Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Gehoff on September 16, 2017, 04:37:34 PM

Title: Help for this interesting story
Post by: Gehoff on September 16, 2017, 04:37:34 PM
Ok so I don't have enough time to go through the postings and info I wanted so I thought "Hey, maybe someone will read this and be the answer.  I got into bitcoin way to late to mine or do much but I KNEW how great it was.  I researched in learned what I could when it was down to less than 500 USD mark.  I was not interested in making a lot of money (which I could have then had I invested) but I loved it.  Life went crazy and I messed up.  Thank you society for bulllying me into believing I was a nerd and that computers.... nevermind that is for the physciatrist.  Anyway I believe this is it and I missed the  whole mining and startup but I am willing to invest to promote bc into what it needs to (and I believe inevitably) be.   I am starting small but I really, really have the desire and knowledge to promote and start a business involving bitcoin.  So for whatever that is worth, questions:

Since I have last been around value went up tremendously but it was down for a bit because of what I believe to be the silk road thing and everyone became leary about it but now it is 10x more a coin.  Is the thing going on with China an indicator that if the same thing happens again we can get BitCoin going even stronger?

All marketing and advertising I believe is free-licensed or whatever the business term wants you to call it but is there someone out there somewhere that will impede someone from creating a business to help support and get the word out there?

Finally, any good leads on getting involved?  I am now working full-time but would like to devote time for this as I KNOW that unless this world ends, bitcoin will happen and someone will eventually buy a vintage USD $100 bill for .00000100 online for nostalgia. I already missed the boat but hey I'm 33 and this is my shot to do something I love (to be vague technology) and since it involves money (love/hate) I can get enough from it to live and make the difference I should have made 16 years ago when what all I wanted to do was know every single thing about computers.  It is hard to know where to turn.  I was there for all the huge advancements that physical companies and governments wanted to change because technology scares them.  Now big companies, government and media are trying harder than ever to to do the things the old  way but as we know they are ALL about money and this scares them more than anything. Internet censorship even in the US is a problem and on another note a decentralized ISP would be cool to finish that once and for all.   The next generation knowing all this is on already, they just have to grow up a little and the lock that business, media and government will go away because as we see, the love of money created this monster and it is great that money will destroy it. But... you know literally... bitcoin.  So yeah I'm sure this means nothing but like I said. I'm just starting.

Title: Re: Help for this interesting story
Post by: Iranus on September 16, 2017, 05:35:33 PM
Since I have last been around value went up tremendously but it was down for a bit because of what I believe to be the silk road thing
Silk Road had very little effect and it recovered extremely quickly.  The bear market's biggest cause was the gradual collapse of the exchange Mt. Gox which handled the majority of trading volume at the time.  Other darknet markets tend to just replace the ones which collapse.
Is the thing going on with China an indicator that if the same thing happens again we can get Bitcoin going even stronger?
The Silk Road and Mt. Gox collapses were temporary problems because people can always move to a new exchange or new darknet market.  Moving to a new country where there are fewer regulations is quite a different matter.  Furthermore, people tend to ignore the November fork, which is a much larger potentially bearish event that's coming up quite soon.

There's no point trying to recognise exact patterns of events because they don't last forever.  However, I do believe that Chinese problems are just hiccups to regulation being handled properly, in which case you might have a point.
All marketing and advertising I believe is free-licensed or whatever the business term wants you to call it but is there someone out there somewhere that will impede someone from creating a business to help support and get the word out there?
If you're running a business, you'll have to comply with all the necessary regulations in your country.  It has no relation to Bitcoin's decentralisation, because centralised companies are not the same.