time and money?
you even think about opening a business, you need to decide if you have the time and money for it. You need to be positive you're in it for the long-haul. If you're not 100 percent committed, don't do it," Robinson said. "You're making a decision that's going to require you to put up a substantial portion of your net worth at risk. It's going to take more time, more effort and more capital than you thought. It's a decision that will compel you to give everything you have to have a chance to be successful." Your financial situation becomes even more crucial when you're looking into a franchising opportunity. Some opportunities have initial investments of a couple thousand dollars, while others can cost a couple million. Portesy advised evaluating your budget, expected future costs and willingness to take a risk. |