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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mwaqar17 on October 24, 2017, 05:06:03 AM

Title: Biofuel
Post by: mwaqar17 on October 24, 2017, 05:06:03 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: saenko on October 24, 2017, 05:28:42 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Now the electricity of the machine in the trend, on dung and other rotten substances is no longer relevant. In Germany, even pay extra for the fact that he bought an electric car. But there are craftsmen on the wood go, but the speed is not the same and firewood somewhere to take it.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: gabmen on October 24, 2017, 06:22:20 AM
Well if it can be used all over the world instead of fossil fuels then it would be a lot better, not to mention the safer it will be for the environment. At this point, anything that can be done to slow down climate change should be done with urgency and shifting to biofuel is a good way to help

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Sithara007 on October 24, 2017, 07:02:31 AM
The critics claim that there are a lot of negatives associated with biofuels. But I really doubt them. They seems to be on the payrolls of the OPEC. One major criticism is that the biofuel cultivation takes up a lot of agricultural land, thereby reducing the food crop production. Another argument is that it pushes up the prices of staple food items.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: sammyp on October 24, 2017, 07:16:42 AM
that is a right direction Brazil has taken. Bio fuel will  reduce the rate of pollution and make the lean for everyone. I am looking forward to an advancement in this technology where other waste products could be channneld into Bio fuel production.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: wRex on October 24, 2017, 08:42:47 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Yes we all know if biofuel use globally around the world, we don't need open new mine, can reduce polution, crude oil use for other aspect.

Here for whom didn't knew what biofuel, is contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter.

Advantages of Biofuels
1. Cost Benefit.
2. Easy To Source.
3. Renewable.
4. Reduce Greenhouse Gases.
5. Economic Security.
6. Reduce Dependance on Foreign Oil.
7. Lower Levels of Pollution.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: thenameisjay on October 24, 2017, 10:24:33 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

I'm definitely in favor of bio-fuels. Biofuels reduce the consumption and production of fuels thus reducing pollution. It's good that Brazil is heavily in favor of producing biofuel in this now plummeting fuel world.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Kotone on October 24, 2017, 11:39:56 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

OF course I am in favor. Bio fuel is less pricey more efficient and is actually helpful for the environment. WOth biofuel automobiles exhaust less carbon emissions sabig the earth and providig us with a timetable in which it can heal itself and also can save the worlds almost deleted resources.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: BADecker on October 24, 2017, 11:45:45 AM
Seems to me that a long time ago I read where farmers who couldn't afford diesel fuel were using sunflower oil, from sunflowers that they raised. Did this really happen? Can this really be done? (


Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: KingOfWinterfell01 on October 24, 2017, 01:02:13 PM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

As far as I know, biofuel burns better than diesel nd gasoline therefore produces more power, better efficiency, and cleaner emissions compared to its predecessors. Keep in mind that they're easier to make and less harmful to the environment to produce. It's great thay Brazil is doing it and I hopr every country does.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: junoon on October 24, 2017, 01:20:11 PM
They're mostly using Rapeseed oil to make biodiesel in EU.. Planting it in Eastern Europe, using a lot of mineral fertilizers, poisons & other chemical stuff.. Also rapeseed crops are quickly exhausting to the soil (same as sunflower or corn crops also do), so they need to put more fertilizers every time, killing soil more and more.. and nobody will grow organic rapeseed just to make biodiesel  ::)

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: mistyderby on October 24, 2017, 01:28:55 PM
i'm in favour of bio-fuel as it is of great benefit to mankind. it's help in management of our waste and also contribute to the production of organic manure that is essential for crop production to enhance food security.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Castello96 on October 24, 2017, 01:38:02 PM
Bio-fuel is definitely the future of energy supply.
Just think of,when we're left with nothing in the future the only recourse we would have is the nature.
So I strongly support development in that direction.
However there's the powerful oil lobby,which blocks every progress.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Flip Flop on October 24, 2017, 01:58:38 PM
Biofuels are an important factor as a substitute for fossil fuels. Their production is increasing around the world. Success in this market requires a highly efficient..

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: spongegar on October 29, 2017, 07:19:40 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

I am for biofuel. So long as this fuel meets or is better than the world standard then all os fine. My concern is, if biofuel becomes a very wanted commodity will it need hectares abd hectares of land to plant it where instead of planting biofuel crops, we plant crops for food. I think we should look into electric cars more than biofuel

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: salinizm on October 29, 2017, 07:24:27 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

If BioFuel will replace fossil fuels , It is going to be best thing what happen to earth recently. I am sure that Biofuel is going to be most crucial source of energy in near future but some evil powers do not want to this happening.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: androidpobeditel on October 29, 2017, 10:00:50 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

At present, biofuel costs the same amount on the market as gasoline. Nevertheless, in the use of biofuels, there are more advantages, because it is a cleaner type of fuel, it produces less emissions from combustion. At the same time, such a fuel is better for engines, it reduces the overall cost of monitoring engine contamination and, consequently, its use requires less maintenance costs. With increasing demand for biofuels, it is likely that in the future it will become cheaper.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: waqar17 on October 29, 2017, 11:39:54 AM
I don't know much about benefits of biofuels but according to my thinking world need new fuels because population of world is increasing rapidly. Every country is in search of new fuel reservoirs. Bio fuel could be a good option if it have some remarkable properties like cost effective (because everyone need cheaper fuel), less toxic or you can say it may help in reducing pollution. And the most important thing is vehicle's life. The should not effect the efficiency of engine. 

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: dewynijhof on October 29, 2017, 01:02:39 PM
Biofuel is a type of petrol that uses more or less bio-based ingredients in gasoline such as alcohol, or corn, wheat, soybeans or bark, bagasse. Biofuels are used to protect the environment and save fuel, such as gasoline E5, E10, E20 using 5 or 10 or 20% ethanol.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Ico_Fox on December 12, 2017, 03:48:40 AM
I hope that the electricity will occupy the top places in the world energy market

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Kotone on December 12, 2017, 03:52:39 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Buofuel is one thing that all countires should throughly research and utilize. ESpecially now that everything has been depleted and the prices are high and climate change is abundant having a source of fuel that is sustainable can be the answer to all of pur problems and help us maximize our living here

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Snub on December 13, 2017, 02:36:02 PM
I really like the idea of recycling garbage and turning it into's an excellent waste-free production that can even cleanse our planet...but this idea is not liked by everyone if it hasn't yet been implemented everywhere

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Rafaly on December 14, 2017, 01:07:27 AM
There's No Tomorrow (limits to growth & the future)

'There's No Tomorrow' is an animated film dealing with resource depletion, energy, and challenges to growth. It is a primer on the dilemmas facing the world of the 21st century."

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Sithara007 on December 14, 2017, 02:16:58 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

From what I have heard, biofuels are less polluting when compared to gasoline and diesel oil. But at the same time, the cultivation of these oil-crops (such as corn, sugarcane and jatropha) requires a lot of space. This can be a major issue, as the world population is increasing day by day and the amount of available fresh-water and farmland is decreasing in size.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: stephylarde on December 14, 2017, 02:54:57 AM
A biofuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: 19dimasik77 on December 19, 2017, 08:59:55 PM
It is certainly necessary to look for new renewable energy sources. Although the depletion of soil, too, can not be ruled out. Ideally, you need something like wind power, thermal sources.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: slitter on December 21, 2017, 05:11:37 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Good travel news: flying just got a big more sustainable. I've been sceptical about biofuels (a lot of them take up valuable land that could be used to grow food) but this reassured me: "[The crop - a kind of mustard seed] is sown in either fallow areas where food crops fail or in between regular crop cycles, known as 'cover cropping'. Rotational or break-crops improves soil quality, reduces erosion for food crops and provides farmers with additional annual income."
We can still do out bit by flying less and taking more direct flights, but this is a step in the right direction. What do you think about biofuels?

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Sithara007 on December 21, 2017, 06:45:43 AM
It is certainly necessary to look for new renewable energy sources. Although the depletion of soil, too, can not be ruled out. Ideally, you need something like wind power, thermal sources.

Electric cars are very expensive right now and the components needed for the battery (such as Lithium and Cobalt) are in very short supply. So it may be better to give priority to bio-fuels rather than investing money and effort in to electric-run vehicles. Personally, I would prefer nuclear-powered vehicles, but I don't think that anyone else here will support that proposal.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Tubig on December 21, 2017, 06:49:04 AM
Well if it can be used all over the world instead of fossil fuels then it would be a lot better, not to mention the safer it will be for the environment. At this point, anything that can be done to slow down climate change should be done with urgency and shifting to biofuel is a good way to help
Biofuel is a great solution to shortage of oil and fuel. Not only it can be helpful but can also add up to the mitigation and conservation of the environment and energy. It will be a great help to our society.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: readygoaw on December 21, 2017, 11:50:36 AM
You may heard about bio-fuel that in Brazil they are producing bio fuel from different crops. For example they were using corn crop for this purpose but they stopped using corn for this purpose because activists were saying that save food.
Now a days they are using other crops that are not used as food. For example they are also using fungi for the production of biofuel.
One important benefit of using bio-fuel is reduction in air pollution??
Do you know about benefits of bio-fuel ??
Are of in favor of bio-fuels?? as fuel of world is depleting very fast.

Buofuel is one thing that all countires should throughly research and utilize. ESpecially now that everything has been depleted and the prices are high and climate change is abundant having a source of fuel that is sustainable can be the answer to all of pur problems and help us maximize our living here

Biofuel will cleanse our world. You can also think of it on the water, especially since there are cars that work from it. But, nevertheless to use food as fuel it is abruptly

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: djangocoin on December 22, 2017, 04:41:17 PM
Think it's too late for this now that we are going electric. Also, i doubt bio is anywhere near as efficient as petrol.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Sithara007 on December 22, 2017, 04:44:31 PM
Think it's too late for this now that we are going electric. Also, i doubt bio is anywhere near as efficient as petrol.

No. It is not too late. Electric cars still remain out of reach for the vast majority of the population. For sure, I can't afford to purchase a $100,000 Tesla. It will financially ruin me. And trust me, biofuels are as much effective as petrol or diesel oil. I am not just talking about bio-diesel, but also about other fuels such as Ethanol and Butanol.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Kuchiyosenojutsu on December 22, 2017, 07:16:23 PM
Biofuel benefits

1. It does not require radical changes to switch to biofuel use-unlike the difficulty in switching to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
2. Cheaper than fossil fuels. many governments are now offering tax incentives to buy environmentally friendly cars that run on biofuels (ethanol being one example).
3. Considered 'carbon neutral' by some people. this is because the carbon dioxide they release when burned is equal to the amount absorbed by plants out of the atmosphere. Therefore, they do not contribute to global warming.

however, it does not require fuel to power some engines on farms where biofuels are produced. However, they are better than fossil fuels! Research shows that they reduce carbon emissions by 50-60%.
4. Reduce dependence on foreign oil. oil fluctuates in price quickly, so changing for biofuels will help buffer against the changes ..

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: marinomario on December 22, 2017, 07:55:39 PM
Fuel biofuel burns cleaner than fossil fuels. They do not produce sulfur or aromatics, so there is no unpleasant odor associated with burning biofuels. They still release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide but do so at reduced rates. according to a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), biodiesel produces 78.5 percent less carbon dioxide emissions than diesel oil. In addition, biofuels act as carbon sinks as they grow - they capture carbon. when you factor in both reducing emissions and carbon capture factors, the biofuel comes out on top.

Another benefit of biofuel Fuel is the reduced danger of environmental disaster. In 2010, an undersea oil well exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. this released millions of gallons of oil, causing an unknown amount of damage in the process. Biofuel is safer - a cornfield will not poison the sea .

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: bdsultana8 on December 29, 2017, 01:31:29 PM
Yes we all know if biofuel use globally around the world, we don't need open new mine, can reduce polution, crude oil use for other aspect. Buofuel is one thing that all countires should throughly research and utilize.  It will be a great help to our society.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: bernashka on December 29, 2017, 02:30:39 PM
advantages of biofuel:
1. There is always.
2. there is no need to extract
3. During decomposition, the released substances are completely utilized either in harmless (do not poison the environment) or burn with the release of heat
3. can be used in growing new biofuel.
4. are agricultural products. Either that is not the question of producing or not producing. Are a priori.
5. Low price.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: reymartH on December 29, 2017, 11:53:22 PM
Not every country has large reserves of crude oil. For them, having to import the oil puts a huge dent in the economy. If more people start shifting towards biofuels, a country can reduce its dependance on fossil fuels. More jobs will be created with a growing biofuel industry, which will keep our economy secure.

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: gerbo on January 11, 2018, 08:10:56 AM
Setiap bahan bakar baik kepadatan,cairan atau pun gas yang di hasilkan dari bahan bahan organik

Title: Re: Biofuel
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on January 11, 2018, 04:47:44 PM
Not every country has large reserves of crude oil. For them, having to import the oil puts a huge dent in the economy. If more people start shifting towards biofuels, a country can reduce its dependance on fossil fuels. More jobs will be created with a growing biofuel industry, which will keep our economy secure.

It is not very easy. In most cases biofuels are more expensive when compared to gasoline or CNG. And secondly, gasoline-engines need significant modifications in order to enable them to run using biofuels.