Title: Overclocking CPU Plus a little GPU for mining Post by: Keichtech on June 24, 2011, 01:31:01 AM ((Just a Re post of something I posted on the Newbie Forum. Hope someone finds this helpful.))
Hey I was searching around the internet a while back to fix a stuttering problem I was having playing games. I came across a nice program that fixed it by overclocking my processors. I am using AMD Phenom Processor Quad Core 9600 The Program is CrystalCPUID (http://crystalmark.info/download/index-e.html#CrystalCPUID) You have to run the CrystalCPUID and then run the TLB Which can be downloaded (https://rs90cg2.rapidshare.com/#!download|90cg|99264216|PhenomTLB_v_1.04_with_built_in_DLL.rar|264|R~0) I am using a ATI Radeon HD 5700 for mining, it was giving me around 128 MHash/s When I overclock my Phenom it went to 131MHash/s obviously nothing ground breaking but it is 3 MHash/s I am currently at 145 MHash |