Title: How to unsubscribe to a thread? Post by: AnnihilaT on July 11, 2011, 07:34:33 PM Maybe im an idiot but i cant find this option anywhere! :(
Title: Re: How to unsubscribe to a thread? Post by: FreeJAC on July 11, 2011, 07:46:58 PM How do you subscribe in the first place? I've been looking for a number of weeks and can't find it. ???
Title: Re: How to unsubscribe to a thread? Post by: Yankee (BitInstant) on July 11, 2011, 08:01:12 PM How do you subscribe in the first place? I've been looking for a number of weeks and can't find it. ??? When you reply to a thread or scroll to the bottom of a thread and click the 'notify' link I've been looking for an unsubscribe option as well. Going to search the SMF manual.... EDIT: Apparently, if you click the 'notify' as I said above to a topic your already subscribed to, you can click disable. Cheers Title: Re: How to unsubscribe to a thread? Post by: Olly_K on July 11, 2011, 09:20:06 PM just click "notify" again..........
Title: Re: How to unsubscribe to a thread? Post by: AnnihilaT on July 11, 2011, 09:45:20 PM Unfortunately this will NOT stop a thread from constantly appearing under "Show new replies to your posts". Once you've posted in a thread, you'll always see it there if anyone posts to it. The only way to make them stop is to delete all of your posts in that thread. -Rob thats a shame.... discourages commenting in a thread you dont want to be bothered with for the rest of your membership :( |