Title: Will a modern gpu be compatible in this old motherboard? Post by: albertorma on January 19, 2018, 11:14:11 AM My friend want to gpu mine on his computer. The motherboard is an old pegatron corporation 2AB5. His pci connectors are 2.0.
I think this is not a problem for mining, but wanted to confirm. Thanks Edit: I meant PCIe 2.0. Title: Re: Will a modern gpu be compatible in this old motherboard? Post by: MATHReX on January 19, 2018, 11:41:26 AM No modern graphics card are compatible with PCI slots.
You'll need a motherboard featuring PCI-e slots for a modern graphics card to work. Title: Re: Will a modern gpu be compatible in this old motherboard? Post by: Agozyen on January 19, 2018, 11:53:18 AM My friend want to gpu mine on his computer. The motherboard is an old pegatron corporation 2AB5. His pci connectors are 2.0. I think this is not a problem for mining, but wanted to confirm. Thanks You really need to DYOR and familiarize yourself with technology before posting a question like this. I'm not trying to pick on you, but you gave seriously wrong information. The omission of a single letter completely changes your post. MATHReX is correct when he says that No modern graphics card are compatible with PCI slots. However, that motherboard does not have PCI slots. It has PCI-e slots. That is a huge difference. The answer toy your question is that your friend should have no problems mining on that motherboard. http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/pegatron-2ab5-motherboard-corporation-specs/ Title: Re: Will a modern gpu be compatible in this old motherboard? Post by: leowonderful on January 19, 2018, 11:59:24 AM As long as the motherboard has PCIE slots it will take any modern GPU (99% of the time). The motherboard seems to be LGA1155 so it should be able to support PCIe. From the pictures I've seen of it and Agozyen's link, it seems to accept PCIE devices.
Title: Re: Will a modern gpu be compatible in this old motherboard? Post by: AS10 on January 19, 2018, 01:46:51 PM If you have PCIe 2 you can use any GPU for mining but not recommended for others like Gaming or Rendering.