Title: used -zapwalletxes, now wallet is empty/only shows last unconfirmed transaction Post by: username12345 on December 23, 2017, 01:11:46 AM hey can someone please help me. i am running bitcoin core v0.15.0.1
i have used -zapwalletxes a long time ago to clear an unconfirmed sent transaction, but this time i unknowningly put -zapwalletxes after Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" (Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -zapwalletxes) instead of Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" --zapwallettxes=1. it opened the wallet in a minute or 2 and it is totally blank. (i edited the properties then opened bitcoin qt) and now my wallet only shows my last receiving transaction and my balance. its all completely blank now any help is appreciated. i will have a back up of my wallet somewhere, but it will be a month or 2 old if that matters thanks in advance Title: Re: used -zapwalletxes, now wallet is empty/only shows last unconfirmed transaction Post by: HCP on December 23, 2017, 01:27:54 AM Just restart with -rescan... It will rescan all the blocks looking for transactions that involve your wallet addresses.
This should rebuild your transaction history and balance. Note: this will take a while as it has to scan all the way from the genesis block... Also, if you're running in "pruned" mode, you'll end up effectively downloading the entire blockchain again as you don't have the block data on disk any more Title: Re: used -zapwalletxes, now wallet is empty/only shows last unconfirmed transaction Post by: username12345 on December 23, 2017, 04:18:56 AM Just restart with -rescan... It will rescan all the blocks looking for transactions that involve your wallet addresses. This should rebuild your transaction history and balance. Note: this will take a while as it has to scan all the way from the genesis block... Also, if you're running in "pruned" mode, you'll end up effectively downloading the entire blockchain again as you don't have the block data on disk any more hey thanks a ton. i will try editing properties and changing to -rescan. not sure if i am in pruned mode though. i sure hope not haha |