Title: Socket was closed by pool - nanopool - ethos claymore Post by: hardworker27 on October 20, 2017, 08:22:12 PM Hi guys, I have been looking for a solution but I still couldn't find one that work. So my error is as follow.
I'm using ethos, 6 rx 570. I have been working with ethermine with no problem in dual mining with sia in claymore. Today I wanted to switch to nanopool but I couldn't. I got the following error: "Socket was closed by pool" And 0 hashrate is reported. When I tried to mine only eth in nanopool, I cleared claymore.stub.conf, it works. So, I think the problem is my claymore conf file when dual mining. Please have a look and advice me, I'm pretty new :( Here is my claymore conf file: Code: -colors 0 -dbg -1 -esm STRATUMTYPE -epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal MYWALLET -epsw x -eworker WORKER -allpools 1 -gser 2 -allcoins 1 -wd 0 -ethi 16 #uncomment and configure the -dpool and -dwal lines below to enable dualmining. -mode 0 -epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal MYWALLET -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://us-east.siamining.com:7777 -dwal MYSIAWALLET -dpsw x -esm 1 -mode 0 -dcoin sia -dcri 15 And my local.conf file: Code: globalminer claymore maxgputemp 85 stratumproxy enabled proxywallet MYWALLET proxypool1 eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 proxypool2 eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 flags --cl-global-work 16387 --farm-recheck 200 globalfan 66 cor 6c3bec 1180 1150 1180 1180 1180 1180 mem 6c3bec 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 vlt 6c3bec 880 880 880 880 880 880 pwr 6c3bec 5 5 5 5 5 5 Thanks very much! Title: Re: Socket was closed by pool - nanopool - ethos claymore Post by: hardworker27 on October 20, 2017, 08:58:24 PM I found the solution! Just remove -esm then it works now!