Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Jet Cash on January 27, 2018, 12:33:38 PM

Title: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Jet Cash on January 27, 2018, 12:33:38 PM
Here is the cynic in me posting this.

As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system. The one on its own was for a comment about running Bitcoin core and Bitcoin Cash nodes on the same computer. Shock, horror, that was a post about using Bitcoin, and that seems to be as low priority here.

Of course I'm not eligible for the really good awards 30-50, because I don't promote scam coins. You can see that posts like " I bought 100 scamcoins yesterday [well I didn't really, because I don't have any money yet, but hopefully you suckers will make a load for me], and I've already made enough to buy a new car."

So here is my plea to those of you who have been made Merit faucets. Please could you reward members who make good supportive posts about Bitcoin and respectable Altcoins, and who provide technical help and information for Bitcoin users and prospective users.

Please don't reward the Ponzi pushers who are here to rip off members and pollute the boards.

I guess this thread has killed my chance of getting Merit Points Merit Points. :)

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Witt11 on February 20, 2018, 04:31:18 PM
Here is the cynic in me posting this.

As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system. The one on its own was for a comment about running Bitcoin core and Bitcoin Cash nodes on the same computer. Shock, horror, that was a post about using Bitcoin, and that seems to be as low priority here.

Of course I'm not eligible for the really good awards 30-50, because I don't promote scam coins. You can see that posts like " I bought 100 scamcoins yesterday [well I didn't really, because I don't have any money yet, but hopefully you suckers will make a load for me], and I've already made enough to buy a new car."

So here is my plea to those of you who have been made Merit faucets. Please could you reward members who make good supportive posts about Bitcoin and respectable Altcoins, and who provide technical help and information for Bitcoin users and prospective users.

Please don't reward the Ponzi pushers who are here to rip off members and pollute the boards.

I guess this thread has killed my chance of getting Merit Points Merit Points. :)

You have a very impressive amount of merit points! How do you get them? Thank you, please teach us humble members with no merit points.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Witt11 on February 20, 2018, 04:33:59 PM
Here is the cynic in me posting this.

As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system. The one on its own was for a comment about running Bitcoin core and Bitcoin Cash nodes on the same computer. Shock, horror, that was a post about using Bitcoin, and that seems to be as low priority here.

Of course I'm not eligible for the really good awards 30-50, because I don't promote scam coins. You can see that posts like " I bought 100 scamcoins yesterday [well I didn't really, because I don't have any money yet, but hopefully you suckers will make a load for me], and I've already made enough to buy a new car."

So here is my plea to those of you who have been made Merit faucets. Please could you reward members who make good supportive posts about Bitcoin and respectable Altcoins, and who provide technical help and information for Bitcoin users and prospective users.

Please don't reward the Ponzi pushers who are here to rip off members and pollute the boards.

I guess this thread has killed my chance of getting Merit Points Merit Points. :)

You have a very impressive amount of merit points! How do you get them? Thank you, please teach us humble members with no merit points.

Just to make it clear: I am not buying or begging. Just want to know from your experience - if you don't mind - what is the best way to get merit on merit.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: mbahchenggur on February 20, 2018, 06:05:39 PM
Yeah i know that feel, the number of members of this forum especially the new member, worried about this merit, they just think of merit to go to higher level, but this Forum about Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency. This is what makes me think why people are more interested in system merit than Cryptocurenncy, this is very strange views.

Need to know your merit points will increase along with the increasing quality of your post is useful for other members.

it's about my opinion about merit system that with this system, posting slowly will be more qualified.  :)

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: secondgarlic on February 20, 2018, 06:36:06 PM
As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system.

This has been my experience as well. The way I see it, people are still very frustrated with the merit system and whenever they see their opinions voiced by someone else, they feel like they want to reward that person by meriting them because that person was able to express what they themselves couldn't express for whatever reason.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Eternu on February 20, 2018, 07:48:51 PM
You have a very impressive amount of merit points! How do you get them? Thank you, please teach us humble members with no merit points.

If you are not being cynical, and really want to improve your post quality you should go and read this thread ( There are some really fine advices there. I would suggest you check this two first:

- check what Jet Cash said here (
- check what EthanB said here (

I guess you can find more threads with useful advices, if you just try. And if you are being cynical, well i hope this post help other people who are willing to improve.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Wheelige on February 20, 2018, 11:12:35 PM
I have had a very similar experience with the merit I have been awarded. And because of that its just so tempting to keep coming back to the meta section and post to get a few merits. Honestly its like crack, you just have to get your fix and then you can get back on with your life and post in other sections and try to do something to better the forum.

It leaves me in two minds really. On one hand clogging up a thread about the merit system by posting about my views/experiences isnt the worst, but on the other I'd prefer not to start a new thread as there is a genuine clog on the meta page (that said i do think that this thread poses an interesting take on an experience with the system and is worthwhile).

Oh god, I just realised I'm here shooting up again.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: romanovst on February 21, 2018, 05:03:44 AM
I have had a very similar experience with the merit I have been awarded. And because of that its just so tempting to keep coming back to the meta section and post to get a few merits. Honestly its like crack, you just have to get your fix and then you can get back on with your life and post in other sections and try to do something to better the forum.

It leaves me in two minds really. On one hand clogging up a thread about the merit system by posting about my views/experiences isnt the worst, but on the other I'd prefer not to start a new thread as there is a genuine clog on the meta page (that said i do think that this thread poses an interesting take on an experience with the system and is worthwhile).

Oh god, I just realised I'm here shooting up again.

My experience also says that getting merit in meta section is way easier. To get merit in sections like bitcoin discussion, you have to post an exceptional thread and then do something to get that post noticed.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Coffee_Lover on February 21, 2018, 07:04:29 AM
Here is the cynic in me posting this.

As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system. The one on its own was for a comment about running Bitcoin core and Bitcoin Cash nodes on the same computer. Shock, horror, that was a post about using Bitcoin, and that seems to be as low priority here.

Of course I'm not eligible for the really good awards 30-50, because I don't promote scam coins. You can see that posts like " I bought 100 scamcoins yesterday [well I didn't really, because I don't have any money yet, but hopefully you suckers will make a load for me], and I've already made enough to buy a new car."

So here is my plea to those of you who have been made Merit faucets. Please could you reward members who make good supportive posts about Bitcoin and respectable Altcoins, and who provide technical help and information for Bitcoin users and prospective users.

Please don't reward the Ponzi pushers who are here to rip off members and pollute the boards.

I guess this thread has killed my chance of getting Merit Points Merit Points. :)
Honestly, I was worried when I heard that I needed to have 10 merits to be member, and so on and so forth. I was a bit worried because I have no idea on how be given merits. I asked a member to give me some tips because she was given a lot that is almost equal to her activities. She told me to have quality posts. In my point of view, I have given some quality posts, but may be not enough for those who give merits.

As of now, I try to give/create a quality post. Twists some ideas, and read some posts related to the topic, give some relevant ideas and correct my grammar and punctuation. Thanks you for sharing your idea.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Witt11 on March 10, 2018, 06:17:37 PM
You have a very impressive amount of merit points! How do you get them? Thank you, please teach us humble members with no merit points.

If you are not being cynical, and really want to improve your post quality you should go and read this thread ( There are some really fine advices there. I would suggest you check this two first:

- check what Jet Cash said here (
- check what EthanB said here (

I guess you can find more threads with useful advices, if you just try. And if you are being cynical, well i hope this post help other people who are willing to improve.

Thank you for this, I wasn't cynical. Will read through with care.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Jet Cash on March 10, 2018, 07:37:19 PM

You have a very impressive amount of merit points! How do you get them? Thank you, please teach us humble members with no merit points.

Well I don't have a standard approach to life, but this would be my advice.

Forget about merits. Merits were introduced to reduce the impact of the influx of new members that were destroying Bitcoin Talk. You have to distance yourself from the marauding hordes. The crypto world is a real jungle, and you need to avoid the snakes, tigers, crocodiles and baboons, and establish an identity for yourself, your signature is one way to do this. Promoting sponsors of questionable repute in your signature reflects on your reputation and motivation.

Crypto-currencies and "blockchains" are starting to have a major impact in world economies. the real way to great riches is to learn about this, and to master the emerging technology. Scratching a few dollars from a signature campaign, and losing the contact with the wealth of knowledge here, doesn't seem to be the most sensible approach. Keep reading and asking sensible questions, and you will find that merit will come with the increase in your knowledge and your value to the Bitcoin community.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: InvoKing on March 10, 2018, 07:42:26 PM
Merit posts gain more merits over high-quality posts. :-X

And deepOnion retards get higher than both, trust me.
Don't bother checking it another time or checking other shitcoins or ico crap, i already got my reward, a 2% drop on my report accuracy level  :-*

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: bitart on March 11, 2018, 09:52:02 PM
Here is the cynic in me posting this.

As I see it, the biggest advantage of the merit points system is that it allows you to talk about merit points, and to be rewarded with merit points. I've been awarded a few points, all except one were for comments about the merit system.
I guess this thread has killed my chance of getting Merit Points Merit Points. :)

You just made me curious about this getting merited by talking about merit thing...
So to make a test, I've posted in the Meta section (2 posts, nothing more), in a merit thead. I had no expectations, really, because despite of I'm a frequent poster in the Bitcoin Discussion section, I usually don't get any merit, I have received merit only for some techie stuff, about my new freetime project, building a LN node on a Raspberry PI (we have already had some discussion about it in other threads, anyway).
So to cut the long story short, next morning I've noticed that one of the two posts about the merit system has received a merit, so the reason I'm writing this post is to thank you for your suggestion :) I won't move to the Meta thread for the future, to hunt some more merits, it was just a quick test, but now I'm feeling amazed how you have spotted this thing :)
Also please let me know if I need to attend your grammar course :)

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Vannie12 on March 11, 2018, 11:57:31 PM
Talking about merits to people who do not understand it purpose and essence is very tiring.
And another thing that I have observed is that only higher rank active members are the only ones distributing their sMerits and I see that user like you are a bit tired of reviewing posts from time to time. I can not even notice some hero members giving off sMerits.
This is the issue that needs to be resolved next. How will be everyone that are able to send smerits be encouraged to do so. Everyone could review posts in any way as long as they know that they have learned something from a specific thread of comment right?

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: FlightyPouch on March 12, 2018, 03:04:54 AM
My experience also says that getting merit in meta section is way easier. To get merit in sections like bitcoin discussion, you have to post an exceptional thread and then do something to get that post noticed.

You can get merit on any threads that you are posting, it's just that threads like Bitcoin Discussion and Economics are full of spammers that they don't really read the posts of the members there.

Most of the people that is getting their merit is because they are being sarcastic and have a lot of friends to help them while just some of them are really knowledgeable and contributing in this forum.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: fokinlipat on March 12, 2018, 03:35:13 AM
Talking about merits to people who do not understand it purpose and essence is very tiring.
And another thing that I have observed is that only higher rank active members are the only ones distributing their sMerits and I see that user like you are a bit tired of reviewing posts from time to time. I can not even notice some hero members giving off sMerits.
This is the issue that needs to be resolved next. How will be everyone that are able to send smerits be encouraged to do so. Everyone could review posts in any way as long as they know that they have learned something from a specific thread of comment right?

Lower rank members might not be having any merit to give. I have got only one merit so far and I am waiting for 1 more so that I will get one Smerit in my profile. Whenever I get that Smerit, I will be very careful in giving that merit to another member but my preference will be new member only as they need it the most. This is my opinion though and I am not saying that everyone should take the same route. Regarding how to make everyone spend their merits, we can see a change that merits will expire in "x" number of days if not used.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Vannie12 on March 12, 2018, 04:25:35 PM
Talking about merits to people who do not understand it purpose and essence is very tiring.
And another thing that I have observed is that only higher rank active members are the only ones distributing their sMerits and I see that user like you are a bit tired of reviewing posts from time to time. I can not even notice some hero members giving off sMerits.
This is the issue that needs to be resolved next. How will be everyone that are able to send smerits be encouraged to do so. Everyone could review posts in any way as long as they know that they have learned something from a specific thread of comment right?

Lower rank members might not be having any merit to give. I have got only one merit so far and I am waiting for 1 more so that I will get one Smerit in my profile. Whenever I get that Smerit, I will be very careful in giving that merit to another member but my preference will be new member only as they need it the most. This is my opinion though and I am not saying that everyone should take the same route. Regarding how to make everyone spend their merits, we can see a change that merits will expire in "x" number of days if not used.

Do not give off merits if you are just feeling pity about them. It is hard to earn merits especially if you lack knowledge or having hard time in expressing your thoughts. It will be an achievement for you to review someone else's post and determine if it is worth a merit for being informative to you or for the whole forum.
When you are able to distribute merits too, then good to now that you are helping with the distribution and promoting quality to this forum.
Just continue reading and everything will come your way.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Jet Cash on March 12, 2018, 04:35:49 PM
Don't give out merit just because you think a person needs some merit. If that is noticed, it may reduce your potential for earning merits in the future. Merit is intended to improve the quality of the forum, and not to provide an income for people who don't want to get a proper job.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: Aneuk cabang on March 12, 2018, 04:39:19 PM
I try hard to get this merit since at jr. member, alot of thanks for peoples that kind enough to give merits for mypost. i know, this merits points system give a lot positive effect on bitcoin market prices.why? because there will be less negative news about bitcoin.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: BTCeminjas on March 12, 2018, 04:53:19 PM
I try hard to get this merit since at jr. member, alot of thanks for peoples that kind enough to give merits for mypost. i know, this merits points system give a lot positive effect on bitcoin market prices.why? because there will be less negative news about bitcoin.
I think that's not enough reason here, posting a negative or FUD news will be deleted to the moderator so, I think that's not the main reason.
I'm not in hurry just to rank up as long as I contribute to the forum with my post even though I'm not good at English but I still trying my best. Forgot the merit and let's move on about this, the motivate your self to post and share the idea on the topic never post the repeated answer from others. Then maybe later on after you will know you got required an amount of merit to rank up without knowing.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: DaftAjax on March 12, 2018, 08:11:33 PM
Don't give out merit just because you think a person needs some merit. If that is noticed, it may reduce your potential for earning merits in the future. Merit is intended to improve the quality of the forum, and not to provide an income for people who don't want to get a proper job.

This is what I've been noticing in this forum lately. They always thought that this forum is only intended to be a money making site. But in truth, it was created to discuss about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Though I for one have joined a signature campaign that is because of some personal reasons. Still I wanted to earn more knowledge in this forum, and currently I'm improving myself and really wanted to contribute.

i know, this merits points system give a lot positive effect on bitcoin market prices.why? because there will be less negative news about bitcoin.

Seriously mate, the Merit System has nothing to with the market prices of any cryptocurrency. Less negative news? What are you talking about? This system is only implemented in this forum.

Title: Re: The big advantage of the merit points system
Post by: ACVinegar on March 12, 2018, 10:54:43 PM
On my own understanding, merit system have a huge advantage because spammers were limit to rank up. As I see on the previous more shit posters are immediately ranked up even their posts are below low quality. In addition even their posts are nonsense and not helpful for the others they continue ranking up because they get activity every 2 weeks.

But now due to merit system they cannot ranking up rapidly if their posts are not constructive, so they need to work harder if they want to gain merits.